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Donald "False Equivalence is what I'm all about" Trump

Basic differences between George Washington and Robert E. Lee include the fact that Washington had accomplishments other than being a General. But even ignoring that, there's always the meme to which Cheato subscribes whenever it's convenient for him:
Washington WON.
Robert E. Lee LOST.
That alone should draw a stark contrast, and explain to Cheato's satisfaction why Washington should be honored and Lee should not be.
Looks like Trump is in the running for Patron Saint of the Lost Cause.
Mooch only said Bannon was trying, not that he was succeeding.
Seriously, shut up! Stop talking! You clearly don't understand fucking anything! Washington and Jefferson provided more to the nation than merely being slave holders, wrote shit like the our founding documents, were Presidents, one led our military in the Revolution.
Do you honestly think that he was trying to discount Washington and Jefferson?

Wow, do you honestly think that's what Jimmy meant?
As far as I know, neither Washington nor Jefferson are considered symbols of the effort to protect slavery.
And as Athena showed, the Cornerstone Address specifically names Jefferson as being on the wrong side of the question.

You mean the secessionists used the founding fathers to justify their rebellion?

Who'd a thunk...
Do you honestly think that he was trying to discount Washington and Jefferson?
Washington and Jefferson did not fight a way to protect slavery. As far as I know, neither Washington nor Jefferson are considered symbols of the effort to protect slavery.

So, Trump's examples of the slippery slope with Washington and Jefferson are stupid.

They kept huge amounts of slaves. They were major slave owners. Their actions perpetuated Slavery. Hardly a slippery slope for something that is obvious.

Jefferson did ban the import of slaves into Virginia but freed none of his.
George Washington had over 317 slaves at his death.

Slavery was an institution during their lives :

When Washington was eleven years old, he inherited ten slaves;[3] by the time of his death, 317 slaves lived at Mount Vernon,[4] including 123 owned by Washington, 40 leased from a neighbor, and an additional 153 "dower slaves." While these dower slaves were designated for Martha's use during her lifetime, they were part of the estate of her first husband Daniel Parke Custis, and the Washingtons could not sell or manumit them.

In fact American Psychiatrists invented a term called Drapetomania.
This was an invented form of mania assigned to slaves who 'had an uncontrollable impulse to flee captivity.
And as Athena showed, the Cornerstone Address specifically names Jefferson as being on the wrong side of the question.

You mean the secessionists used the founding fathers to justify their rebellion?

Who'd a thunk...
Not quite.
Jefferson said that slavery was the rock that would sink the US. They said, "Yep! Finally! We're the rock, he failed to properly understand how god ordained the negro to be our bitch."
Basic differences between George Washington and Robert E. Lee include the fact that Washington had accomplishments other than being a General. But even ignoring that, there's always the meme to which Cheato subscribes whenever it's convenient for him:
Washington WON.
Robert E. Lee LOST.
That alone should draw a stark contrast, and explain to Cheato's satisfaction why Washington should be honored and Lee should not be.

He is not entirely wrong though. There are people who demand Washington and Jefferson be gone.
Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery

And didn't the Democratic Party went on and rename the Jefferson/Jackson dinner because of overabundance of political correctness?
Rather weak sarcasm recognition on this thread is...
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