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Does Gravity Disprove God?

Yes that about said it and you're pretty right. You're doing missile gravity professionally and you're pointing out the ways in which I'm wrong in my saying essentially nothing and laughing to myself. That alone compels at least me. You're coming to me too correctly and you're using too many examples, as if we're debating.

I may be more interested in why a person would ask something like this. Interesting question but it is just more interesting to me that anyone could argue about it. It is hard to pay attention when people repeat facts as if it is their job to maintain the illusion of those "facts", so I have missed a few key points. I don't mean you in that case but I do mean debates and conversations in general. The impossibility of something is sometimes created by asking if the thing is possible. Like treating God like a case of crabs instead of AIDS. Like... picking and picking that scab and rubbing with filthy things until you have aids on your genitals instead of crabs. That didn't translate in 2013 so whatever. Move on.

I know it is important to know that you are not full of shit and telling me that I am full of shit is a good way to do that, but gravity is not getting any realer. God becomes more real every time you say God but gravity nah. Someone told me something like.. you can be honest and wrong, or you can know the actual facts which make you a liar. It was something like that. I don't really care about gravity or God, to be honest. I want to know why a person would want to want to know, and I would like you to explain to me some other things as well. I do have some concerns about gravity.I don't use search engines if I can help it because I like intimacy. I like passion. Here they are:

Why can't I see the dark side of the moon? The moon is spinning, right? How could the dark side always be the same side?

Why do so many celestial objects have faces? I stare at universe pics a lot. You see them too, right? The faces all up in the stars? Yeah you do. Some of the images are popular and they talk about them, but I'm talking about the faces hidden in the helium and rocks that aren't talked about. We all see them. Are they different for everyone? Do you dismiss this? I'd share some picture data but it is personal and I want to make a picture book of demon faces in galaxy clusters someday. You know how telling your ideas gets them sold next week. That isn't a question about gravity but I thought I'd mention it because celestial faces are so cool.

Why do I feel the effects of gravity differently at times? Do you ever feel more aware of gravity's presence? Sometimes I feel like an anvil in oat meal and other times I totally feel like a feather. It is my body and not my brain. Oh and sometimes when I'm leaving the bathroom, I weigh two pounds lighter than when I went in. How is this possible?

Does gravity cause fish kills? Is that why so many fish are dying? Have you seen this? For some reason it doesn't make it onto tv often, but according to the internet, fish are dying my the billions. I was thinking it is because of Exxon spills or some other human disaster, but it may just be gravity? Gravity can change like you said right?

Does gravity have a measurable weight? I mean gravity it's self, not the effects. Does gravity as gravity have a weight?

-Those are a few things I need to know about gravity. Also I'd like your thoughts on the faces in space. They aren't just in space, as you well know. Pareidolia is supposedly what they call it. It was you who mentioned it once. You used it as an analogy. When you're looking for something - you see something, or something like that. I don't explicitly say pareidolia in the space faces case. They may actually be there.

I retyped this because the page stopped loading earlier. I did that only because you make me laugh and you deserve a response. Now is when you point out some more impossible things I said. Then next page I'm still doing it because it doesn't matter and it does beat Legos. I feel like we're closer to dispelling Gravity and proving God. Am I wrong or is that what is happening here?
Gravity helps prove God - the soul

Take a rock and drop it. Physics can predict quite accurately exactly what will happen to the rock.

The rock will obey gravity, land on the floor and remain there until……………

Until what?

Until I walk over and pick it up. I can lift the rock using my own free will/volition.

Physics cannot predict when or EVEN IF I will pick up the rock.

Physics has no name for the unpredictable and VERY REAL force acting upon the matter of my shoulder, my arm, my hand, the rock in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of gravity.

It is not hormones – hormones are matter.
It is not brain – brain cells are matter. Matter has no free will.

So what exactly is the name of the force (which acts in a way science cannot predict) that lifts the rock doing the opposite of what gravity intended?
Take a rock and drop it. Physics can predict quite accurately exactly what will happen to the rock.

The rock will obey gravity, land on the floor and remain there until……………

Until what?

Until I walk over and pick it up. I can lift the rock using my own free will/volition.

Physics cannot predict when or EVEN IF I will pick up the rock.

Physics has no name for the unpredictable and VERY REAL force acting upon the matter of my shoulder, my arm, my hand, the rock in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of gravity.

It is not hormones – hormones are matter.
It is not brain – brain cells are matter. Matter has no free will.

So what exactly is the name of the force (which acts in a way science cannot predict) that lifts the rock doing the opposite of what gravity intended?

There are only four forces; Gravity, Electromagnetism, and the Strong and Weak nuclear forces. You know the answer isn't 'gravity'; if I give you the hint that the two nuclear forces only operate significantly at subatomic scales, then can you guess what the answer to your question is?

Your bizarre claim that electromagnetism 'acts in a way science cannot predict' is just about as wrong as it is possible to be; predicting the results of electromagnetic interactions is the purview of quantum electrodynamics, which is perhaps the best tested and most precise theory in the history of science. Gravity, on the other hand, is less well understood.

You appear to be making the common error of assuming that because YOU don't know something, that thing is a mystery to everyone.

The first rule of Dunning-Kruger club is 'You don't know that you are a member of Dunning-Kruger club'
Are you telling me you can scientifically predict whether or not (and if so, when) I will pick up the rock and lift it in the opposite direction gravity would otherwise impose?

Strange that fortune tellers arent more widely accepted by the rational/skeptical community.
Are you telling me you can scientifically predict whether or not (and if so, when) I will pick up the rock and lift it in the opposite direction gravity would otherwise impose?

Strange that fortune tellers arent more widely accepted by the rational/skeptical community.

No, I'm just answering the direct question in your post 'what is the name of the force...'.

I suspect, from the way you structured your post, that you don't actually know what a 'force' is, so it is not at all surprising to me that you completely misinterpreted my answer.

Predictability breaks down rapidly in complex systems with multiple inputs; that's why we can't predict the weather two weeks from now, despite having a very good understanding of atmospheric physics. Biological systems - even simple unicellular ones - are far more complex than our planet's atmosphere, so they are not predictable, simply because it's impossible to know all of the starting conditions.

None of that means that there is room for any unknown interactions. All of the forces that operate on scales smaller than our solar system, and larger than an atomic nucleus are known. None of them are able to exert influences on human behaviour, other than the already well known influences that we can easily detect.

You are able to entertain the idea of a 'soul' that controls the physical person, but is separate from him, only because you are ignorant of the well founded science that shows such a thing to be impossible (or, to be pedantic, so improbable as to be inestimably unlikely).

You are far from alone in this; just as most people can't fly a Jumbo Jet, so most people don't understand the physics necessary to see why what I am saying here is true. But, like flying a Jumbo Jet, most people who want to put in the effort to learn could learn how to do it if they tried.

But unless you have put in that effort, you are simply incapable of adding anything useful to a debate between pilots regarding the finer points of 747 operation; and you are equally out of your depth in the current context.

You can learn the physics, do the experiments yourself, and check it out personally; or, if that's too hard, you can settle for taking the word of those who have put in the effort. But if you don't put in the effort to learn, then you are not able to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. You can listen and learn, or speak and embarrass yourself. The only other option is to learn.
Gravity acting upon the rock - predictable.
My hand lifting the rock - unpredictable. (Free will, agent, volition, soul.)
...most people can't fly a Jumbo Jet,
...you are simply incapable of adding anything useful to a debate between pilots regarding the finer points of 747 operation;

Wait! You mean humans control the plane?


Who controls the humans?
...most people can't fly a Jumbo Jet,
...you are simply incapable of adding anything useful to a debate between pilots regarding the finer points of 747 operation;

Wait! You mean humans control the plane?


Who controls the humans?

Humans are controlled by their brains, and by their endocrine systems.

Brains are autonomous massively parallel processors. They control themselves - and it can be easily demonstrated that external influences on the brain are limited to easily detected sensory inputs; there cannot be any unknown external influence, as there is no force that could propagate such an influence without destroying the brain.

Souls are not possible, other than as a metaphorical description of self-reference and feedback within the brain.
Gravity acting upon the rock - predictable.
My hand lifting the rock - unpredictable. (Free will, agent, volition, soul.)

If we had a way of monitoring yor brain I am sure we would be able to tell what you are going to do long before you are aware of it yourself.
Take a rock and drop it. Physics can predict quite accurately exactly what will happen to the rock.

The rock will obey gravity, land on the floor and remain there until……………

Until what?

Until I walk over and pick it up. I can lift the rock using my own free will/volition.

Physics cannot predict when or EVEN IF I will pick up the rock.

Physics has no name for the unpredictable and VERY REAL force acting upon the matter of my shoulder, my arm, my hand, the rock in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of gravity.

It is not hormones – hormones are matter.
It is not brain – brain cells are matter. Matter has no free will.

So what exactly is the name of the force (which acts in a way science cannot predict) that lifts the rock doing the opposite of what gravity intended?

That is a nice example of religious thinking, "We don't know, therefore god.".

I guess this is why a lot of religious folks freak out every time science does explain some former "we don't know". Each "this is how it happens" makes their "We don't know, therefore god" a little smaller squeezing him into ever smaller gaps.
bILBY you said four forces are responsible for the rock moving. what were they? Electromagnetism, gravity and strong/weak forces of some other type? Those are all created and governed by psychic force. That is correct isn't it? All energy from the psychic force is a part of all things that have ever lived, and the psychic realm controls the Cosmic Force, binding everything together.

You can legitimize Religion Gods when you consider that the force making them is the same force making the four farces of gravity, electromagnetism and strong/weak whatevers.
bILBY you said four forces are responsible for the rock moving. what were they? Electromagnetism, gravity and strong/weak forces of some other type? Those are all created and governed by psychic force. That is correct isn't it? All energy from the psychic force is a part of all things that have ever lived, and the psychic realm controls the Cosmic Force, binding everything together.

You can legitimize Religion Gods when you consider that the force making them is the same force making the four farces of gravity, electromagnetism and strong/weak whatevers.
You can make up any old bullshit you like, but without providing the means to scientifically test your unfalsifiable woo-woo, it can be safely ignored as nonsense.
In my opinion all woo-woo, including scientifically testing can be safely ignored as nonsense. The falsifiability is in testing something we control ourselves, within the test of allowing ourselves to to believe arbitration is possible.
bILBY you said four forces are responsible for the rock moving. what were they? Electromagnetism, gravity and strong/weak forces of some other type? Those are all created and governed by psychic force. That is correct isn't it? All energy from the psychic force is a part of all things that have ever lived, and the psychic realm controls the Cosmic Force, binding everything together.

You can legitimize Religion Gods when you consider that the force making them is the same force making the four farces of gravity, electromagnetism and strong/weak whatevers.


Thank you... I love satire and nonsense. Satirical nonsense is a special pleasure.
In my opinion all woo-woo, including scientifically testing can be safely ignored as nonsense. The falsifiability is in testing something we control ourselves, within the test of allowing ourselves to to believe arbitration is possible.
Yes, that's how we got to the moon. Sure.
Take a rock and drop it. Physics can predict quite accurately exactly what will happen to the rock.

The rock will obey gravity, land on the floor and remain there until……………

Until what?

Until I walk over and pick it up. I can lift the rock using my own free will/volition.

Physics cannot predict when or EVEN IF I will pick up the rock.

Physics has no name for the unpredictable and VERY REAL force acting upon the matter of my shoulder, my arm, my hand, the rock in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of gravity.

It is not hormones – hormones are matter.
It is not brain – brain cells are matter. Matter has no free will.

So what exactly is the name of the force (which acts in a way science cannot predict) that lifts the rock doing the opposite of what gravity intended?

That is a nice example of religious thinking, "We don't know, therefore god.".

Um, I never said I don't know.
And there's nothing science has discovered which belittles or encroaches on God.

- quite the opposite is true.
That is a nice example of religious thinking, "We don't know, therefore god.".

Um, I never said I don't know.
And there's nothing science has discovered which belittles or encroaches on God.

- quite the opposite is true.
No you said that science doesn't know which, to you, proves what you do KNOW.

The "We" in that was science. Your argument implies "Science don't know, therefore god." - just as illogical.
Wait! You mean humans control the plane?


Who controls the humans?

Humans are controlled by their brains, and by their endocrine systems.

Brains are autonomous massively parallel processors. They control themselves - and it can be easily demonstrated that external influences on the brain are limited to easily detected sensory inputs; there cannot be any unknown external influence, as there is no force that could propagate such an influence without destroying the brain.

Souls are not possible, other than as a metaphorical description of self-reference and feedback within the brain.

The 'brain' is made of molecules just like the rock.
Yet the brain can freely 'decide' to pick up the rock, lifting it in the opposite direction of gravity.

When was the last time gravity 'decided' to move a rock?
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