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Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out for Black Lives.


Sep 17, 2003
Right behind you so ... BOO!
Basic Beliefs
non-theist, anarcho-socialist
Washington Post said:
"None of us can ignore what is happening in this country. Not when our black friends, family, neighbors literally fear dying in the streets." Warren said. "This is the reality all of us must confront, as uncomfortable and ugly as that reality may be. It comes to us to once again affirm that black lives matter, that black citizens matter, that black families matter."

"Economic justice is not — and has never been — sufficient to ensure racial justice. Owning a home won’t stop someone from burning a cross on the front lawn. Admission to a school won’t prevent a beating on the sidewalk outside," Warren declared. "The tools of oppression were woven together, and the civil rights struggle was fought against that oppression wherever it was found — against violence, against the denial of voting rights and against economic injustice."

"We’ve seen sickening videos of unarmed, black Americans cut down by bullets, choked to death while gasping for air — their lives ended by those who are sworn to protect them. Peaceful, unarmed protesters have been beaten. Journalists have been jailed. And, in some cities, white vigilantes with weapons freely walk the streets," Warren said. "And it’s not just about law enforcement either. Just look to the terrorism this summer at Emanuel AME Church [in Charleston, S.C.]. We must be honest: 50 years after John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out, violence against African Americans has not disappeared."

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Hey Elizabeth, thanks for not running! :(

What, Bernie, Hillary and Joe aren't good enough on black lives mattering?

I feel particularly bad for Bernie on this as he was actually on the civil rights marches while Warren was still in her little papoose.
Another fool who simply assumes that black deaths at the hands of the police are unjustified.
Another fool who simply assumes that black deaths at the hands of the police are unjustified.

Yeah, that's exactly what she said. Then she went on a radical leftist tirade against the cops. Here's the offending quote for reference:

Consider law enforcement. The vast majority of police officers sign up so they can protect their communities. They are part of an honorable profession that takes risks every day to keep us safe. We know that. But we also know — and say — the names of those whose lives have been treated with callous indifference. Sandra Bland. Freddie Gray. Michael Brown. We've seen sickening videos of unarmed black Americans cut down by bullets, choked to death while gasping for air — their lives ended by those who are sworn to protect them.

What an unbalanced and unfair treatment of the issue! This lady is clearly deranged.

Fauxcahontas said:
"None of us can ignore what is happening in this country. Not when our black friends, family, neighbors literally fear dying in the streets."
Blacks are orders of magnitude more likely to "die on the streets" at the hands of another black person than they are at the hands of a police officer. And most of those police shootings were justified anyway. Michael Brown was the case that started this #BLM nonsense and it turned out to be justified, as did most of these hashtags.

I mean really!
More Fauxcahontas said:
We must be honest: 50 years after John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out, violence against African Americans has not disappeared."
According to FBI, blacks are twice as likely to kill whites than vice versa. Do white lives matter?

- - - Updated - - -

What an unbalanced and unfair treatment of the issue! This lady is clearly deranged.
Well she mentioned Michael Brown - whose shooting was justified. And Sandra Bland who wasn't killed by the police.
Blacks are orders of magnitude more likely to "die on the streets" at the hands of another black person than they are at the hands of a police officer.

Amazingly, most people can concern themselves with multiple issues at the same time.

And most of those police shootings were justified anyway. Michael Brown was the case that started this #BLM nonsense

No, it was actually the Trayvon Martin murder. You remember, with poor innocent George Zimmerman who has since then choked women, punched elderly men, stalked strangers, painted the Confederate Battle Flag, joined up with an Islamophobic gun store owner, called the first black president a baboon, and generally not gone into hiding like he keeps saying he needs to?
Blacks are orders of magnitude more likely to "die on the streets" at the hands of another black person than they are at the hands of a police officer.
That is one tired smokescreen. The police are agents of the street and get special consideration. It is worse when the police kill civilians.
And most of those police shootings were justified anyway.
Since you don't know which ones she was talking about, you cannot make such a claim and be expected to be taken seriously. Not that anyone does.
Amazingly, most people can concern themselves with multiple issues at the same time.
Most people should also be able to prioritize - what is the more severe issue here?

No, it was actually the Trayvon Martin murder.
First of all, it wasn't a murder. Second, there was never much protesting surrounding that case, much less rioting, looting, and arson that accompanied Michael Brown. Also I never heard of BLM before Michael Brown. Can you point to any references to the "Black Lives Matter" movement before August 2014, especially if they reference Trayvon Martin?
You remember, with poor innocent George Zimmerman who has since then choked women,
Weren't those charges dropped?
punched elderly men, stalked strangers,
What cases are you referring to?
epainted the Confederate Battle Flag, joined up with an Islamophobic gun store owner, called the first black president a baboon,
Are those illegal?
and generally not gone into hiding like he keeps saying he needs to?

I must give it to him. He is a first rate real life troll.
That is one tired smokescreen. The police are agents of the street and get special consideration. It is worse when the police kill civilians.
Yes, police get special consideration. They are expected to engage suspects and thus expected that they will sometimes, in the course of their duties, have to use deadly force. There is nothing wrong with a police officer justifiably killing a civilian. Of course, when a police shooting is not justified that is worse, but that has to be shown on a case to case basis. Too many people, particularly #BLM activists, call any police killing a "murder" with no regard to actual facts.
Since you don't know which ones she was talking about, you cannot make such a claim and be expected to be taken seriously.
She specifically mentioned Michael Brown. Had she talked about people like Walter Scott she would have had more credibility.

Not that anyone does.
You are confusing me with yourself.
Yes, police get special consideration. They are expected to engage suspects and thus expected that they will sometimes, in the course of their duties, have to use deadly force. There is nothing wrong with a police officer justifiably killing a civilian. Of course, when a police shooting is not justified that is worse, but that has to be shown on a case to case basis. Too many people, particularly #BLM activists, call any police killing a "murder" with no regard to actual facts.
You are not fooling anyone but yourself with the smokescreen.

She specifically mentioned Michael Brown. Had she talked about people like Walter Scott she would have had more credibility.
Maybe or maybe not. Once again, you are simply blowing a smokescreen because your response does not detract from the truth that you have no basis for your claim that most of the cases she was talking about were justified shootings.
You are confusing me with yourself.
Please stop insulting me and any other readers of this thread.
You are not fooling anyone but yourself with the smokescreen.
On the contrary, you are not fooling anybody with your willful refusal to see difference between justified and unjustified shootings.

Maybe or maybe not. Once again, you are simply blowing a smokescreen because your response does not detract from the truth that you have no basis for your claim that most of the cases she was talking about were justified shootings.
Again, the only police shooting she mentioned was that of Michael Brown. That shooting was justified.
Please stop insulting me and any other readers of this thread.
Rich coming from you since insulting anybody who disagrees with you is your MO.
The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset. Lives should not matter because of memership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals. And an innocent victim of crime matters more than some thug gunned down by the police.
than blaming women for false rape claims,
Who should be blamed for false rape claims other then the false accusers themselves and their cheerleaders/advocates/enablers? Also, what does that have to do with this thread?
blaming society for unfair treatment of white men,
When white men are being unfairly treated by society, is that ok just because they happen to be white and male?
blaming black people for...well...just about everything, and
You would be wrong.
celebrating (as you do here) folks who unapologetically shoot black people.
Whom am I celebrating?

"The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset."

That single sentence sums up everything you have said, are saying, and will say about black folk.

Thank you for finally just saying it.
"The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset."
That single sentence sums up everything you have said, are saying, and will say about black folk.
Thank you for finally just saying it.
✈ <--------------- My point

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <-------------- Athena's head
Most people should also be able to prioritize - what is the more severe issue here?

No, it was actually the Trayvon Martin murder.
First of all, it wasn't a murder.

Yeah. It was.

Second, there was never much protesting surrounding that case, much less rioting, looting, and arson that accompanied Michael Brown. Also I never heard of BLM before Michael Brown. Can you point to any references to the "Black Lives Matter" movement before August 2014, especially if they reference Trayvon Martin?

You are not very good at understanding the genesis of things, or cause and effect, are you?

You remember, with poor innocent George Zimmerman who has since then choked women,
Weren't those charges dropped?
punched elderly men, stalked strangers,
What cases are you referring to?

Yep, he's a stand up guy all right. Petty, racist, misogynistic cowardly hypocrite. I can see why he is a hero to some.

epainted the Confederate Battle Flag, joined up with an Islamophobic gun store owner, called the first black president a baboon,
Are those illegal?

Lots of things are legal. Doesn't mean that they don't show character. Or lack thereof.

I must give it to him. He is a first rate real life troll.

I just think of him as a low rent, delusional paranoid cretinous violent asshole spouse abusing murderer. With a following of like minded admirers and those who wish to use him to advance their cause or distract attention from what they are doing themselves.
Yeah. It was.
No, it wasn't. The 2nd degree murder charge was always an overreach by the prosecutors, even assuming their version of events it was manslaughter.

You are not very good at understanding the genesis of things, or cause and effect, are you?
Again, I am not aware of BLM movement before the Michael Brown case. Now I am aware that BLMers retroactively referred back to past cases like Trayvon's but that doesn't mean the movement started with the Trayvon case as Mumbles claimed. Do you agree with me that BLM started with Michael Brown case or do you have any evidence of the movement's existence before August 2014?

Yep, he's a stand up guy all right. Petty, racist, misogynistic cowardly hypocrite. I can see why he is a hero to some.
That is not an answer to my question. Again, what cases was Mumbles referring to when he said "... punched elderly men, stalked strangers, ..."?

Lots of things are legal. Doesn't mean that they don't show character. Or lack thereof.
Sure. A lot of the things he does are distasteful. As I said, a real life troll.
"The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset."

That single sentence sums up everything you have said, are saying, and will say about black folk.

Thank you for finally just saying it.

The thing is "black lives matter" is based on a fallacy--that the police are singling out black people to kill. it's already been shown that this is false. Thus it is misguided from the start.
Another fool who simply assumes that black deaths at the hands of the police are unjustified.

Leftism is motivated by a snobbish hatred of the majority by championing the minorities that attack it and feed off it. Therefore, Leftism is a cover for Right Wing attitudes and provokes the majority into voting Right Wing in response to its fraud.
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