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Does evangelical = racist?


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.


It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.



Eh, no. Racism isn't really built into the bible. But misogyny is.

Evangelicals hated Obama, who is a man who went to church and has likely remained faithful to his one and only wife for countless years. Compare this to Trump, who is a man who has cheated on all three of his wives and doesn't ever go to church. Obama treats women with respect. Trump barges in unannounced into women's dressing rooms.

Trump' s presidential race was against a woman. Were evangelicals at all interested in voting for Hillary? Did any more than a handful even have a moral quandary about voting for Trump?

If anything, I would argue evangelicals are happy Trump treats women like objects.
Then, 'Does Evangelical-as-the-Press-uses-the-term-when-they-say-Trump-enjoys-solid-support-from-Evangelicals = Racist?'
Eh, no. Racism isn't really built into the bible. But misogyny is.
Eh, my mileage varied. The writers jumbled nation, race, and religion together without much distinction, leaving verses which lent themselves easily to race-based interpretation.

I was quite surprised.

I mean, i knew growing up Mormon that they were, but it took an interracial marriage for people to start quoting King James verses at me about how wrong it was, and how offended God was.
There are a lot of things evangelicals can be angry and resentful of, not the least of which, is getting hammered over the last 20 years by atheists.

When I go to Trump-land and listen to religious people, they are resentful that "coastal elites" who are living the good life and laughing in their faces for being ignorant, racist rubes.

Obama just made it worse, can you imagine the humiliation of a black man actually being better than them in almost every way? Seriously, as poor and uneducated these people might be, they at least had solace that they were not black and (if not explicitly stated) better than black people. They cannot even think such a thing privately (while unconsciously transmitting their racism) without being constantly scolded by people who seem to be able to read their minds

Add on that they cannot escape people online demeaning their religious beliefs, or gay people being successful, popular and living the good life.

Nothing is going their way.

They are in survival mode, engaged in 'scarcity thinking'... there is no way out of their thinking trap, just like they were in a cult.
I've said it before. First it was government, the military, and then business, racism was (unfortunately temporarily) banished from the public sphere (at least open racism). Where could it go but the churches, where the government could never follow?

We never had people saying there should be more religion in the government, until racism went underground in religious groups. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I agree entirely that the evangelical religion in the USA is racist to its core. Trump is the proof. They say that he isn't perfect, but he's doing what they want, so they support and forgive him. What is he doing? He's brought White Supremacy back. That is all he's done.

Don't say its racism or misogyny. It's both. White Supremacy is also a patriarchal movement, it always has been. White Supremacist women accept their inferior position because they believe the lie of racism, just as poor whites accept their subordination to rich whites. Both groups have been convinced that skin color is the most important factor. What environment is more ideal for this than the church? Patriarchal, segregated, with the veneer of equality before god, when the minister plays the tune of his benefactors, the rich and powerful, all to keep the poor in their place.

Forget the bible; they don't read it. Look at the power structures and follow the money, everything else is smokescreen.
Doesn't the story of the Tower of Babel pretty much call for racism?

Forgive me if I got the story wrong. I haven't thought much about it since my Lutheran school childhood.
Doesn't the story of the Tower of Babel pretty much call for racism?

Forgive me if I got the story wrong. I haven't thought much about it since my Lutheran school childhood.

It has certainly been USED that way, especially by 18th c. racists in the waning days of Biblical justifications for pseudo-scientific racism. I don't think it must be used that way. You could also draw from it a moral that human beings were at one point entirely unified by culture and language, and only driven apart by greed and arrogance.
Slavery polluted all the institutions around it.

Centuries of slavery had effects on the churches and preachers.

You had to explain to all these loving white people why they were torturing brown people.

The pollution of the mind passes from parent to child. From 1870 to now is only 6 to 8 parents.

It eventually washes out but that hasn't happened in the US yet.

Poverty, the drug war and the prison system is modern slavery.
I think the Church leaders support the party that ensures their tax breaks. The church and the GOP have a special relationship.

The Church leaders will support any republican even under current circumstances. The flock does as they are told.
Evangelicals support Trump because of the Supreme Court. Is this really a revelation? The OP should stop projecting.
It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.



I think so. Because I think religious people are more ruled by emotions than reason. As in they lead with their emotions and trust them first. Since xenophobia is normal, and needs to be actively trained away... then it follows that people who trust their emotions more will be more racist.

A comparison is New Age people. They're all about anti-racism and love, harmony and embracing all the cultures of the world. But just taking a look at who they all hook up with. You better be white if you want to hang with New Agers. Brown people can get lucky. But in general... be white, rich, well educated etc etc. Otherwise you are wasting your time. It's the most judgemental and illiberal crowd it's possible to hang with. They similarly put emotions above reason. So then this happens.
Race, not abortion, was the founding issue of the religious right

Here are some facts that might surprise you.

In 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, the biggest white evangelical group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention, supported its legalization. The group continued that support through much of the 1970s. And the late Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, did not give his first antiabortion speech until 1978, five years after Roe.

Though opposition to abortion is what many think fueled the powerful conservative white evangelical right, 81 percent of whom voted for Donald Trump, it was really school integration, according to Randall Balmer, chairman of the religion department at Dartmouth. The US Supreme Court ruled public school segregation unconstitutional in 1954. In 1976 it ruled against segregated private schools. Then courts went after the tax exemptions of these private all-white Southern schools, or so-called segregation academies, like Falwell’s Liberty Christian Academy.

The racial demons that help explain evangelical support for Trump

I spent the first 15 years of my career as a scholar studying American evangelicals and race, and in my view, the failure to consider motivations rooted in anxieties about race and gender as an explanation of evangelical Trump support represents a striking omission. The history of American evangelicalism is intensely racially charged. The persistent approval for Trump among white evangelicals ought to prompt far more critical self-reflection within the evangelical community than we’ve seen so far.
I don't think it's just the Supreme Court, though.

I mean, I like the idea of terminal patients being able to end their own lives, but I really dislike a lot of things Kevorkian champions. It's like, okay, good that THAT one thing is being brought out for discussion, but I would really prefer a more human spokesperson.

The evangelicals that are stumping for Trump love EVERYTHING about him. They laud his every act. He's not just 'someone we gotta put up with in order to get a Supreme Court that'll overturn Roe vs. Wade.' He's god's anointed, fighting the good fight, rebuilding America after that demonic Kenyan communist muslim...
what is so special about evangelicals that makes them special with respect to racism and Trump?
What about Baptists?
what is so special about evangelicals that makes them special with respect to racism and Trump?
What about Baptists?

I thought Baptists were a type of evangelical? There's so many types of Christian I can't keep up
what is so special about evangelicals that makes them special with respect to racism and Trump?
What about Baptists?

I thought Baptists were a type of evangelical? There's so many types of Christian I can't keep up
I thought they were at the same level but separate. But I am no authority on Christianity to say the least.

Oh, reading Wikipedia and evangelism is not a particular denomination but a (crazy) flavor which can be applied to any protestant church.
It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.



There is definitely correlation, but I doubt causation. I think the common thread is just plain ignorance. Not genetically, more like malnutrition of the mind.
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