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Does evangelical = racist?

On the thread: I don't think that 'evangelical = racist?'. However, they definitely overlap biggly. And from my personal extended family experience has been definitely going the wrong direction for at least a decade now...

what is so special about evangelicals that makes them special with respect to racism and Trump?
What about Baptists?

I thought Baptists were a type of evangelical? There's so many types of Christian I can't keep up
I thought they were at the same level but separate. But I am no authority on Christianity to say the least.
Politesse is spot on IMPOV.
There are many different kinds of evangelicals; it's a pretty flexible term.
The term Evangelical is an old term, just as is the term Baptist. There is probably plenty of Baptists that would call themselves evangelicals, and many that wouldn't. Also, Missionary Baptists are quite different in views than the American Baptists Church.

The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) is one of the larger Lutheran sects, and one of the more liberal Protestant sects at the same time as calling themselves Evangelical in their name. And they support full gay rights. Better off trying to grab that greased pig...
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) is one of the larger Lutheran sects, and one of the more liberal Protestant sects at the same time as calling themselves Evangelical in their name. And they support full gay rights. Better off trying to grab that greased pig...

I have a second cousin that is an openly gay ELCA Pastor.
On the thread: I don't think that 'evangelical = racist?'. However, they definitely overlap biggly. And from my personal extended family experience has been definitely going the wrong direction for at least a decade now...

I thought they were at the same level but separate. But I am no authority on Christianity to say the least.
Politesse is spot on IMPOV.
There are many different kinds of evangelicals; it's a pretty flexible term.
The term Evangelical is an old term, just as is the term Baptist. There is probably plenty of Baptists that would call themselves evangelicals, and many that wouldn't. Also, Missionary Baptists are quite different in views than the American Baptists Church.

The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) is one of the larger Lutheran sects, and one of the more liberal Protestant sects at the same time as calling themselves Evangelical in their name. And they support full gay rights. Better off trying to grab that greased pig...
Haha, I was raised ELCA Lutheran. I do not recall anyone ever calling us "Evangelicals" though. Indeed, the evangelicals thought we were all Papists...

There is also the Evangelische Kirche in Germany, the largest church organization but an even mix of various German Protestant denominations.

In both cases, a very different sense of Evangelical is meant, and indeed, a usage much older in its origins than the more modern American reform movement. The word Evangelical has a literal meaning of "has a good message", so naturally quite a few people over the centuries have thought it applies to them.
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) is one of the larger Lutheran sects, and one of the more liberal Protestant sects at the same time as calling themselves Evangelical in their name. And they support full gay rights. Better off trying to grab that greased pig...

I have a second cousin that is an openly gay ELCA Pastor.

I very nearly became an openly gay ELCA pastor, in my mid twenties. But that was still quite controversial at the time. It had not been resolved in synod assembly yet, so each congregation was going its own way and the bishops were trying to turn a blind eye to it all. Messy times. Better now. But I don't run with the Lutherans anymore, anyhow, other than culturally.
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) is one of the larger Lutheran sects, and one of the more liberal Protestant sects at the same time as calling themselves Evangelical in their name. And they support full gay rights. Better off trying to grab that greased pig...

I have a second cousin that is an openly gay ELCA Pastor.

I very nearly became an openly gay ELCA pastor, in my mid twenties. But that was still quite controversial at the time.

I'd think it would be still be quite controversial now. The requirement that applicants become gay in order to get a job seems a bit over the line to me. I mean, I appreciate their commitment to diversity and all, but that seems to be taking things a tad too far.
what is so special about evangelicals that makes them special with respect to racism and Trump?
What about Baptists?

I thought Baptists were a type of evangelical? There's so many types of Christian I can't keep up
I thought they were at the same level but separate. But I am no authority on Christianity to say the least.

Oh, reading Wikipedia and evangelism is not a particular denomination but a (crazy) flavor which can be applied to any protestant church.

Take my word for it, there are evangelical catholics.
It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.



Being "Churched" the same way as you were is a checkbox for acceptance. If your community passes someone off as "properly churched", then you accept them. If not, then not.
Trump got his compliance certification one way or the other, and that is all anyone in allied tribes care about... the signoff.

There was a Jewish family that moved into my old neighborhood. Nothing but Baptist Churches on every corner, but no Temples within 50 miles. They joined our church as Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus, as they are sometimes called). The Minister spent a good 30 minutes or so introducing the new family, and it took that long because he spent most of the time making biblical reference to why these Jews are a-ok to us and basically that we should accept them because they accept Jesus.
Dudes that would otherwise have been... lets just say less than accepting... went over and hugged them.

Church folk need to be told who to accept and who to reject, and that is the way they like it.
I don't know if there's anything specific about the Evangelical brands of theology which are specifically racist, it's just that the people who happen to live in the areas where these faiths are prevalent tend to be more racist than average and the congregations reflect the needs of their communities.
It’s hard to argue against it. But it seems obvious to me that the reason so many evangelicals support Trump is that they are racist fuck heads. They’ll deny it in open company, but why else would they openly support a man who obviously has never been a Christian, who has easily led a sinful non Christian lifestyle, even through today. It can’t just be about abortion since every other Republican is anti abortion as well. The one thing that is different about Trump is his blatant racism. While it’s openly against Hispanics, it’s clear from his past that it applies everywhere.

Now cue Trump supporters to argue how he’s not a racist and how dare you accuse him of such.



Being "Churched" the same way as you were is a checkbox for acceptance. If your community passes someone off as "properly churched", then you accept them. If not, then not.
Trump got his compliance certification one way or the other, and that is all anyone in allied tribes care about... the signoff.

There was a Jewish family that moved into my old neighborhood. Nothing but Baptist Churches on every corner, but no Temples within 50 miles. They joined our church as Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus, as they are sometimes called). The Minister spent a good 30 minutes or so introducing the new family, and it took that long because he spent most of the time making biblical reference to why these Jews are a-ok to us and basically that we should accept them because they accept Jesus.
Dudes that would otherwise have been... lets just say less than accepting... went over and hugged them.

Church folk need to be told who to accept and who to reject, and that is the way they like it.

Note to self:
You keep forgetting to start that goddam church you always wanted to start!
I don't know if there's anything specific about the Evangelical brands of theology which are specifically racist, it's just that the people who happen to live in the areas where these faiths are prevalent tend to be more racist than average and the congregations reflect the needs of their communities.

They reflect a feeling of being superior. Else why would one be religious if there was not some perceived/experienced benefit?
I don't know if there's anything specific about the Evangelical brands of theology which are specifically racist, it's just that the people who happen to live in the areas where these faiths are prevalent tend to be more racist than average and the congregations reflect the needs of their communities.

They reflect a feeling of being superior. Else why would one be religious if there was not some perceived/experienced benefit?

I don’t know. Maybe because they think that it’s a factual account if the universe or something?

People are religious because they think their religion is true. Any costs or benefits from the religion are the result of that, not the cause of that.
A silly criticism anyhow. Obviously, everyone believes that what they believe (or don't believe) is on some level the "best" available option. That isn't a moral failing, it's just how brains work.
A silly criticism anyhow. Obviously, everyone believes that what they believe (or don't believe) is on some level the "best" available option. That isn't a moral failing, it's just how brains work.

Right. People look for ways to be superior to other people. Racism and religion are good fits. In my experience, people are religious because it makes them better, it gives them superiority. It lets them look down on other people. This desire to look down on other people comes first.
A silly criticism anyhow. Obviously, everyone believes that what they believe (or don't believe) is on some level the "best" available option. That isn't a moral failing, it's just how brains work.

Right. People look for ways to be superior to other people. Racism and religion are good fits. In my experience, people are religious because it makes them better, it gives them superiority. It lets them look down on other people. This desire to look down on other people comes first.

Such a cynical perspective on the world! You must not meet very many good people.
A silly criticism anyhow. Obviously, everyone believes that what they believe (or don't believe) is on some level the "best" available option. That isn't a moral failing, it's just how brains work.

Right. People look for ways to be superior to other people. Racism and religion are good fits. In my experience, people are religious because it makes them better, it gives them superiority. It lets them look down on other people. This desire to look down on other people comes first.

Such a cynical perspective on the world! You must not meet very many good people.

No, he just knows human beings. We all want to be superior and feel superior to others. It's the old "pecking order".

We (atheists etc) are superior to all those mindless biblethumper racists aren't we? ;)
A silly criticism anyhow. Obviously, everyone believes that what they believe (or don't believe) is on some level the "best" available option. That isn't a moral failing, it's just how brains work.

Right. People look for ways to be superior to other people. Racism and religion are good fits. In my experience, people are religious because it makes them better, it gives them superiority. It lets them look down on other people. This desire to look down on other people comes first.

Such a cynical perspective on the world! You must not meet very many good people.

One can have an innate desire to look down on other people and perceive them as inferior. Whether that innate desire translates into behavior is still a choice. A "good" person imho recognizes the demon within and does not translate that belief into behavior. I know lots of "good" people.
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