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Discrimination against Bernie "bros"?

As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.
It is probably simply the allure of alliteration. Nothing sinister about it at all.
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
It's the real reason why the republicans have so much more power than the democrats despite the fact that they are far fewer in number. The right comes together to fight for bigger causes. The left doesn't come together as well, and fight bitter squabbles often based on minor slights.
Yup, the right-wing voted for Trump... almost all of them... especially the ones that didn't like him.

The Left is definitely sniping at itself. People blaming Sanders for Clinton losing while Sanders fans saying Sanders would have won over Trump, both inaccurate claims in my opinion.
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
But clearly its original meaning has expanded. Otherwise why would women be upset about being excluded from the "Bernie bros" term if it is viewed as a derogatory term for misogynistic male Bernie supporters?
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
But clearly its original meaning has expanded. Otherwise why would women be upset about being excluded from the "Bernie bros" term if it is viewed as a derogatory term for misogynistic male Bernie supporters?
Well, I never try to explain what a woman is thinking.. . am I right guys?! *hit by tomato*

But seriously, there are women out there that will make things a gender thing in order to get support for their female candidate.

Personally, I think it is noise and doesn't impact support one way or the other.
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
But clearly its original meaning has expanded. Otherwise why would women be upset about being excluded from the "Bernie bros" term if it is viewed as a derogatory term for misogynistic male Bernie supporters?
Well, I never try to explain what a woman is thinking.. . am I right guys?! *hit by tomato*

But seriously, there are women out there that will make things a gender thing in order to get support for their female candidate.

Personally, I think it is noise and doesn't impact support one way or the other.

Honestly, you're right on the money about this one. People who canvas for political candidates, especially Sanders, seem to all report back the same thing: the very-online, scandal-obsessed, outrage mob sector of the electorate is a vanishingly small margin compared to the majority of US voters, who will decide the week of the election who they like the best unless someone engages them and explains what's at stake in terms that make sense to their lives.
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
But clearly its original meaning has expanded. Otherwise why would women be upset about being excluded from the "Bernie bros" term if it is viewed as a derogatory term for misogynistic male Bernie supporters?

It's an amorphous term with an ambiguous meaning. Some people thought it was a self-identifier, some not. Some thought it included women, some not. But it's roots are perjorative. The main usage seems to be this way as well. TBH, I'm looking at Dem Party sites and see a lot of in-fighting and mob mentality. I think the term is in heavy use by groups of supporters of other candidates, but all the candidates have mobs of males. There are women supporters of Bernie who feel very excluded and marginalized by the term. It's like if we came up with Warren's Whites. It's not cool and marginalizes non-Whites who support Warren.
It was coined by a guy at The Atlantic, about a specific subset of Bernie Sanders fans.
But clearly its original meaning has expanded. Otherwise why would women be upset about being excluded from the "Bernie bros" term if it is viewed as a derogatory term for misogynistic male Bernie supporters?
Well, I never try to explain what a woman is thinking.. . am I right guys?! *hit by tomato*

But seriously, there are women out there that will make things a gender thing in order to get support for their female candidate.
And there men out there that will make things a gender thing in order to get support for their male candidate.

This Bernie bros kerfuffle looks to me like stupid and pointless whinging.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.

Well, when you call any woman who doesn't fall in line with you a "bitch " and a "cunt" repeatedly, it's not too hard to conclude that you're a bit of a misogynist, no?

Sure, that's fair. But how much of that do you think is about women generally how how much about Hillary specifically? Much of it is surely the latter since she's so disliked. She leveled the same charge at Obama due to his supporters. I have no doubt she would do the same against Biden's or any other male's had they been her top competition.

Sexism is a thing in America. There will be a group of people who will say sexist things, and who will support a male over a female candidate. To try to attack the candidate they support because of it despite that candidate not having said any such thing and explicitly spoken against it is a cheap tactic. And one that Hillary leans into. I give Obama credit for not making a talking point out of white supremacists supporting her over him.
I don't see the term "Bernie Bros" being used as much as before. Now they are referred to as "Bernie bots". A bot can be male or female. Okay? :D

I think there are far more of Biden's supporters who are 'bots' than there are Bernie supporters who are. Biden is running on little more that name recognition and having been Obama's VP. Bernie is always talking policy.
Stats also had Hillary winning 2016 with a healthy margin.
Nate Silver's final election model predicted a 71-72% chance for Hillary to win.
Final Election Update: There’s A Wide Range Of Outcomes, And Most Of Them Come Up Clinton
That made it more likely than not that Hillary would win, but 28-29% was still a solid chance for the outcome that actually transpired. It wasn't the statistics that failed, it was pundits who didn't understand it and thought Hillary had it in the bag.

Oh,wait: she DID.
Nope. The electoral vote counts, not the national popular vote. Hillary is still nacho president.
I thought it was a not unfriendly term for Bernie supporters. Until today, I never heard anything that would label it as derogatory.
Hells bells. I thought “bro” was nothing more than a synonym for “friend” undeserving of a Wikipedia page.
There is a derogative sense of the word "bro" which has gained currency in recent years, especially in the wokosphere. Compare e.g. "tech bro" or "pharma bro" ...
It's an amorphous term with an ambiguous meaning. Some people thought it was a self-identifier, some not. Some thought it included women, some not. But it's roots are perjorative. The main usage seems to be this way as well. TBH, I'm looking at Dem Party sites and see a lot of in-fighting and mob mentality. I think the term is in heavy use by groups of supporters of other candidates, but all the candidates have mobs of males. There are women supporters of Bernie who feel very excluded and marginalized by the term. It's like if we came up with Warren's Whites. It's not cool and marginalizes non-Whites who support Warren.

The thing is that "bro" is already a modifier and not a general claim of malehood - just like "toxic masculinity" is a particularly type of masculinity that harm the person practicing it, and not a claim that masculinity is necessarily toxic, or "blue car" is a particular color car, and not a claim that all cars are blue.

As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.

Well, when you call any woman who doesn't fall in line with you a "bitch " and a "cunt" repeatedly, it's not too hard to conclude that you're a bit of a misogynist, no?

Sure, that's fair. But how much of that do you think is about women generally how how much about Hillary specifically? Much of it is surely the latter since she's so disliked. She leveled the same charge at Obama due to his supporters. I have no doubt she would do the same against Biden's or any other male's had they been her top competition.

Quite a few women who have been hounded by Bernie Bros had the words used against them - often women that hadn't even mentioned Bernie Sanders. Again, Black Twitter dubbed these guys "Bernie Stans" back in june 2015 - long before Hillary brought it up. Also, I can't help but notice that you lopped off both that and my example of what happened to TNC when he questioned Sanders' platform.

Sexism is a thing in America. There will be a group of people who will say sexist things, and who will support a male over a female candidate. To try to attack the candidate they support because of it despite that candidate not having said any such thing and explicitly spoken against it is a cheap tactic. And one that Hillary leans into. I give Obama credit for not making a talking point out of white supremacists supporting her over him.

Yes, and I can't possibly say that Trump's a white nationalist, because he rejected it that one time, and he held a (upside-down) LGBTQ flag once, and he keeps calling himself "the least racist/sexist person you'll ever meet".


Bernie's problem is that he has blind spots when it comes to these issues - though he's nowhere near as bad as Trump is. This is sometimes (unfairly, in my opinion) accused of actively recruiting incels, "bros", and other aggressively bigoted white guys. This usually comes down to "Remember when he said X" (today's issue is touting Joe Rogan) than a serious analysis of his platform, which I think is 8/10 on race/gender issues, where I'm setting Hillary 2016 or Kamalah Harris to 10/10s, and John McCain 2008 to a 1, just to tell you the range I'm thinking of.
I thought it was a not unfriendly term for Bernie supporters. Until today, I never heard anything that would label it as derogatory.
Hells bells. I thought “bro” was nothing more than a synonym for “friend” undeserving of a Wikipedia page.
There is a derogative sense of the word "bro" which has gained currency in recent years, especially in the wokosphere. Compare e.g. "tech bro" or "pharma bro" ...

Well sure. They are part of the problem. They most likely will help Trump win again.
The thing is that "bro" is already a modifier and not a general claim of malehood - just like "toxic masculinity" is a particularly type of masculinity that harm the person practicing it, and not a claim that masculinity is necessarily toxic, or "blue car" is a particular color car, and not a claim that all cars are blue.

I think a big part of it is that only men get labeled with such negative modifiers. There are overzealous female followers of female candidates but they not given negative epithets by the media.
And there is certainly "toxic femininity" just like there is "toxic masculinity". But by only talking about the latter (and overly broadly, even when it doesn't really apply) and never about the former, it is not unreasonable to think that those who use those labels have a negative view of men in

Well, when you call any woman who doesn't fall in line with you a "bitch " and a "cunt" repeatedly, it's not too hard to conclude that you're a bit of a misogynist, no?
Who does that?

Quite a few women who have been hounded by Bernie Bros had the words used against them - often women that hadn't even mentioned Bernie Sanders. Again, Black Twitter dubbed these guys "Bernie Stans" back in june 2015 - long before Hillary brought it up.
And as we all know, Twitterers, and especially members of racially-based Twitter subcultures, are are reasonable and levelheaded bunch of people. :D

Also, I can't help but notice that you lopped off both that and my example of what happened to TNC when he questioned Sanders' platform.
Would that be when TNC was upset that Sanders was against giving TNC free money just because TNC is black?

Bernie's problem is that he has blind spots when it comes to these issues - though he's nowhere near as bad as Trump is.
You call it "blind spots", I call it not falling for the "identity politics" nonsense that has infected the Democratic Party from the Far Left.
This only applies to Bernie16 (aka Bernie Classic), not to Bernie20 (aka New Bernie). New Bernie is sadly not immune. Probably because he is older now and relies more on surrogates and staffers. And he has some very toxic surrogates like Linda "the Cockroach" Sarsour and "squad" members such as AOC.
For example, now Bernie wants to use federal moneys to make private black colleges like Morehouse and Howard tuition free. That's some racist nonsense!
I much preferred Bernie Classic!

This is sometimes (unfairly, in my opinion) accused of actively recruiting incels, "bros", and other aggressively bigoted white guys. This usually comes down to "Remember when he said X" (today's issue is touting Joe Rogan)
Incel is yet another one of those weird insults lobbed at men (and only men) who don't toe the party line.
And what's wrong with  Joe Rogan anyway? He is a comedian, so I don't think he is politically correct, but that's part of the job.

than a serious analysis of his platform, which I think is 8/10 on race/gender issues, where I'm setting Hillary 2016 or Kamalah Harris to 10/10s, and John McCain 2008 to a 1, just to tell you the range I'm thinking of.
Why is McCain 1? And why are Hillary and Kamalah[sic] 10? Hillary was horrible on gender issues - she thinks women should be given lesser criminal penalties than men for same crimes and thinks that women are the primary victims of war because their male family members might be killed in wars. The men who actually get killed in combat don't matter to Hillary!
Kamalah[sic] is not as horrible as Hillary, but her support for disastrous FOSTA/SESTA legislation is pretty bad. So giving them 10/10 just because they are mainstream Democrats is just lazy.

And that's the most self-damaging thing I have ever seen.
Why. Just why are they so short-sighted that they will burn their own house down?

Emotions are running high over there, I’m sure. It’s the desperation of a perceived final campaign. I mean, unless this guy can pull a George Burns, this should be it for Bernie.

And that's the most self-damaging thing I have ever seen.
Why. Just why are they so short-sighted that they will burn their own house down?

That's the question of the day. I will go out on a limb and say it's about purity. Only 16% answered definitely no. Twice that (31%) said it depends. I am guessing there are hard leftists who don't like Bloomberg's entry as a billionaire circumventing debates and saying he entered specifically to stop the progressive wing from winning. It would be great if the poll had asked for reasons so we could say for sure.

A few more observations:
  • Every critic I read online will not vote for Tulsi if she were to win. She's not included, but if she were, the numbers for non-Bernie supporters might be way closer to Bernie supporters.
  • Yang supporters are way, way more purist than Bernie supporters in the poll. Take a look at the link.

I will add that Dem primary in-fighting probably also inflates these numbers temporarily. For example, if you look at the number of Bernie supporters who did NOT support Hillary in 2016 it was much, much less than the numbers we are seeing.

When Bernie loses to Biden it will be very important not just for Bernie to help heal primary wounds, it will be important for Dems to unify. Biden will have to choose someone more progressive as a running mate or lose votes. Someone has to motivate people in poor areas to stand in lines for hours to vote. Dem voters have to put the bad blood of the primaries behind them.

This will be difficult to do when we're still fighting about 2016. Moreover, the sensationalist corporate media will continue to give Trump a free platform every time he says something outrageous and they will also continue to hope for fights.

And how about the reverse? How many Biden supporters will support Sanders when he wins the nomination? If Sanders then goes on to lose to Donald Trump, would it then be cool for him to blame those Biden supporters for not supporting him in the general? How many Hillary supporters would have supported him, when she herself was hesitant to say she would.

This is a question and a finger pointing that we see come up again and again but always only in one direction, and never the other. It reminds me of when everyone was going around saying "we have to have unity"... so long as its their way. Their way was tried with Hillary and failed. And now that Bernie is nearing the top and they are realizing he may actually win, those very same insider Democrats say nothing of unity, and attack Sanders with childish things like "nobody likes him". It also reminds me of how Republicans always ask "how are you gonna pay for that?" when its about health care etc, but never do we hear "how are you gonna pay for that?" when it comes to tax cuts for the rich or overseas war mongering. Double standards.
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