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Discuss Playing Computer Games?


Mar 29, 2010
Androgyne; they/them
Basic Beliefs
Natural Philosophy, Game Theoretic Ethicist
Posed as a question because I'm not sure this is the right forum or whatever, but here goes. A thread to discuss the computer games you are playing today and/or in general.
I like solitaire games. Several good ones can be found at www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/
Several solitaire puzzles, including Nurikabe, seem much more fun than Sudoku -- I don't understand Sudoku's popularity.

Bridge and Backgammon are my favorite inter-person games -- and are how I misspent much of my misspent youth. Any bridge or backgammon players here? Join me at playok.com for Backgammon, or at bridgebase.com or playok.com for Bridge.

My family plays some ordinary coffee-table games, including some -- e.g. Spyfall -- which use a little assistance from a free website.

I've played and enjoyed Diplomacy, though not for a few years. Anyone want to join a game?

I do NOT enjoy on-line action games, especially when there is time pressure. I hate time pressure (though I am fairly rapid at Backgammon and some of the solitaires).
I like solitaire games. Several good ones can be found at www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/
Several solitaire puzzles, including Nurikabe, seem much more fun than Sudoku -- I don't understand Sudoku's popularity.

Bridge and Backgammon are my favorite inter-person games -- and are how I misspent much of my misspent youth. Any bridge or backgammon players here? Join me at playok.com for Backgammon, or at bridgebase.com or playok.com for Bridge.

My family plays some ordinary coffee-table games, including some -- e.g. Spyfall -- which use a little assistance from a free website.

I've played and enjoyed Diplomacy, though not for a few years. Anyone want to join a game?

I do NOT enjoy on-line action games, especially when there is time pressure. I hate time pressure (though I am fairly rapid at Backgammon and some of the solitaires).
I am loath to play any kind of game with a timer that I have not properly earned ticking above my head.

I do not play most online games. The closest I get to action games is SuperHot, and I dislike the fact that this, too, does not fully stop time nor allow you to easily observe the system before making decisions... Though I am also fond of certain roguelike platformers, or roguelites.

In a roguelike game, when you die the whole game resets. In a roguelite game, however, if you die, the game resets except for certain things (like Rogue Legacy; strongly recommend btw).

The games I get the most fulfillment from are games like RimWorld and Dwarf Fortress however, which both fall generally into the category of "sim games": you can and MUST make decisions, but the ongoing events and actions of the game are generally automated and up to the contents of the game world itself. You might designate where the fortress or colony is, what shape it's walls have, and what production priorities are, but other processes mediate the movement through it, routes taken, and day to day happenings such that at least for Dwarf Fortress, the goal is more to just make a stable system that doesn't require further management. They also just released Adventure Mode for the steam release, which means I can eventually leave the fortress to its devices and derp around the world independently for a while, though I still haven't resolved on what kind of group of creatures I want to be, or what goals I want the group to have (if I even want to be a group; maybe I want to be an individual!).

Usually when I do the whole "walking the earth" thing in such a world, I leave behind a pretty wide streak of misery and corpses and the occasional zombie dragon, though this time I'm wondering at maybe taking a different path.

At other times I enjoy games like Baldur's Gate 3, with it's strong turn-based mechanics and multi-character control, however my party is in a sticky situation (the party is split) right now after pissing off a certain character.
I don't have a game system. I cannot see myself spending fifty bucks on a game I will probably play maybe three times.

I do play Infinity 8 Ball on my phone though.

Bridge and Backgammon are my favorite inter-person games --

I have not played backgammon in years but used to love playing for small stakes in a hotel I frequented in Coconut Grove. The fact that you can win going with the flow when it’s going against you, that it is possible to capitalize on an opponent’s greed … it’s a great game and can tell a person a lot about the person they’re playing.
Sid Meier's Pirates! for C-64 ruined me forever, but began in 6-10 hour increments. I had to read history books so I could plunder the Spanish Main and get pretty wife. I don't play any console games now, but as Gen X, did the old Atari games, 80s stuff.
I don't have a game system. I cannot see myself spending fifty bucks on a game I will probably play maybe three times.

I do play Infinity 8 Ball on my phone though.
I spent about 2000 bucks on a PC a few years ago, and I can't say I'm unhappy with the investment.

I use it for all sorts of stuff, from video games to art.
I have too little time to try a bunch of new games, but a long weekend will find me booting up Skyrim or Cities Skylines, or some other old favorite.
I have too little time to try a bunch of new games, but a long weekend will find me booting up Skyrim or Cities Skylines, or some other old favorite.
Mmmm... I loved me some Cities Skylines. My biggest complaint was the lack of non-square building concepts that prevented development in certain wedge-shaped areas (and this generated crime and low property values).

Also the whole "industrial workforce" issue wherein there was no such concept as high tech industry, forcing the player to leave regions with low education, lest there be nobody to do certain jobs.

Skyrim I also loved, but it's all so passe, now.

I'll probably try to at least get to hear 150 from year 100 in my fort. I plan on posting the fort once I'm ready to kick off an adventure in DF though if anyone wants to go for a spin.
Also the whole "industrial workforce" issue wherein there was no such concept as high tech industry, forcing the player to leave regions with low education, lest there be nobody to do certain jobs.
High tech industry does exist in the game, it's just difficult to develop. Requires some very specific conditions.

Skyrim I also loved, but it's all so passe, now.
That's why Sheogorath invented modding.
I tend to swing between various puzzle games (Hexcells, Bejeweled3, 'A Little to the Left', et al) and Grim Dawn (an rpg that's been around since 2016; they're coming out with another expansion later this year!)
I tend to swing between various puzzle games (Hexcells, Bejeweled3, 'A Little to the Left', et al) and Grim Dawn (an rpg that's been around since 2016; they're coming out with another expansion later this year!)
You might want to check out Opus Magnum. It's a puzzle game where you make a construction that assembles a shape with limited degrees of freedom, the limits of which create some challenge.

It's something like TIS-100, but instead of small programs it's small object assembly.
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