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Disgusting Piece of Shit Attacks Health Care Workers


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Notorious liar Donald Trump has established an invariable pattern of accusing others of whatever crimes he has himself committed.
This pattern is so well documented that his accusations can be predicted every time another one of his heinous acts is uncovered.
Now he is taking it to new lows, accusing health care workers of stealing the supplies that he has failed to deliver.
It is jarring to realize that the person wielding the might of the US military, would be stealing 79 cent procedure masks if they were entrusted to his care. And we just gave him $500,000,000,000.00 MORE dollars, a large percentage of which is going to end up in his pocket and his campaign coffers, as he brazenly defies the provision for IG and Congressional oversight of those public funds.

No, Mr. President, healthcare workers aren’t stealing masks. You failed them.

The "funny" thing is that the shortages have little to do with Trump, his lies and his incompetence. But his incompetence runs so deep that he doesn't even realize it. So he implies that people who risk their lives every day to save the lives of others - even the lives of undeserving lowlifes like himself - are indulging in petty thefts - while he is indulging in grand larceny on an epic scale.
Fuck Trump. He's an intellectually and emotionally stunted lump that should in this time of crisis be ignored to the fullest extent possible. Those of us who know what the right and proper thing to do is should just do it.

And will the media never stop focusing on what this lump is doing and start focusing on and pressuring the legislators who can legally do something to minimize this idiot? No. As long as the GOP shrinks back in silence and the Dems shrug their shoulders this will remain as is unless and until such time as violence becomes the answer.
From what I've read in different articles and on medscape, there aren't any masks to steal. Nurses and doctors are even being asked to clean their masks and use them a second day, which is absolutely disgusting and against infection control protocols. Protocol calls for doctors and nurses to change masks between every patient they see. The way both doctors and nurses are being treated by administrators since this pandemic started is horrible. I have read numerous accounts. Some are being threatened with dismissal if they refuse to obey the "suits". The suits is the term that some nurses and doctors have been using to describe the administrators of hospitals. And, Trump adding to the madness certainly doesn't help any medical personnel feel any better about doing the difficult job that is being required of them.
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

Our doctors and nurses are in desperate need of masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus while treating those who are ill. Some of them are trying to find it on eBay while others are pleading for help on social media.

The situation is so dire one New Jersey doctor described it as "sending medical professionals like lambs to the slaughterhouse."

Concerns about a dwindling supply of PPE are not new. Back on February 7, the World Health Organization sounded alarm bells about "the limited stock of PPE," noting demand was 100 times higher than normal for this equipment.

Yet the same day as the WHO warning, the Trump administration announced that it was transporting to China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in the press release announcing this shipment, "These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people."
So apparently Cuomo is a disgusting pierce of shit who attacks healthcare workers.

People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, New York Gov. Cuomo says

As fear over the new coronavirus in New York spreads faster than the outbreak, people have started to steal masks and other medical equipment from local hospitals, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters Friday.

“Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products,” Cuomo said at a press conference from the state capital in Albany. “I’ve asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety.”
So apparently Cuomo is a disgusting pierce of shit who attacks healthcare workers.
where does he accuse HCWs of the thefts?

Looks like he's saying that people are stealing FROM HCWs.

Yeah, Trump was saying the same thing. He never accused healthcare workers. But Orange Man Bad, right?
well, he accused hospitals. 'Going out the back door' suggests that the hospital staff was complicit in whatever was going on with the sudden demand for masks.
He did not frame the hospitals (or the HCWs that staff them) as the victims. He questioned the numbers being requested, as if he has any fucking idea how many masks they should be using in this pandemic.

So, no, i for one do not believe the two are making equivalent accusations. Your mileage may vary.
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

Our doctors and nurses are in desperate need of masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus while treating those who are ill. Some of them are trying to find it on eBay while others are pleading for help on social media.

The situation is so dire one New Jersey doctor described it as "sending medical professionals like lambs to the slaughterhouse."

Concerns about a dwindling supply of PPE are not new. Back on February 7, the World Health Organization sounded alarm bells about "the limited stock of PPE," noting demand was 100 times higher than normal for this equipment.

Yet the same day as the WHO warning, the Trump administration announced that it was transporting to China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in the press release announcing this shipment, "These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people."

I'm now hearing that China is SELLING the stuff we gave them back to us.
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

Our doctors and nurses are in desperate need of masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus while treating those who are ill. Some of them are trying to find it on eBay while others are pleading for help on social media.

The situation is so dire one New Jersey doctor described it as "sending medical professionals like lambs to the slaughterhouse."

Concerns about a dwindling supply of PPE are not new. Back on February 7, the World Health Organization sounded alarm bells about "the limited stock of PPE," noting demand was 100 times higher than normal for this equipment.

Yet the same day as the WHO warning, the Trump administration announced that it was transporting to China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in the press release announcing this shipment, "These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people."

I'm now hearing that China is SELLING the stuff we gave them back to us.

Trump makes the best deals.
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