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Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out for Black Lives.

Women are evil
*Sigh* I never said that and you know it full well. Both men and women can be good or bad. The problem is that our society is biased in favor of women (female privilege) in many areas which allows evil women to thrive.

Blacks deserve the shootings they get.
Some definitely do. As do some whites. Attack a cop, expect to get shot. As simple as that. Michael Brown never deserved the support he got.

But I don't expect you to own your words.
I own my words. I do not own your mischaracterization of them.
Should there be a quota?

No there should be equal opportunity in our country and there should be equal treatment before the law and society.

Derec said:
Only 13% of arrests are allowed to be of black people, no matter how many crimes they actually commit?

You have a weird interpretation of what I wrote. I expect that the greater rates of arrest are because sure there could be more crimes committed for some types of crimes, but there are also illegitimate arrests. Both crimes at a higher rate and illegitimate arrests at a higher rate are tragic. I also expect that if there were equal opportunity in the country and equal treatment before the law and society, then we would not being seeing such different arrest rates.

Derec said:
According to FBI crime data, blacks commit homicides 5x as much as whites. Should the arrests in homicide cases not reflect that?

Why trot out this one statistic in response to commentary on arrests in general? Are you trying to say that every disproportionate arrest rate is merely because of disproportionate criminal behaviors by Blacks? Do you think that disproportionate criminal behaviors by Blacks would absolve police from killing innocent Blacks? If police showed up on the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin scene before George killed Trayvon Martin and they shot and killed Trayvon, would you not think that is a tragedy?

Derec said:
Reality: Normalizing one tragedy with another does not make it less tragic.
Arrests should be proportionate to crimes committed, not necessarily population numbers.

In a society with a lot more equality, I would not have to mention extremely disproportionate statistics to this level regarding deaths at the hands of police. So, no, my point stands. Normalizing one tragedy with another does not make it less tragic.
For 400 years, Blacks in America have never been treated worse than they deserved.
That's the way I was raised.

For all have sinned and deserve no better than Hell, anyway. Also, no whites have been treated worse than they deserved, for reds or yellows or that one guy with the plaid body paint. We all deserve to be stomped on by an angry god. The fact that we're still here, being merely raped and lunched and shot and stabbed and forced to write bad checks, rather than burning in Hell is proof that there is a God and he loves us all very much.
*Sigh* I never said that and you know it full well. Both men and women can be good or bad. The problem is that our society is biased in favor of women (female privilege) in many areas which allows evil women to thrive.

Blacks deserve the shootings they get.
Some definitely do. As do some whites. Attack a cop, expect to get shot. As simple as that. Michael Brown never deserved the support he got.

But I don't expect you to own your words.
I own my words.
No you don't.
I do not own your mischaracterization of them.
Care to take vote on that?

Derec just show where you took the side of a rape victim or a black man who was shot by the police.
Was the big font size really necessary?
Let's quiet you down a couple of notches.
Well yeah. You clearly aren't getting the point. I was hoping the larger font would make it harder to go in one "ear" and out the other.

Due process doesn't mean there is always a trial. And police officers, by virtue of their job, are going to be much more often in situations where they have to use deadly force than civilians.
When there are virtually never any trials, that gives the impression of no due process.

Also, there have been questionable cases where cops shot unarmed white people, except I did not see any gas stations burned and looted in their honor.
Most black deaths at the hands of the police have also not led to rioting.

The reality is that things like police shootings should be investigated individually. And in cases where there was clear evidence that the shooting wasn't justified there have been prosecutions. The cop who killed Walter Scott is being prosecuted, same for the cop who killed Sam Dubose.
Which very likely wouldn't be happening if 1) video didn't pop up and 2) there wasn't this level of unrest due to the apparent lack of due process. There are people here who still think shooting an unarmed man in the back is acceptable.

Also, and it bears repeating since it has such a hard time sinking in, to "black lives matter" it doesn't matter if the shooting is justified. It doesn't even matter if the suspect was armed. There are still protests. BLM is not very good at separating wheat from chaff.
Well, you are just generally for burning the wheat fields.
Well yeah. You clearly aren't getting the point. I was hoping the larger font would make it harder to go in one "ear" and out the other.
I get the point, such as it is, that you were trying to make.

When there are virtually never any trials, that gives the impression of no due process.
Going to trial for political expediency when there is not sufficient evidence against the cop is the exact opposite of due process.
What is more important to you? "Due process" or "impression of due process".

Most black deaths at the hands of the police have also not led to rioting.
That's because most are not questionable at all, except for hardcore black supremacist like those writing for rags like San Francisco Bay View.
But there were cases far more questionable than the justified shooting of Michael Brown that caused very little outrage. I think BLM movement has a special affinity for thugs.

Which very likely wouldn't be happening if 1) video didn't pop up
Or some other evidence. But you need evidence to prosecute.
2) there wasn't this level of unrest due to the apparent lack of due process. There are people here who still think shooting an unarmed man in the back is acceptable.
It depends on the circumstances. BLM types wave the word "unarmed" around as if it was synonymous with "harmless". Michael Brown was unarmed. So what? He still attacked the police officer.

Well, you are just generally for burning the wheat fields.
No, BLM is as got as they can use the fire to "fry [pigs] like bacon". :rolleyes:
McBride was drunk as a skunk (i.e. she committed a crime) and did not seek help before help arrived before she wandered off and three hours passed before she got to that guy's house and started banging. In the middle of the night, in Detroit. Unfortunately, the guy got convicted and he wasn't a cop, so I guess she is not a good example for your case anyway.

Shooting through a locked door is almost never justified. Of course he got convicted.
Blacks deserve the shootings they get.
Some definitely do. As do some whites. Attack a cop, expect to get shot. As simple as that. Michael Brown never deserved the support he got.

The only people that deserve a shooting are those on death row.

Unfortunately, some others do things that get them shot. A shooting can be appropriate without being deserved.
Some definitely do. As do some whites. Attack a cop, expect to get shot. As simple as that. Michael Brown never deserved the support he got.

The only people that deserve a shooting are those on death row.

Unfortunately, some others do things that get them shot. A shooting can be appropriate without being deserved.

Actually it can't.
I think it is simply reality that black people have reason to trust police less than white people do. Black guys get type cast as thugs, racially profiled I think they call it, so they need to be more careful around police. This is amplified by a resulting culture of thuggery and around and around the cycle goes. Question would be how to break it. Does screaming "Black lives matter" and shooing Bernie Sanders of all people off a stage really accomplish anything useful? I don't think it does.
As much as I disliked the way they heckled Bernie Saunders (because I wanted to hear what he had to say), the tactic was actually very effective. Since the two incidents, Bernie Saunders has made racism and disparity in policing a far more visible part of his campaign. Same with Hilary Clinton. Time will tell if anything more meaningful results, but for now BLM has most certainly succeeded in getting people (including us here) to at least discuss/argue about the issue.
The only people that deserve a shooting are those on death row.

Unfortunately, some others do things that get them shot. A shooting can be appropriate without being deserved.

Actually it can't.

Deserved implies a desirable objective.

Appropriate but not deserved implies a regrettable but necessary action.
Tamir Rice the 12 year old playing in the park with a toy gun? He wasn't a criminal at all
It was a realistic looking gun (orange tip was removed) and Tamir didn't look much like a 12 year old. He looked more like an adult...

No no no no no... I will NOT allow you to continue repeating this fucking falsehood without calling you on it every fucking time I see it.

The fucking orange tip had NOTHING to do with anything because the TOY was in his pants when the police rolled up and starting shooting before the car even stopped moving. Moreover, your opinion of how old the scary black kid looked doesn't fucking matter because even a large scary black man should not be shot dead in the manner Tamir Rice was.

This... exactly this type of shit... your continuous excusing of the killing of black men and boys by police... THIS is the reason for Black Lives Matter.

Start acting like you fucking care that black men and boys are being killed by police, and there won't be a NEED for Black Lives Matter.
Actually it can't.

Deserved implies a desirable objective.

Appropriate but not deserved implies a regrettable but necessary action.

Loren I am not your dictionary, but killing someone who doesn't deserve it is NEVER appropriate.

Damn, you can't even admit when you use the wrong fucking word.
As much as I disliked the way they heckled Bernie Saunders (because I wanted to hear what he had to say), the tactic was actually very effective. Since the two incidents, Bernie Saunders has made racism and disparity in policing a far more visible part of his campaign. Same with Hilary Clinton. Time will tell if anything more meaningful results, but for now BLM has most certainly succeeded in getting people (including us here) to at least discuss/argue about the issue.
Such a tactic is only effective if the candidates allow it to be. Unfortunately neither Bernie nor Hillary showed the testicular fortitude to stand up to BLM.
No no no no no... I will NOT allow you to continue repeating this fucking falsehood without calling you on it every fucking time I see it.
None of what I wrote was false.
The fucking orange tip had NOTHING to do with anything because the TOY was in his pants when the police rolled up and starting shooting before the car even stopped moving.
He was waving it before. If the gun still had the orange tip there likely would not have been a 911 call in the first place.

Moreover, your opinion of how old the scary black kid looked doesn't fucking matter because even a large scary black man should not be shot dead in the manner Tamir Rice was.
I agree the cops acted hastily. But you, and others keep harping that he was an innocent kid playing. However, given his size and realistic look of the weapon it certainly did not look like a kid playing.

This... exactly this type of shit... your continuous excusing of the killing of black men and boys by police... THIS is the reason for Black Lives Matter.
I am just trying to provide some facts and explanation why the tragedy happened. When people think "12 year old shot while playing" they usually do not imagine a 5'7" 190 lbs person with a realistic looking gun. Very different image, don't you think?

Start acting like you fucking care that black men and boys are being killed by police, and there won't be a NEED for Black Lives Matter.
BLM spent comparatively little time on Tamir Rice anyway. They prefer to defend actual thugs.
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As much as I disliked the way they heckled Bernie Saunders (because I wanted to hear what he had to say), the tactic was actually very effective. Since the two incidents, Bernie Saunders has made racism and disparity in policing a far more visible part of his campaign. Same with Hilary Clinton. Time will tell if anything more meaningful results, but for now BLM has most certainly succeeded in getting people (including us here) to at least discuss/argue about the issue.
Such a tactic is only effective if the candidates allow it to be. Unfortunately neither Bernie nor Hillary showed the testicular fortitude to stand up to BLM.
Why should anyone "stand up" against what is right? In my opinion, it is those who try to malign and sideline the Black Lives Matter movement who lack "the testicular fortitude to stand up" for what is right... or they are racists... whichever. :shrug:
None of what I wrote was false.
The fucking orange tip had NOTHING to do with anything because the TOY was in his pants when the police rolled up and starting shooting before the car even stopped moving.
He was waving it before. If the gun still had the orange tip there likely would not have been a 911 call in the first place.

Moreover, your opinion of how old the scary black kid looked doesn't fucking matter because even a large scary black man should not be shot dead in the manner Tamir Rice was.
I agree the cops acted hastily. But you, and others keep harping that he was an innocent kid playing. However, given his size and realistic look of the weapon it certainly did not look like a kid playing.

This... exactly this type of shit... your continuous excusing of the killing of black men and boys by police... THIS is the reason for Black Lives Matter.
I am just trying to provide some facts and explanation why the tragedy happened. When people think "12 year old shot while playing" they usually do not imagine a 5'7" 190 lbs person with a realistic looking gun. Very different image, don't you think?

Start acting like you fucking care that black men and boys are being killed by police, and there won't be a NEED for Black Lives Matter.
BLM spent comparatively little time on Tamir Rice anyway. They prefer to defend actual thugs.

Everything you write on any of these cases are filled with falsehoods. I am just fucking sick of pointing out all of your bullshit all of the time on every case. But I will not ever let you get away with justifying Tamir Rice's killing. If those two goddam clown cops had not come in with guns blazing before their fucking police car had even rolled to a stop - on the fucking lawn, no less - then a young INNOCENT boy would not be dead. Even YOU should be outraged by what those cops did instead of blaming a young boy for supposedly looking like a big scary black man as if that fucking justifies anything.

You are NOT trying to "provide some facts and explanation" about what happened. What fucking happened is that the two cops drove into the scene - literally onto the lawn of the park - and shot an innocent boy dead without even trying to assess the situation first. There is no amount of realistic looking toy or child looking like a big black scary man that justifies the actions of those two cops, but here you are yet again trying to justify it by blaming the child for (1) playing as children do, and (2) looking too much like a big scary black man (in your opinion).

Most of the time I give you a very broad latitude to be who you are in spite of all of your anti-women, anti-minority bullshit. But sometimes Derec the shit you say disgusts me so much I truly want to vomit, and this is one of those times.
None of what I wrote was false.

The fucking orange tip had NOTHING to do with anything because the TOY was in his pants when the police rolled up and starting shooting before the car even stopped moving.
He was waving it before. If the gun still had the orange tip there likely would not have been a 911 call in the first place.

You mean before, when the caller said that it was probably a kid with a toy? You really believe that cops were justified in racing up to any individual in a park and opening fire, no weapon insight, without any violence or reports of violence or threat of violence on the part of the supposed criminal? FFS, they didn't even check to see if it was the right 'suspect' before they murdered a 12 year old boy.

What is wrong with you that you cannot see how utterly and completely indefensible this is?

Moreover, your opinion of how old the scary black kid looked doesn't fucking matter because even a large scary black man should not be shot dead in the manner Tamir Rice was.
I agree the cops acted hastily. But you, and others keep harping that he was an innocent kid playing. However, given his size and realistic look of the weapon it certainly did not look like a kid playing.

To the person who called the police, he certainly did look exactly like a kid playing with a toy. Which is what they said. The caller was just being very cautious about even calling, in case it wasn't a kid or it wasn't a toy.

It is not against the law for children to grow taller than the average for their age. It's not against the law for children to act like children.
This... exactly this type of shit... your continuous excusing of the killing of black men and boys by police... THIS is the reason for Black Lives Matter.
I am just trying to provide some facts and explanation why the tragedy happened. When people think "12 year old shot while playing" they usually do not imagine a 5'7" 190 lbs person with a realistic looking gun. Very different image, don't you think?

No. I don't agree. I don't even believe that you think that. I think that you see the words police and shoot and black and male and that's all the information that you need to jump to justified.

Start acting like you fucking care that black men and boys are being killed by police, and there won't be a NEED for Black Lives Matter.
BLM spent comparatively little time on Tamir Rice anyway. They prefer to defend actual thugs.

Since when are you so much in sympathy with BLM that you are following what you believe is their lead? No, Derec. Instead of any port in a storm, your motto seems to be 'any excuse I can invent.'

I'm embarrassed for you.
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