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Do minds exist?

It was a response to you unsupported statement that awarewness as we human experiences it, are necessary to form concepts and to make sense of the world.

I said a mind is necessary to make sense of the world.

The very idea of making sense implies a mind.

Minds make sense of things.

All else merely reacts to things.

So define "make sense"
I'm just pointing out you offer nothing of substance or value and don't understand the capacity of a brain or a brains ability.
no need to get hostile, just provide an argument that is reasonable, but you can't because the mind, minds, and a mind is fictitious.
have a nice day.
I recognize your empty promises and claims thats all.
An adult would have figured out they were full of shit by now but you seem willfully ignorant.

You won't engage.

I doubt you could.

But try to explain how you are dealing with these concepts without a mind.

I'm afraid it is so far beyond you I might as well ask a tree.

You are so stubborn that you do not understand the obvious explanation.
The obvious explanation is my brain and your brain and the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, and the "mind" is a figment of the imagination that originates with the brain.
The universe has had enough of your attempts to be condescending, you don't have to be a childish prick because you are deluded.
And yes, you are welcome for the explanation and your gratitude.
I said a mind is necessary to make sense of the world.

The very idea of making sense implies a mind.

Minds make sense of things.

All else merely reacts to things.

So define "make sense"

To be purposeful requires the world makes sense.

The world doesn't make sense unless the cacophony of potential stimuli are turned into intelligible "structures" that can be acted on. To catch a mouse the cat has to accomplish many goals. The world has to make sense to the cat for these goals to be met.

The experience of these constructs that make sense of the world is a mind. It is more though since a mind also experiences things like sensations and emotions and drives.
You won't engage.

I doubt you could.

But try to explain how you are dealing with these concepts without a mind.

I'm afraid it is so far beyond you I might as well ask a tree.

You are so stubborn that you do not understand the obvious explanation.
The obvious explanation is my brain and your brain and the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, and the "mind" is a figment of the imagination that originates with the brain.
The universe has had enough of your attempts to be condescending, you don't have to be a childish prick because you are deluded.
And yes, you are welcome for the explanation and your gratitude.

The mind is not a "figment of the imagination". It is the most real thing there is.

It is subjective so we can't look at one from the outside, but things with minds know they have minds. There is no doubt.

If you didn't have a mind you couldn't engage in things like this.

It seems to me your argument amounts to: Because minds are generated by brains they somehow don't exist.

It is ludicrous.
You are so stubborn that you do not understand the obvious explanation.
The obvious explanation is my brain and your brain and the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, and the "mind" is a figment of the imagination that originates with the brain.

So imagination exists but a mind doesn't. What's the difference between imagination and mind?
You are so stubborn that you do not understand the obvious explanation.
The obvious explanation is my brain and your brain and the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, and the "mind" is a figment of the imagination that originates with the brain.

So imagination exists but a mind doesn't. What's the difference between imagination and mind?
I couldn't tell you, I don't know what a mind is.
You are so stubborn that you do not understand the obvious explanation.
The obvious explanation is my brain and your brain and the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, and the "mind" is a figment of the imagination that originates with the brain.
The universe has had enough of your attempts to be condescending, you don't have to be a childish prick because you are deluded.
And yes, you are welcome for the explanation and your gratitude.

The mind is not a "figment of the imagination". It is the most real thing there is.

It is subjective so we can't look at one from the outside, but things with minds know they have minds. There is no doubt.

If you didn't have a mind you couldn't engage in things like this.

It seems to me your argument amounts to: Because minds are generated by brains they somehow don't exist.

It is ludicrous.
again you proceed with bold claims and no substance.
a cursory study of a brain would inform you more about the brain than you have done about the mind in page after page of ranting.
it is simple, the brain is responsible for motor control and thought, it has been observed and documented.
all you have is asinine complaints and myth and you haven't justified any of it.
you ramble on and on but don't realize it is unfounded rumor that you are trying to spread.
I don't know what to do to convince you that it isn't ludicrous to know that a brain is responsible for your thoughts, my thoughts, and everyone's thoughts along with the motor control that we all have.
scoff if you want but you are being ludicrous and I suggest you try to think about it before you type some more stupid shit.
you aren't even trying to be rational, you are just talking shit and it is sickening.
it takes brains and apparently yours are full of shit, piss., and vinegar.
So define "make sense"

To be purposeful requires the world makes sense.

The world doesn't make sense unless the cacophony of potential stimuli are turned into intelligible "structures" that can be acted on.
So "turning into intelligible structures" is your definition of make sense?

That makes sense but doesnt show why that couldnt be done by computers.
I couldn't tell you, I don't know what a mind is.


So, what's imagination then?
oh I have to subscribe to a link, what makes the content of that link accurate?
I haven't looked so go ahead tell me...
I'd say imagination is the creative element of thought.
I could be wrong, but I don't care about the definition of imagination too much.
about the mind, a mind, and minds go ahead and define them and prove they exist while you are at it. that would be more than underschech has done in 20 pages...
oh I have to subscribe to a link, what makes the content of that link accurate?
I haven't looked so go ahead tell me...

Subscribe? Uh, no, just click. Are you new to the internets?

I'd say imagination is the creative element of thought.
I could be wrong, but I don't care about the definition of imagination too much.
about the mind, a mind, and minds go ahead and define them and prove they exist while you are at it. that would be more than underschech has done in 20 pages...

But you said imagination exists and now thought exists too. So what are those exactly? And how do you know they exist?
oh I have to subscribe to a link, what makes the content of that link accurate?
I haven't looked so go ahead tell me...

Subscribe? Uh, no, just click. Are you new to the internets?

I'd say imagination is the creative element of thought.
I could be wrong, but I don't care about the definition of imagination too much.
about the mind, a mind, and minds go ahead and define them and prove they exist while you are at it. that would be more than underschech has done in 20 pages...

But you said imagination exists and now "creative element of thought" exists too. So what are those exactly? And how do you know they exist?
subscribe as in accept and believe, don't get all intellectual pissy if you can't fucking hang.
I didn't say they were different phenomena.
if you think I am wrong kindly point out why.
nice of you to get pissy when I ask you about content YOU FUCKING brought up.
if you don't think imagination exists and is not the creative element of thought give your assessment, I'm curious but can tell by our brief interaction your aren't very smart, talented, or educated.
I never said they don't exist. I think imagination and thought exists, but it's strange to think those exist but a mind doesn't. You're the one with the fringe view.

If you have no difficulty understanding what a thought is, what's your difficulty with a mind?
I never said they don't exist. I think imagination and thought exists, but it's strange to think those exist but a mind doesn't. You're the one with the fringe view.

If you have no difficulty understanding what a thought is, what's your difficulty with a mind?
I don't know what it is and for 20 to 30 pages undersmech has ranted that it's definition is irrelevant and has vacillated between wanting to discuss a mind's existence and discussing what it or one is.
I have no reason to believe there is a justifiable definition for a mind as it seems to be a product of the imagination because of exposure to content about a mind, the mind, and minds.
if you can do better than speculate do it but I have no reason to believe you can do more than speculate given the mass of information I have been exposed to about them.
FFS, you don't know how to define mind??? Are you illiterate? Problem with the English language? Don't know how to google?

Here you go, lazy.

Mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A mind /ˈmaɪnd/ is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory—a characteristic of humans, but which also may apply to other life forms.[3][4]
ok now there is a definition
you seem to subscribe to it so prove it is a meaningful definition and prove that a mind does what you claim
I can prove what a mind is as much as you can prove what a thought is.

Actually, maybe better because you don't seem to know much about the topic at all, or how to use google.

Do you dispute anything in the Wiki link? If so, why?
Do you dispute anything in the Wiki link? If so, why?
Do you dispute anything in the Wiki link? If so, why?
I don't accept it as valid because I don't believe in minds, the mind, or a mind being anything other than fiction.
I'm just not convinced, call it lack of evidence.
I asked you to prove the definition to be meaningful and prove that a mind does what the definition proposes.
My lack of belief is irrelevant in the quest to prove the definition is meaningful and that a a mind does what that definition proposes it does.
anything else you want to know? I ate lunch and a very light breakfast, I feel slightly warm because the ambient temperature where I am is about 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
I watched a movie it was okay.
You are boring me, I'm not impressed....
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