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Election Day, November 3, 2020

What with all the GOP dirty tricks and election roll purging, make sure everybody is registered to vote by re-registering, just in case, and making sure your photo ID is current and up to date. Don't give the dirty bastards any excuse to cheat you out of your right to vote.
Is it wrong that I am eagerly awaiting angelo's wisdom in this thread?
Is it wrong that I am eagerly awaiting angelo's wisdom in this thread?

Bozo bin that sucker. You will be glad you did. In the mean time, it is 4 months until Super Tuesday, which will thin out the herd most thoroughly. Possibly we will be down to the winner of the Democratic primary and we will find out who the vice president nominee is.

Meanwhile in Washington, the impeachment process may have bitch slapped Trump. Time will fly quickly.
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What with all the GOP dirty tricks and election roll purging, make sure everybody is registered to vote by re-registering, just in case, and making sure your photo ID is current and up to date. Don't give the dirty bastards any excuse to cheat you out of your right to vote.

I just voted for mayor of our small city, so I know I'm registered. The problem happens in Georgia when you miss voting in two election cycles. The other issue is when there is a letter that doesn't match your ID and your voter registration. My closest black friends have all voted in the mayoral election so I think they will be okay. It's those who don't vote regularly or who live in one of the counties that is majority black that need to see if they are still registered. Hopefully, there will be enough activism on the part of Democrats this time so what happened two years ago, won't happen again.

The one thing that I do love about voting here, is that we have three full weeks of early voting, including at least one Saturday and Sunday. So, nobody can use the excuse that they had to work on Election Day etc. Unfortunately, I have known some younger Democrats who didn't even realize that we have three full weeks to vote, I hope we can get the word out this time. If we can limit voter suppression, Georgia will likely have a Democratic majority of voters. The other worry is our voting machines. I've read that we are getting new ones that will have a paper trail, but so far that hasn't happened. When I voted a couple of weeks ago, we used the same old crapy machines, the ones that have been proven to be easily hacked.

It's insane that some states only have one day to vote, and/or make it difficult to get an absentee ballot.
I remember being excited at the results coming out of Georgia. Then I noticed I did the math wrong. Then things started getting worrying. And then downright depressing. I didn't sleep that night.

That night was supposed to put the Tea Party to rest, instead it made it into a monster. The GOP was clobbered in 2018, so that gives hope. But then again, the Dems were clobbered in 2010... and Obama still won.

...The 2020 United States presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, will be the 59th quadrennial U.S. presidential election.


Today is November 3, 2019. We now have only one year until election day. This is just so very exciting. Go, Democrats, go!

I'm glad that its only a year to go. I am already sick and tired of your election campaign.:shrug:

I dunno. I quite enjoy watching it. Unlike most other countries, US federal elections are like bloodsport clown shows. It can be quite entertaining to watch. They currently have a fake Indian vs and old man who can't remember what state he's in and keeps calling his opponents President to find out who will enter the cage match against the orange orangutan. What's not to like?

In the Canadian election we only had a guy in black face fight off a timid conservative, and in the Philippines all we get is a violent thug who has scared away the mob and terrorists.

...The 2020 United States presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, will be the 59th quadrennial U.S. presidential election.


Today is November 3, 2019. We now have only one year until election day. This is just so very exciting. Go, Democrats, go!

I'm glad that its only a year to go. I am already sick and tired of your election campaign.:shrug:

I think we all are! I read yesterday that Georgia is actually in the process of getting new voting machines for the entire state. They are already in use in several counties. I just hope they are more reliable than what we've been using for the past 15 or so years.

I also saw a online site where Georgia residents can visit to make sure they are currently registered. I need to try and find it in yesterday's paper, so I can take it and ask the senior center if they would post it somewhere so people can check. Some of my older friends don't have computers, but we do have a large computer room at our center that can be used free of charge, so they have that option if they don't have a child or grandchild that can look up the information for them.

...The 2020 United States presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, will be the 59th quadrennial U.S. presidential election.


Today is November 3, 2019. We now have only one year until election day. This is just so very exciting. Go, Democrats, go!

I'm glad that its only a year to go. I am already sick and tired of your election campaign.:shrug:
You have no idea how much we are hating it.

...The 2020 United States presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, will be the 59th quadrennial U.S. presidential election.


Today is November 3, 2019. We now have only one year until election day. This is just so very exciting. Go, Democrats, go!

I'm glad that its only a year to go. I am already sick and tired of your election campaign.:shrug:

I think we all are! I read yesterday that Georgia is actually in the process of getting new voting machines for the entire state. They are already in use in several counties. I just hope they are more reliable than what we've been using for the past 15 or so years.

I also saw a online site where Georgia residents can visit to make sure they are currently registered. I need to try and find it in yesterday's paper, so I can take it and ask the senior center if they would post it somewhere so people can check. Some of my older friends don't have computers, but we do have a large computer room at our center that can be used free of charge, so they have that option if they don't have a child or grandchild that can look up the information for them.

Remember that there's supposed to be a lot more voters coming out next year than in the past, so to make things easier for the poll workers, the 3rd is just for GOP voters and Democrats will be voting on the 4th.
Trump 2020: This group of voters could swing the election - CNNPolitics
While polls generally show Trump retaining strong support overall among blue-collar whites, more detailed results in several recent surveys reveal a critical distinction: Trump faces much more resistance among working-class whites who are not evangelical Christians than among those who are. If Democrats can advance through that opening, it could prove crucial in 2020, because evangelicals compose a much smaller share of the white working-class population in the pivotal Rust Belt battleground states, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, than they do in the South.

The working-class white voters who are not evangelical Christians, especially the women in that group, loom as a potentially decisive swing block between the evangelicals who have rallied around Trump and the non-evangelical college-educated whites who have recoiled from him.

On a wide array of cultural and political questions, these non-evangelical blue-collar whites express views that place them between those two antithetical voting blocks. On balance, they lean toward culturally conservative positions, but not nearly as fervently as the evangelical Christians do. And while they express clear concerns about Trump's conduct during his presidency, they aren't nearly as alienated from him as the non-evangelical whites with advanced education.
Non-college evangelicals:
  • 75% men, 65% women: discrimination against whites as much as discrimination against others.
  • 3/4 M, 2/3 W: "Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background."
  • 4/5 M, 2/3 W: It is "necessary to believe in God to be moral and have good values."
  • 3/4 M, 2/3 W: The "Democratic Party has been taken over by socialists."
Of college-educated white evangelicals:
  • 4/5: Socialists have taken over the Democratic Party
  • A little more than 1/2: whites as discriminated against as much as blacks, immigrants are "invading".
  • A little less than 1/2: it is "necessary" to believe in God to be moral.
They feel less under siege than non-college ones, but non-college ones are 70% of white evangelicals.
Setting aside the mega churches and the rural churches which isn't actually all that many we find churches are getting lower and lower attendances. So having a cross or being an evangelical isn't all that much among those under about 45. What is most important is the percentage of each age group that votes mindlessly.

The lazy mindless stay home because their guy is causing them a lot of heartburn with friends will more than offset the number of 'my way or the highway' people who stay home because their guy isn't the nominee. So the left has the advantage.
On key cultural issues, these well-educated non-evangelical whites lean almost as sharply toward the left as evangelicals do toward the right. In the religion institute survey, two-thirds of the college-educated whites who are not evangelicals rejected the idea that whites face as much discrimination as minorities; more than three-fourths disagreed that immigrants are "invading" America. Nearly three-fourths of them said it's not necessary to believe in God to be moral. A 55% majority of them said racists have taken over the Republican Party, while 59% rejected the idea that socialists now rule the Democratic Party.

On Trump, almost three-fourths of these non-evangelical college whites said he has damaged the dignity of the presidency. Two-thirds of them say they disapprove of his performance in office and more than three-fifths said they would support not only his impeachment but also his removal from office.
The non-evangelical non-college whites show a very mixed bag.
  • A little more than 1/2: whites as discriminated against as minorities.
  • A tiny bit more than 1/2: building Trump's proposed border wall.
  • A little more than 2/5: immigrants are "invading" the US.
  • More than 1/2: Trump has damaged the dignity of his office, nearly 2 times the level of concern among non-college evangelicals.
  • 43% M, 46% W: impeaching him and removing him from office.
  • 55% M, 45% W: positive about his job performance.
  • Far more than non-college evangelicals to express negative views about him.
Why isn't your presidential election day a national holiday? It seems that should be the most important one. Why don't countries generally do that? Maybe make it patriotic and move it to July 4 even.
Why isn't your presidential election day a national holiday? It seems that should be the most important one. Why don't countries generally do that? Maybe make it patriotic and move it to July 4 even.

Because making it easier to vote would just be pandering to the will of the people. A 'Democrat power grab' as McWinkle puts it.
Our forefathers had to fight for the right to vote, so to honor their sacrifice we need to make the voters suffer, to make each individual vote as rare as hens teeth. That drives up the value, so each individual vote has a bigger net impact.
Why isn't your presidential election day a national holiday? It seems that should be the most important one. Why don't countries generally do that? Maybe make it patriotic and move it to July 4 even.

Because making it easier to vote would just be pandering to the will of the people. A 'Democrat power grab' as McWinkle puts it.
Just as a reminder, the guy said that. The GOP leader in the Senate said that. That making easier to vote was a "Democrat power grab".

Our forefathers had to fight for the right to vote, so to honor their sacrifice we need to make the voters suffer, to make each individual vote as rare as hens teeth. That drives up the value, so each individual vote has a bigger net impact.
It does make me wonder, if you make it a holiday, will that make it easier or harder to vote? Holidays mean kids are home, not at school. People don't like having to do something on a holiday.
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