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Draft Rachel Maddow for 2020

It's interesting how people are perceived by others. I take Maddow's show for what it is: preaching to the choir, mostly (like most of MSNBC) but I enjoy her show quite a bit, and I really don't think she's smug. Now I occasionally watch Lawrence O'Donnel too, and he's smug to me.

I agree with you on both assessments. I don't think Rachel Maddow is smug at all. Quite the opposite. She seems to me to be modest and self-deprecating even though she is also wicked brilliant. Maybe I have a different view of her having met her in person once.

Lawrence O'Donnell I don't really care for, and I agree that he seems very smug.
The problem here is the Democrats seem to have lost control over the Women's March, especially that of 08 March 2018. This was controlled by 7 Marxists and one who seems to be non Marxist.

It doesn't help much that one of this gang of 8 (Rasmea Yousef Odeh) was convicted of two counts of terrorism in Israel and served 10 years in Jail. She also did jail time in the US for not declaring this.

If Trump delivers even part of his promises coupled with the ultra left wing involvement in what should be Democrat issues, then the Democratic Party could lose again.

Britain's Labour party went through a similar phase and after several election defeats Tony Blair was eventually elected and served a few terms.

It also doesn't help when Muslim women involved in the Women's March use the ISIS salute (one index finger in the air). This originated before ISIS used it but so did the Nazi salute before Hitler.

Also Maddow would be a bad choice since she preaches to the converted.
The problem here is the Democrats seem to have lost control over the Women's March, especially that of 08 March 2018. This was controlled by 7 Marxists and one who seems to be non Marxist.

It doesn't help much that one of this gang of 8 (Rasmea Yousef Odeh) was convicted of two counts of terrorism in Israel and served 10 years in Jail. She also did jail time in the US for not declaring this.

If Trump delivers even part of his promises coupled with the ultra left wing involvement in what should be Democrat issues, then the Democratic Party could lose again.

Britain's Labour party went through a similar phase and after several election defeats Tony Blair was eventually elected and served a few terms.

It also doesn't help when Muslim women involved in the Women's March use the ISIS salute (one index finger in the air). This originated before ISIS used it but so did the Nazi salute before Hitler.

Also Maddow would be a bad choice since she preaches to the converted.

Yea, dems need to increase their base. I don't see how Maddow does this. She's not going to deliver any mid-western states. She'll deliver California and Oregon. But that's not going to cut it. We need someone who is anti-politician. Very articulate. Very rich. Able to get press attention without having to pay for it. We need a left Donald Trump.
I'd try and draft Neil Degrasse Tyson. He's famous, articulate, smart. He's not rich, but he's popular enough he could probably go the Bernie route. He wrote this post talking about how it's more important to educate and enlighten the populace, but he'd just have to be convinced he could do that more effectively from the pulpit of the presidency.
I'd try and draft Neil Degrasse Tyson. He's famous, articulate, smart. He's not rich, but he's popular enough he could probably go the Bernie route. He wrote this post talking about how it's more important to educate and enlighten the populace, but he'd just have to be convinced he could do that more effectively from the pulpit of the presidency.

I love Tyson. I'd also be open to Mark Cuban, Oprah, or anyone else who can win a modern election.
I'm not sure exactly who I want. Someone who is politically moderate, will keep church & state separate, keep us out of unnecessary wars, stay out of people's bedrooms & game rooms, & make good appointments to the courts.
I'm not sure exactly who I want. Someone who is politically moderate, will keep church & state separate, keep us out of unnecessary wars, stay out of people's bedrooms & game rooms, & make good appointments to the courts.

Totally agree. But it has to be someone who can win.
I'm not sure exactly who I want. Someone who is politically moderate, will keep church & state separate, keep us out of unnecessary wars, stay out of people's bedrooms & game rooms, & make good appointments to the courts.

Totally agree. But it has to be someone who can win.

Of course. I thought "can win" would be taken as a given.
I'd try and draft Neil Degrasse Tyson. He's famous, articulate, smart. He's not rich, but he's popular enough he could probably go the Bernie route. He wrote this post talking about how it's more important to educate and enlighten the populace, but he'd just have to be convinced he could do that more effectively from the pulpit of the presidency.

I love Tyson.

If he'd just stop biting off people's ears...
Mark Cuban sounds like a good candidate, until you realize that after Trump disaster the last thing anyone will want in White House is another businessman.
If Trump delivers even part of his promises coupled with the ultra left wing involvement in what should be Democrat issues, then the Democratic Party could lose again.

Except, so far Trump is only delivering on his most recklessly insane promises that many who voted for him based on a need to "shake up Washington" conned themselves in to believing he would never actually do. Things such as destroy the Dept of Education, reverse all progress on climate change and alternative fuels. And those rust-belt blue-collar voters that won him the election are among the most likely to be severely harmed by the repeal of the ACA. They might have wanted that repeal b/c they don't understand the GOP is their worst enemy, but when they or loved one's lose their insurance or their premiums triple, they won't be able to pretend anymore.
If Trump delivers even part of his promises coupled with the ultra left wing involvement in what should be Democrat issues, then the Democratic Party could lose again.

Except, so far Trump is only delivering on his most recklessly insane promises that many who voted for him based on a need to "shake up Washington" conned themselves in to believing he would never actually do. Things such as destroy the Dept of Education, reverse all progress on climate change and alternative fuels. And those rust-belt blue-collar voters that won him the election are among the most likely to be severely harmed by the repeal of the ACA. They might have wanted that repeal b/c they don't understand the GOP is their worst enemy, but when they or loved one's lose their insurance or their premiums triple, they won't be able to pretend anymore.

If every single trump supporter were to simultaneously fall down and break their legs, and be left to deal with it due to an eviscerated health care system, he could still get re-elected. As they lay screaming, Trump would simply blame Obama for their plight and again promise to fix it for them. And of course affirm that he has kept every promise he ever made despite having to heroically overcome the forces of resistance, like for instance FUCKING REALITY. Most trumpsuckers will never muster the courage to admit that they've been conned.
My problem with Maddow is she takes forever to get to the point, makes me scream at the TV. She's hacky too, makes a big deal out of inane points against the right.

Chris Hayes is the only cable TV politics host I can stand, even though he has gotten more lightweight since moving to weekdays.
I'd try and draft Neil Degrasse Tyson. He's famous, articulate, smart. He's not rich, but he's popular enough he could probably go the Bernie route. He wrote this post talking about how it's more important to educate and enlighten the populace, but he'd just have to be convinced he could do that more effectively from the pulpit of the presidency.

"The Bernie route" isn't being popular, famous, and articulate. It is about ideology.
"The Bernie route" isn't being popular, famous, and articulate. It is about ideology.

I meant the Bernie route for fundraising, small donations from many people instead of big donors. Which I think Tyson would need because I doubt Wall Street and corporate dems would support Tyson financially after they familiarize themselves with his positions (similar to Bernie's).
Mark Cuban sounds like a good candidate, until you realize that after Trump disaster the last thing anyone will want in White House is another businessman.

Are you a fortune teller. He's not been in power that long yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Except, so far Trump is only delivering on his most recklessly insane promises that many who voted for him based on a need to "shake up Washington" conned themselves in to believing he would never actually do. Things such as destroy the Dept of Education, reverse all progress on climate change and alternative fuels. And those rust-belt blue-collar voters that won him the election are among the most likely to be severely harmed by the repeal of the ACA. They might have wanted that repeal b/c they don't understand the GOP is their worst enemy, but when they or loved one's lose their insurance or their premiums triple, they won't be able to pretend anymore.

If every single trump supporter were to simultaneously fall down and break their legs, and be left to deal with it due to an eviscerated health care system, he could still get re-elected. As they lay screaming, Trump would simply blame Obama for their plight and again promise to fix it for them. And of course affirm that he has kept every promise he ever made despite having to heroically overcome the forces of resistance, like for instance FUCKING REALITY. Most trumpsuckers will never muster the courage to admit that they've been conned.

Are you avoiding the elephant in the room; the Marxists seem to be in charge not the Democrats when it comes to protests about Trump.
If Trump delivers even part of his promises coupled with the ultra left wing involvement in what should be Democrat issues, then the Democratic Party could lose again.

Except, so far Trump is only delivering on his most recklessly insane promises that many who voted for him based on a need to "shake up Washington" conned themselves in to believing he would never actually do. Things such as destroy the Dept of Education, reverse all progress on climate change and alternative fuels. And those rust-belt blue-collar voters that won him the election are among the most likely to be severely harmed by the repeal of the ACA. They might have wanted that repeal b/c they don't understand the GOP is their worst enemy, but when they or loved one's lose their insurance or their premiums triple, they won't be able to pretend anymore.

How is he destroying education. Marxist groups such as BANM (Revolutionary Marxist) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) are more interested in suppressing views that contradict theirs rather than educating students

Marxism and Jihadi dogmas are incompatible to Western values regarding free speech. One of points of entry these groups use are through educational establishments.

Most of the gang of 7 Marxists who ran the last Women's march) including one convicted terrorist and one who once aided terrorists are involved in education.

The British Labour Party also experienced Marxist interference in its socialist agenda for several years before war criminal Tony Blair became its leader.

The Democratic Party should distance itself from revolutionary Marxists and Jihadis. The Democrat have some good policies.

Muslim women in the USA are amongst the most empowered in the world. They are able to be independent and pursue careers more so than most other countries. Instead of encouraging this in Muslim countries they attack the US democratic structure.

The USA has some pretty good standards of Women's rights but they need to be enforced through the courts. The demonstrations held in the US and Worldwide have not established anything different.

The Democrats can for sure pursue Obamacare or similar but reform it as it has proven very costly. Lessons can be learnt from Cuba who as a poor country applied this successfully for several years and still does. The UK and many Eu countries have various types of affordable healthcare but sometimes experience problems with costs.
The problem here is the Democrats seem to have lost control over the Women's March, especially that of 08 March 2018.

First of all, "the Democrats" never controlled the women's marches. Second of all, you can see into the future now too?

No I'm not telepathic. but the March on 08 March 2017 was Marxist operated. Tamika D. Mallory (previous marches) was an adviser to the Obama administration. Democrats are involved, though the Democratic Party in the USA is not mentioned in any of the marches credits. The Democrats UK are mentioned.

Protests can be healthy but it is clear that the Marxists are capitalising on this. Where there is vitriol attached to protests in a democratic society, look for the extremists.
First of all, "the Democrats" never controlled the women's marches. Second of all, you can see into the future now too?

No I'm not telepathic. but the March on 08 March 2017 was Marxist operated. Tamika D. Mallory (previous marches) was an adviser to the Obama administration. Democrats are involved, though the Democratic Party in the USA is not mentioned in any of the marches credits. The Democrats UK are mentioned.

Protests can be healthy but it is clear that the Marxists are capitalising on this. Where there is vitriol attached to protests in a democratic society, look for the extremists.

Okay WP, time to put down the crack pipe.
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