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Elizabeth Warren proves to be just another special interest hack - comes out against free trade agreement


Veteran Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hallandale, FL
Basic Beliefs
Right leaning skeptic
Trade economists do not dispute the economic benefits of trade liberalization, yet, in global warming denial fashion, Elizabeth Warren comes out against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

It will strengthen our economic competitiveness, improve efficiency, and reduce prices and increase quality for consumers. Such an agreement is expected to add a few percentage points to GDP over the next few decades, amounting to hundreds of billions in additional economic activity and wealth for the country.

Just some data to think about:

U.S. Benefits from Trade with TPP Economies
U.S.-TPP Trade: $1.8 trillion in goods and private services in 2012 (37% of total)

U.S.-TPP Trade Growth: Goods and services trade up 46% in the last 3 years (2009-2012)

Foreign Direct Investment From TPP Countries in the U.S.: $620.3 billion (23% of FDI stock in the United States)

TPP Foreign Affiliate Employment: 1.4 million Americans

Top U.S. Markets in TPP: Canada ($354 billion), Mexico ($243 billion), Japan ($116 billion)

Jobs Supported by Exports: An estimated 4 million jobs were supported by U.S. goods and services exports to TPP countries in 2012.

U.S. Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Exports in TPP: 97% of all goods exporting companies to TPP countries are SMEs (2011)
SMEs accounted for 29% of the total value of goods exports to TPP countries in 2011

Goods Exports to TPP Countries: $689.1 billion (45% of total U.S. goods exports)
Up 46 % from 2009


Elizabeth, the 19th century mercantalists called, and they want their senator back.

It sounds to me like she is opposed to the deal because nobody will let her read it. Frankly as a skeptic on a skeptic's board, I can sympathize with her distrust.

Can you provide a link to the text of the deal so that we can verify it's contents?

Everyone will be able to read it once the negotiations are complete. Congress has to approve the deal, after all.
So Elizabeth Warren is special interest hack and that special interest group is american people?
So you are willing to blindly support anything that has a name you approve of?

They named a bill the "Patriot act" and told us that is was all about helping to catch terrorists. Congress critters voted it in without reading it. How many of them later regretted that decision?

Is it possible that you and Obama are counting your eggs before they have hatched?
Is there any chance that she may run for your presidency? I think somebody like her in office could go a long long way towards making your country one worth respecting again.
Is there any chance that she may run for your presidency? I think somebody like her in office could go a long long way towards making your country one worth respecting again.

Her ideal vision would be to make the country like France, with 10.5% unemployment and economic stagnation, 33% less GDP per capita, and 55% of GDP government spending, and even worse unemployment/lack of opportunity for minorities and atrocious unemployment rate for youth and young adults. No thanks.
So you are willing to blindly support anything that has a name you approve of?

They named a bill the "Patriot act" and told us that is was all about helping to catch terrorists. Congress critters voted it in without reading it. How many of them later regretted that decision?

Is it possible that you and Obama are counting your eggs before they have hatched?

She's the one judging it before the details have been released. Any deal that increases global trade tends to be a pretty good deal, which this one will almost certainly do. It will benefit US consumers, the US economy, increase global cooperation and global peace.

It's kind of like the Republicans being against the Iran agreement as negotiations were in place and angry that they "couldn't read the details".
Is there any chance that she may run for your presidency? I think somebody like her in office could go a long long way towards making your country one worth respecting again.

Her ideal vision would be to make the country like France, with 10.5% unemployment and economic stagnation, 33% less GDP per capita, and 55% of GDP government spending, and even worse unemployment/lack of opportunity for minorities and atrocious unemployment rate for youth and young adults. No thanks.

But these 10.5% unemployment will all be former banksters :)
Her ideal vision would be to make the country like France, with 10.5% unemployment and economic stagnation, 33% less GDP per capita, and 55% of GDP government spending, and even worse unemployment/lack of opportunity for minorities and atrocious unemployment rate for youth and young adults. No thanks.

But these 10.5% unemployment will all be former banksters :)

Hardly - where are you getting that from?

Why aren't they able to rapidly reallocate talent like in the US?

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a premier source of young recruits, only 9.9 percent of undergraduates went into finance in 2013, compared with the 31 percent that took jobs on Wall Street in 2006, before the financial crisis. Software companies, meanwhile, hired 28.1 percent of M.I.T. graduates in 2013, compared with 10.5 percent in 2006. - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/margi...he-american-economy.html#sthash.zghQwAby.dpuf
Is there any chance that she may run for your presidency? I think somebody like her in office could go a long long way towards making your country one worth respecting again.

Her ideal vision would be to make the country like France, with 10.5% unemployment and economic stagnation, 33% less GDP per capita, and 55% of GDP government spending, and even worse unemployment/lack of opportunity for minorities and atrocious unemployment rate for youth and young adults. No thanks.
Citation please

- - - Updated - - -

So you are willing to blindly support anything that has a name you approve of?

They named a bill the "Patriot act" and told us that is was all about helping to catch terrorists. Congress critters voted it in without reading it. How many of them later regretted that decision?

Is it possible that you and Obama are counting your eggs before they have hatched?

She's the one judging it before the details have been released. Any deal that increases global trade tends to be a pretty good deal, which this one will almost certainly do. It will benefit US consumers, the US economy, increase global cooperation and global peace.

It's kind of like the Republicans being against the Iran agreement as negotiations were in place and angry that they "couldn't read the details".

Citation please. Not that I think you're lying on this one. It's a valid complaint.

It sounds to me like she is opposed to the deal because nobody will let her read it. Frankly as a skeptic on a skeptic's board, I can sympathize with her distrust.

Can you provide a link to the text of the deal so that we can verify it's contents?
Everyone will be able to read it once the negotiations are complete. Congress has to approve the deal, after all.
That's no excuse. Why must it remain secret? Is there something to hide in it? It's not like the US has poor diplomatic relations with most of the other would-be TPP countries.

I think that it would be fun to put some poison pills into it. Like stating that the US's refusal to adopt the metric system of measurements is officially a trade barrier. Or that US farm subsidies are a trade barrier. Or that the US's low ratio of results to medical expenses is a trade barrier. Or that Americans not wanted to breathe Beijing-style smog is a trade barrier. Isn't this fun?
Is there any chance that she may run for your presidency? I think somebody like her in office could go a long long way towards making your country one worth respecting again.

She has adamantly refused to run for 2016. She believes she can be more effective pulling hard to the left from her Senate seat, and I tend to agree. This country overall is not ready for her as a Presidential candidate, but she is having the affect of pulling Hillary a little bit more left...

a little bit.

It sounds to me like she is opposed to the deal because nobody will let her read it. Frankly as a skeptic on a skeptic's board, I can sympathize with her distrust.

Can you provide a link to the text of the deal so that we can verify it's contents?

Everyone will be able to read it once the negotiations are complete. Congress has to approve the deal, after all.

This answer seems to be off-topic to the thread you started. Warren says she's against the deal because she can't read it now and the negotiations are being done in secret. What would her being able to read it later have to do with the topic?
All right, I'll take the bait.

Who, Axulus, are these special interests you claim Warren is helping?
Everyone will be able to read it once the negotiations are complete. Congress has to approve the deal, after all.

This answer seems to be off-topic to the thread you started. Warren says she's against the deal because she can't read it now and the negotiations are being done in secret. What would her being able to read it later have to do with the topic?

Is that why she's against the Iran deal too?
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