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Do minds exist?

Humans don't "compute". They don't work anything like a computer.

It is like building some wooden wings and expecting to fly like a bird.

We do a lot of computing. Why must computers do it exactly as how humans do it?

We can call what humans do anything we want to, since we really don't know what is happening, in terms of what specific processes are generating consciousness.

So we can call what humans do "computing" or we can call it "thinking" or we can call it "baloney sandwich".

It doesn't matter what we call things.

The way a human brain works is not the same way a computer works.
What mind?

With what did you conclude you have no mind?

How is any conclusion reached without a mind?

Why don't you actually try to prove something as opposed to merely making absurd proclamations.
I am convinced you are retarded, willfully retarded.
I made no declaration, I just asked you "what mind?"
if you continue to be stupid why expect to be taken serious?
now answer me this great word user: What mind?
With what did you conclude you have no mind?

How is any conclusion reached without a mind?

Why don't you actually try to prove something as opposed to merely making absurd proclamations.
I am convinced you are retarded, willfully retarded.
I made no declaration, I just asked you "what mind?"
if you continue to be stupid why expect to be taken serious?
now answer me this great word user: What mind?

Just explain how you understand a thing I write without a mind.

How is that accomplished?

Please be specific.
I am convinced you are retarded, willfully retarded.
I made no declaration, I just asked you "what mind?"
if you continue to be stupid why expect to be taken serious?
now answer me this great word user: What mind?

Just explain how you understand a thing I write without a mind.

How is that accomplished?

Please be specific.
apparently minds are fictitious.
your brain is responsible for your motor control and thoughts and thus responsible for your writings.
your welcome.
Just explain how you understand a thing I write without a mind.

How is that accomplished?

Please be specific.
apparently minds are fictitious.
your brain is responsible for your motor control and thoughts and thus responsible for your writings.
your welcome.

Someone can use their mind to form the sentence, "minds are fictitious".

But nobody is going to take them seriously.
apparently minds are fictitious.
your brain is responsible for your motor control and thoughts and thus responsible for your writings.
your welcome.

Someone can use their mind to form the sentence, "minds are fictitious".

But nobody is going to take them seriously.
you are full of bold claims and no evidence.
you haven't defined what you think exists.
you don't even know what you are talking about.
your brain is broken.
Someone can use their mind to form the sentence, "minds are fictitious".

But nobody is going to take them seriously.
you are full of bold claims and no evidence.
you haven't defined what you think exists.
you don't even know what you are talking about.
your brain is broken.

The brain is only half the picture.

A mind requires a brain and it requires experience.

When we say the individual learns something we are saying their mind has expanded, not their brain.
you are full of bold claims and no evidence.
you haven't defined what you think exists.
you don't even know what you are talking about.
your brain is broken.

The brain is only half the picture.

A mind requires a brain and it requires experience.

When we say the individual learns something we are saying their mind has expanded, not their brain.

What do you mean "we?" I say that a brain has self-programmed a subroutine -- an unconscious subroutine that operates at instinct speed. You cannot not read this. Your "read" subroutine ran too fast.
The brain is only half the picture.

A mind requires a brain and it requires experience.

When we say the individual learns something we are saying their mind has expanded, not their brain.

What do you mean "we?" I say that a brain has self-programmed a subroutine -- an unconscious subroutine that operates at instinct speed. You cannot not read this. Your "read" subroutine ran too fast.

Are you saying there can be a mind without experience?

All you're describing are possible ways to arrive at a mind.

Totally unsupported guesses, but possibly someday testable.
you are full of bold claims and no evidence.
you haven't defined what you think exists.
you don't even know what you are talking about.
your brain is broken.

The brain is only half the picture.

A mind requires a brain and it requires experience.
prove it

When we say the individual learns something we are saying their mind has expanded, not their brain.
you say a lot and it doesn't add up to more than just words, maybe you'll understand that soon.
The brain is only half the picture.

A mind requires a brain and it requires experience.
prove it

Give a rational objection.

When we say the individual learns something we are saying their mind has expanded, not their brain.
you say a lot and it doesn't add up to more than just words, maybe you'll understand that soon.

Stop your blathering.

You have NOTHING to add.

Step aside and let the adults discuss these matters.
What do you mean "we?" I say that a brain has self-programmed a subroutine -- an unconscious subroutine that operates at instinct speed. You cannot not read this. Your "read" subroutine ran too fast.

Are you saying there can be a mind without experience?

All you're describing are possible ways to arrive at a mind.

Totally unsupported guesses, but possibly someday testable.

The unconscious mind experiences, draws conclusions and often acts without conscious thought. I, being the spokesman for the whole, much like a union boss with very independent members whose actions I must explain, make up a justification. Betimes I am of two minds on a given issue -- two unconscious reasoners in conflict, each trying to dominate.
Are you saying there can be a mind without experience?

All you're describing are possible ways to arrive at a mind.

Totally unsupported guesses, but possibly someday testable.

The unconscious mind experiences, draws conclusions and often acts without conscious thought. I, being the spokesman for the whole, much like a union boss with very independent members whose actions I must explain, make up a justification. Betimes I am of two minds on a given issue -- two unconscious reasoners in conflict, each trying to dominate.

How do you know what the so-called "unconscious mind" does?

How do you know it draws conclusions?

It seems to me, if we talk about things like hunger or the sex drive, the so-called unconscious mind just does the same things over and over and never advances. Not mind-like at all.
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