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Draft Rachel Maddow for 2020

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
Thinking about the 2020 elections, we need fresh political blood. Bernie Sanders will be very old, and I don't see many others who might possibly run and actually win. Of course that all depends on just how disastrous the GOP is for America over the next four years.

So I am thinking, could we manage to get Rachel Maddow to run? Would you vote for Rachel? Who else could possibly beat Trumpo?
Thinking about the 2020 elections, we need fresh political blood. Bernie Sanders will be very old, and I don't see many others who might possibly run and actually win. Of course that all depends on just how disastrous the GOP is for America over the next four years.

So I am thinking, could we manage to get Rachel Maddow to run? Would you vote for Rachel? Who else could possibly beat Trumpo?

Bernie maybe. All the polls had him head and shoulders above Trump. Rachel Madow is a media serf and she serves her corporate masters. That is how she kept her job. I would never vote for her.
It shouldn't be too tough to beat Trump in 2020. Most of those who refused to vote for Hillary seem to now realize just how much additional evil is caused when you refuse to vote for the lesser evil.
Polls showed that just 3 weeks after the election, almost half of non-voters regretted it, and the vast majority would be regretting not voting for Hillary (why would you regret not voting for Trump, since he won anyway). That was before the last 2 months of Trump being even more insane and incompetent than most imagined he would be once sworn in. Hillary would win if the election were redone today.

That said, I am sure the Dems will find the least appealing candidate they can muster. My guess is that they will be committed to nominating a woman, even if a male candidate emerges that happens to be the clear best chance of ensuring victory.
There was that sports team owner whose name escapes me at the moment. He was kind of a thorn in Trump's side.
On the nightly news ABC they got Oprah Winfrey line up it looks like... I don't know they'll show the segment after this commercial
There was that sports team owner whose name escapes me at the moment. He was kind of a thorn in Trump's side.
Mark Cuban.

Not sure if he is the right guy for the job, but dems should try the millionaire outsider routine at least once I think.
Don't like Rachel Maddow, she is a bit of a hack. I like Liz Warren. As for recruiting, then Colbert and Jon Stewart but it would be hard to do.
I'd like to recruit a scholar. Constitutional law, foreign policy, a bit of both maybe?
Draft Warren Buffet. He actually knows how to run a business and he knows enough to know what he doesn't know and find the right experts to ask.
Draft Warren Buffet. He actually knows how to run a business and he knows enough to know what he doesn't know and find the right experts to ask.

Can we please stop with this whole "he knows how to run a business, therefore he'd be great at running a government" thing?
Draft Warren Buffet. He actually knows how to run a business and he knows enough to know what he doesn't know and find the right experts to ask.
Fuck him, that little scrooge. He never ran a business, he is a successful stock market monkey. And yes, government is not a business. Also, he is old and I question his ability to surround himself with competent and more importantly decent people.
I like Rachel Maddow. I enjoy her show. She should not be a politician, at least I haven't seen anything to make me think she would be particularly good at it. Besides, shouldn't we stop making on air personalities politicians? Now, put her up against Trump, yeah I'd vote for her. I'd also vote for a crustacean over Trump.
I like Rachel Maddow. I enjoy her show. She should not be a politician, at least I haven't seen anything to make me think she would be particularly good at it. Besides, shouldn't we stop making on air personalities politicians? Now, put her up against Trump, yeah I'd vote for her. I'd also vote for a crustacean over Trump.
I like her in the place where she is. She does her job well but I don't find her particularly sincere, compared to other political comedians that is.
Draft Warren Buffet. He actually knows how to run a business and he knows enough to know what he doesn't know and find the right experts to ask.

We all heard that about Drump last year"He is rich,he must be smart". How did that meme work out?
How about Gen. Wesley Clark?
Would be 75 come election time. Don't Dems have anybody younger? Besides, Clark did not perform very well when he ran in 2004 and he hasn't done anything since to raise his profile.

In any case, Dems need fresh blood. Recycling people from the 1990s and early 2000s just won't do.
Maybe Trump will piss off republicans in couple of years and democrats can ran him? I heard he is a good businessman.
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