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Donald Trump is not being arrested for being criminally negligent


Apr 5, 2004
Basic Beliefs
And he fucking should:

Donald Trump admits deliberately minimising coronavirus in bombshell book

The Trump administration has been forced into damage control after the US President admitted deliberately downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus early in the pandemic in explosive interviews with veteran journalist Bob Woodward.

Trump gave 18 on-the-record interviews to the famous Watergate journalist for his highly anticipated new book Rage, details of which have been leaked to the media ahead of its arrival in American bookshops next week.

I seem to remember a word about leaders that love military parades, is distrustful of their military, wants statues of themselves, promotes nepotism and lies to their citizens.

Oh, that's right. They are a fucking cunt. That's what we call dictators.
And he fucking should:

Donald Trump admits deliberately minimising coronavirus in bombshell book

The Trump administration has been forced into damage control after the US President admitted deliberately downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus early in the pandemic in explosive interviews with veteran journalist Bob Woodward.

Trump gave 18 on-the-record interviews to the famous Watergate journalist for his highly anticipated new book Rage, details of which have been leaked to the media ahead of its arrival in American bookshops next week.

I seem to remember a word about leaders that love military parades, is distrustful of their military, wants statues of themselves, promotes nepotism and lies to their citizens.

Oh, that's right. They are a fucking cunt. That's what we call dictators.

Yea, it's a pretty simple equation. If Trump was a reasonable leader (like what we find in Europe and Canada), we'd have flattened the curve a couple months ago. We'd have probably a 100,000 fewer deaths and an opened economy. It's unbelievable. The Benghazi 12 month trial was about at worse, government mistakes and misunderstandings that lead to 4 American deaths. Where's the investigation into covidgate?
On August 6, 2001, about seven weeks before 9/11, Bush II was handed a President's Daily Brief with the heading, 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US'. It detailed signs of increased activity among terror cells and predicted that terrorists might try to hijack US aircraft as part of their ops.
Bush was at his Crawford ranch at the time, if I remember correctly. He did not follow up on the report in any way, and specifically did not take it up with his national security advisers.
The lack of attention and scrutiny to this (it came out in the news in '02) is telling. History, at least in the short term, is written by the majority party.
Yeah, remember when the W Admin didn't want Congress to investigate 9/11? And then W couldn't be interviewed without a buddy?

But 4 murdered diplomats require over half a dozen congressional investigations, that all came to the same conclusion.

And now 190,000 dead people doesn't even warrant a yawn from the GOP.
And he fucking should [be arrested for being criminally negligent]

WHAT? and IGNORE a Dictator-enabling internal DOJ memo, in favor of the fucking LAW???
Not a Republican chance in hell.

History, at least in the short term, is written by the majority party.

The popular saying is, "History is always written by the victor"

Yeh. Recently parroted by the Barr toady. We shall see how long term THAT scumbag's history runs.
President Ford did a huge disservice to our country when he pardoned Nixon. He was a simpleton, not really aware of his office and what it meant. He only understood the personal. And when it comes to the power of a US President, personal does not mean important. And this dipshittery set a dangerous precedent, the idea that the most powerful among us can put our democracy at risk and not face any real consequences. No, Nixon's regret and humiliation were not even close to being suitable punishment for the crime - his feelings didn't matter in the big picture of the presidency and democracy. But worse than merely the injustice of letting a powerful crook get away with high crimes, pardoning Nixon sent a message to Americans and to the world that we don't hold power accountable, that we coddle the powerful and overlook their crimes as if they are delicate mental patients or innocent toddlers. And of course, unscrupulous, privileged, rich morons got the message as well, with each succeeding right wing president pushing their sociopathic levels of criminality a little bit more. And here we are now, up to our elbows in deranged orange dotard.

Right wing morons who cannot and will not hold power accountable can go fuck themselves sideways with a rusty crowbar.
Right wing morons who cannot and will not hold power accountable can go fuck themselves sideways with a rusty crowbar.

The crowbar must be wrapped in sandpaper. For an ideology that prides itself on responsibility, right wingers are fucking amazing at mental gymnastics to escape accountability.
They are comparable. Cuomo can go to hell.

Cuomo fucked up. That is not the same as, "Fuck, I'd better lie to everyone to keep my ratings".

Cuomo lies through his teeth. He is one of the worst examples of a bought-and-paid for politician. I suppose his immunity shield for executives of nursing homes was just a fuck up too, and had nothing to do with millions in campaign money.

Stop carrying water for these people. Trump isn't uniquely bad. He's just a clownish, crass, buffoon. But he isn't particularly worse than your typical establishment politician.
They are comparable. Cuomo can go to hell.

Cuomo fucked up. That is not the same as, "Fuck, I'd better lie to everyone to keep my ratings".

Cuomo lies through his teeth. He is one of the worst examples of a bought-and-paid for politician. I suppose his immunity shield for executives of nursing homes was just a fuck up too, and had nothing to do with millions in campaign money.

Stop carrying water for these people. Trump isn't uniquely bad. He's just a clownish, crass, buffoon. But he isn't particularly worse than your typical establishment politician.

Bullshit. He's objectively, undeniably worse.

McConnell might be worse, but even he's competent.
They are comparable. Cuomo can go to hell.

Cuomo fucked up. That is not the same as, "Fuck, I'd better lie to everyone to keep my ratings".

Cuomo lies through his teeth. He is one of the worst examples of a bought-and-paid for politician. I suppose his immunity shield for executives of nursing homes was just a fuck up too, and had nothing to do with millions in campaign money.

Stop carrying water for these people. Trump isn't uniquely bad. He's just a clownish, crass, buffoon. But he isn't particularly worse than your typical establishment politician.

Last time I checked, I wasn't a cheerleader for anyone. I would like to meet each and everyone of these elected officials and say, "Hey, cunt! Do you fucking know your boss fucking is?"

But I do recognize a Governor has less responsibility than a President. So let me piss in the hypothetical water you assume that I am carrying and emphasise that Governors only become important if, and only if, Presidents are useless, worthless fucking cunts.

Cuomo is only a topic of discussion because Trump is a useless worthless fucking cunt who lied to the people he works for. Is Anthony Cuomo a lying cunt as well? Of course he is. First thing first though.
Cuomo lies through his teeth.

Cuomo isn't complicit in the deaths of >100,000 Americans in the last six months. Trump is.
So let's talk about Cuomo in the "Presidential Politics" forum, right?

"I am not a trumpsucker"s are so transparent...
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