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Election Lawsuits Meltdown… With Prejudice!

Bastard. Beat me to it. I like how Legal Eagle had to cut in several times in his own monologue because the crazy bullshit was progressing too fast for him to catch up with.
The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.
The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.

And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Countdown to angry tweets/firing by Trump, and death threats against Barr from the MAGAts.

Oh what a tangled web has done been woven.
The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.

And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Countdown to angry tweets/firing by Trump, and death threats against Barr from the MAGAts.

Oh what a tangled web has done been woven.

I was just going to add that but couldn't decide which thread to put it in. Here's an article to confirm it.


Attorney General William P. Barr said Tuesday that the Justice Department has not uncovered voting fraud at a scale that could have affected the results of the presidential election, reaffirming Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s win despite President Trump’s groundless claims that he was defrauded.

Mr. Barr’s comments, in an interview with The Associated Press, were a prominent repudiation of Mr. Trump’s baseless assertions and came days after the president implied that the Justice Department and the F.B.I. may have played a role in an election fraud.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Mr. Barr said.

Mr. Barr’s comments came as another Trump ally signaled he was ready to move on after a surreal month of lawsuits, conspiracy theories and denials by the president of a loss that has proved durable and decisive.

So, will Trump fire Barr by tomorrow? :D

Seriously! Anyone who doesn't see how unhinged Trump and Rudy are by this point must be suffering from their own delusions. I guess being a member of a cult does that to people.
Seriously, Rudy with that crap running down both sides of his head looks a witch doctor about to perform a human sacrifice. A photo image for the ages. Let it be framed and hung on the wall of every Trumpie -- like photos of JFK were once ubiquitous.
And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Fucking traitor should be taken out and shot, right?
Seriously though, does he want a damn medal for NOT committing a heinous crime against the United States by backing up Trump's narrative AGAIN?
It's only ever been about the MONEY!

The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.

And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Countdown to angry tweets/firing by Trump, and death threats against Barr from the MAGAts.

Oh what a tangled web has done been woven.

It's only ever been about money. As President, Trump can control the DOJ and the IRS, and he can tell creditors to go fuck themselves. So that was his plan. But he lost the election so needs a cash stream, hence the ploy about election fraud and lookie Bob, people have sent him close to 200 million bucks! Not a bad scheme.

Trumpo is a scumbag of gargantuan proportions, he knows how to fleece people, be they taxpayers or bankers or Joe Q. Maga Dumbass. Don't be surprised if he collects a cool billion from his sycophants. Remember, it's only ever been about the money, ever!
The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.

And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Countdown to angry tweets/firing by Trump, and death threats against Barr from the MAGAts.

Oh what a tangled web has done been woven.

It's only ever been about money. As President, Trump can control the DOJ and the IRS, and he can tell creditors to go fuck themselves. So that was his plan. But he lost the election so needs a cash stream, hence the ploy about election fraud and lookie Bob, people have sent him close to 200 million bucks! Not a bad scheme.

Trumpo is a scumbag of gargantuan proportions, he knows how to fleece people, be they taxpayers or bankers or Joe Q. Maga Dumbass. Don't be surprised if he collects a cool billion from his sycophants. Remember, it's only ever been about the money, ever!

As we're seeing with this latest round of attacks on anyone who dares to question his claims of voter fraud, it's becoming more and more about ego and desperation.

I will add one caveat to your accurate assessment of him as a scumbag...he's run out of bankers to fleece. At least in the US. Various sources have his current debt (and coming due soon) at somewhere around 400 billion, and that may or may not include the money that his stupid sons bragged they got from Russia.

Trump has always sold himself as a winner. Not just to the public, not just to the electorate, but to himself. In addition to having everything handed to him his entire life, never having to face consequences, and having sycophants surrounding him, he's never really had to face anything like a loss of this magnitude. Remember, he raged against the fact that he was the popular vote loser 4 years ago, and tried to make people believe his inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's. In fact the argument could be made that Obama making fun of him at the White House Correspondent's Dinner is the reason he ran for President. Now, as it becomes more and more clear that he's a loser in the biggest contest of his life, he's simply unable to cope. He just doesn't know how to lose gracefully, and this is the biggest thing anyone could lose, which makes him the biggest loser. That's beyond his capacity to comprehend.

I may have mentioned it before, but there's a very revealing segment in the Netflix series "Dirty Money" episode which deals with Trump. A couple of the creatives responsible for The Apprentice talk about how they found Trump when they were working on the show: a washed-up relic of the 80s who was holed up in a shabby office in Trump Tower and had been reduced to making Pizza Hut commercials with his wife to prop up his brand. They said it was almost sad. What they did was to create a character for him to play on the show. Not as a has-been, but as this still-glamorous and razor-sharp real estate magnate who handed out success like candy. Remember, the prize for the contestants on the show was a job with the Trump organization.*

Thing is, Trump didn't just play the character they wrote for him. He bought into it, and (to their chagrin) began to believe he really was that guy. The Trump that ran for President was in some sense the character he played on the TV show. It was so well written that he came to believe it, and so did a significant number of Americans.

But the bill is coming due. When he's unceremoniously shoved out of the White House, he faces not just humiliation, but serious financial jeopardy (Russians included), legal jeopardy, and the fact that him losing - since he sells himself as a winner - may be the fatal blow to his brand. He might be able to raise enough money to keep the grift going for a bit, but not enough to rescue his failing empire of bullshit. At some point his creditors are going to want more than promises, and at least one of them has a habit of serving up Polonium to people who piss him off.

* My friend who was a contestant on The Apprentice said it was never about getting a job with Trump. That was the last thing she wanted. No, the real prize was the ability to be on a network television show for a season, and use that exposure to build her own business.
The next shoe drops: Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova says Chris Krebs (ex DHS cybersecurity chief) should be "taken out and shot" -- warranted, of course, because Krebs said we had an honest election. Krebs is threatening lawsuits. DiGenova does what other scoundrels do -- "I was just joking" -- yeah, like that's what you do when Trump-crazed Bubbahs have already plotted to take Michigan's governor out in the woods and murder her.
You can't make this up. If this had been an HBO miniseries from the 90s, it would have been called a smear on the right wing made up by Hollywood liberals who only knew how to make lunatic caricatures.
Never, never, let a Republican go on about patriotism and putting country first. They have lost the high ground (not that they ever earned it) and don't deserve a free society.
They've got one, so far. They don't deserve it.

And now Bill Barr has come out and said that DHS and DOJ have looked into claims of election fraud, but did not find anything to substantiate those claims.

Countdown to angry tweets/firing by Trump, and death threats against Barr from the MAGAts.

Oh what a tangled web has done been woven.

The Deep State got to Barr!
* My friend who was a contestant on The Apprentice said it was never about getting a job with Trump. That was the last thing she wanted. No, the real prize was the ability to be on a network television show for a season, and use that exposure to build her own business.

How does one react to this?

I don't have a friend who was on Apprentice. So I don't know about what one would want on such a show. Yet I can see how one would want to use such an opportunity. Actually this is so woo woo that I'll just leave it right here.
I will add one caveat to your accurate assessment of him as a scumbag...he's run out of bankers to fleece.

No worries - even allowing for massive electoral fraud, he probably has 40-50 million dumbass rubes he can fleece. That's the equivalent of 40-50 banks. He could easily round up a couple billion dollars - enough to pay 200 or so lawyers to keep the financial fleecing fraud in court for the rest of his life, with a billion or so left over to spend on whatever frivolity he desires.
* My friend who was a contestant on The Apprentice said it was never about getting a job with Trump. That was the last thing she wanted. No, the real prize was the ability to be on a network television show for a season, and use that exposure to build her own business.

How does one react to this?

I don't have a friend who was on Apprentice. So I don't know about what one would want on such a show. Yet I can see how one would want to use such an opportunity. Actually this is so woo woo that I'll just leave it right here.

It was sort of a commentary on the level of bullshit at work here. There are people (who may own a red hat or two) that don't realize that The Apprentice - like a lot of other "reality" shows - is just a show. They watch and think "wow, Trump's still got it! All these people are fighting tooth and nail to get a job with the Trump organization, because who wouldn't? He's such a successful businessman! "

That's the same level of mentality as watching "Survivor" and thinking "I hope these poor contestants don't starve..."

The scary thing is that it's not just the red hats who have bought into this fantasy. It's Trump himself. Today he released a rambling 46 minute video laying out the case that he really won the election, and by all accounts it's bonkers. But he believes it, his followers believe it, and there are even folks who are suggesting that he implement martial law in order to have a redo of the election. None of them seem to grasp that it's a show. And the rest of us are going to suffer from their inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
That's the same level of mentality as watching "Survivor" and thinking "I hope these poor contestants don't starve..."

I love "Survivor". It long ago dropped any pretense to being about life and death - I think they have actually made an effort to be transparent about the producers' role in the show. The societal dynamics actually exist, albeit embellished by edits, re-takes and outright fabrications. I find it fascinating and revelatory about human nature - including what drives the producers to make shit up.
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