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Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out for Black Lives.

"The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset."
That single sentence sums up everything you have said, are saying, and will say about black folk.
Thank you for finally just saying it.
✈ <--------------- My point

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <-------------- Athena's head

That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.
That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.
No, what is childish is Athena (and you) taking what I wrote out of context. What part of "Lives should not matter because of membership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.", which is the very next sentence that Athena conveniently ignored, is supposed to be racist?
Another fool who simply assumes that black deaths at the hands of the police are unjustified.

Leftism is motivated by a snobbish hatred of the majority by championing the minorities that attack it and feed off it. Therefore, Leftism is a cover for Right Wing attitudes and provokes the majority into voting Right Wing in response to its fraud.

Two biggots in one post! How about that? One calling Warren a fool. The other claiming to be part of the majority that is being hideously attacked by minorities.
I think there may be some fools around here, but I wouldn't leave it up to Loren to decide who they were.:picardfacepalm:
That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.
No, what is childish is Athena (and you) taking what I wrote out of context. What part of "Lives should not matter because of membership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.", which is the very next sentence that Athena conveniently ignored, is supposed to be racist?

Derec, picture yourself during WWII, and you just found out that somebody formed a "Jewish Lives Matter" campaign in Germany. Are you telling me that you would object to the campaign just because it shouldn't matter that they're Jewish?

The problem is not the Black Lives Matter movement. The problem is the "black lives don't matter" attitude that most people in privileged positions take.
That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.
No, what is childish is Athena (and you) taking what I wrote out of context. What part of "Lives should not matter because of membership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.", which is the very next sentence that Athena conveniently ignored, is supposed to be racist?

If they are discriminated against because they are black, then the issue is BLACK LIVES MATTER, Derec. This is selective thing the police are doing to black people out of all proportion to any other race of people. Do you understand that?
Derec, picture yourself during WWII, and you just found out that somebody formed a "Jewish Lives Matter" campaign in Germany. Are you telling me that you would object to the campaign just because it shouldn't matter that they're Jewish?
Holy Godwin, Batman!
I admit, if US had a policy of seeking "Vernichtung der schwarzen Rasse in Nordamerika" you'd have a point.

The problem is not the Black Lives Matter movement. The problem is the "black lives don't matter" attitude that most people in privileged positions take.
No, BLM is the problem. They are very indiscriminate in outrage - biggest problem being is that they are not very selective in what cases tickle their outrage. Other problems include largely ignoring the much bigger number of (mostly innocent, unlike police shootings) victims of black-on-black and other non-police involved homicides, focusing on one race only (as if others don't get shot by police too) and poor choice of protest actions (disrupting Bernie Sanders, threatening to blockade a marathon finish line etc.) and insufficient distancing from the violent and the crazy.
If they are discriminated against because they are black, then the issue is BLACK LIVES MATTER, Derec. This is selective thing the police are doing to black people out of all proportion to any other race of people. Do you understand that?
I understand that currently black people in the US are much more likely than US average to commit crimes such as homicide. That makes them much more likely to get in confrontation with the police and shot. By the way, the discrepancy of police shootings between blacks and whites is most pronounced for young people and falls off with age. That indicates that it is behavior of the perps, not race, that is driving the difference in numbers because older black people do not spontaneously lighten (unless they are Michael Jackson of course).
"The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset."

That single sentence sums up everything you have said, are saying, and will say about black folk.

Thank you for finally just saying it.

The thing is "black lives matter" is based on a fallacy--that the police are singling out black people to kill. it's already been shown that this is false. Thus it is misguided from the start.

Wrong, but predictable
✈ <--------------- My point

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <-------------- Athena's head

That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.


Derec likes to think that everything he says is something brand new and not connected to all the other things he has said.

He is wrong to think that
Derec likes to think that everything he says is something brand new and not connected to all the other things he has said.
He is wrong to think that
Maybe you should pay better attention to what I (and others) actually write instead of just following your preconceived (and erroneous) notions about what I must mean.
Derec likes to think that everything he says is something brand new and not connected to all the other things he has said.
He is wrong to think that
Maybe you should pay better attention to what I (and others) actually write instead of just following your preconceived (and erroneous) notions about what I must mean.

Wrong again.

Over ten years of posts over multiple incarnations of this message board speak for you and they all say the same things

Women are evil
Blacks deserve the shootings they get.

That's all on you.

But I don't expect you to own your words.

Who would want to?
Holy Godwin, Batman!
I admit, if US had a policy of seeking "Vernichtung der schwarzen Rasse in Nordamerika" you'd have a point.

I do have a point, and you are ignoring you. What you said was, oh, let me quote you, since you seem to think that is very important.

The whole notion of "black lives matter" is misguided from the outset. Lives should not matter because of memership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.

What I showed you was an instance of a group formed to protect the lives and well-being of a specific ethnic group. You seem to think "the notion" of protecting a specific ethnic group is wrong headed. Of course, that is false. Protecting Jews in WWII would have been a very good thing.

I just want to get out of the way that there is nothing wrong with the notion. You might disagree with the application of that notion, but the notion itself is fine.
No, what is childish is Athena (and you) taking what I wrote out of context. What part of "Lives should not matter because of membership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.", which is the very next sentence that Athena conveniently ignored, is supposed to be racist?

Derec, picture yourself during WWII, and you just found out that somebody formed a "Jewish Lives Matter" campaign in Germany. Are you telling me that you would object to the campaign just because it shouldn't matter that they're Jewish?

The problem is not the Black Lives Matter movement. The problem is the "black lives don't matter" attitude that most people in privileged positions take.

I don't see anyone saying that. If anything, what's going on is a criminal lives don't matter attitude.
The Race Card Is a Joker

Leftism is motivated by a snobbish hatred of the majority by championing the minorities that attack it and feed off it. Therefore, Leftism is a cover for Right Wing attitudes and provokes the majority into voting Right Wing in response to its fraud.

Two bigots in one post! How about that? One calling Warren a fool. The other claiming to be part of the majority that is being hideously attacked by minorities.
I think there may be some fools around here, but I wouldn't leave it up to Loren to decide who they were.:picardfacepalm:
Because misfits can't stand living with their own inferiority in everything else, they have to justify their miserable existence by imagining that at least they are morally superior.
Derec, picture yourself during WWII, and you just found out that somebody formed a "Jewish Lives Matter" campaign in Germany. Are you telling me that you would object to the campaign just because it shouldn't matter that they're Jewish?

The problem is not the Black Lives Matter movement. The problem is the "black lives don't matter" attitude that most people in privileged positions take.

I don't see anyone saying that. If anything, what's going on is a criminal lives don't matter attitude.
And when I see as many outcries for the justification of white collar criminals being shot by the police, I might just buy that. But let's face it, while all criminals are equal, some are more equal than others.
That was just plain childish of you, Derec. Your actual assertion is just one continuous nonstop insult to people of color. Your racism is not even coded, but just hanging out there for the world to see.
No, what is childish is Athena (and you) taking what I wrote out of context. What part of "Lives should not matter because of membership to a racial or ethnic group but as individuals.", which is the very next sentence that Athena conveniently ignored, is supposed to be racist?

The operative word is SHOULD. How much have the lives of various racial and ethnic groups ACTUALLY mattered over time in the USA?
Two bigots in one post! How about that? One calling Warren a fool. The other claiming to be part of the majority that is being hideously attacked by minorities.
I think there may be some fools around here, but I wouldn't leave it up to Loren to decide who they were.:picardfacepalm:
Because misfits can't stand living with their own inferiority in everything else, they have to justify their miserable existence by imagining that at least they are morally superior.

I don't think that's it. Rather, they want to pretend their problems are due to misdeeds on the part of others.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't see anyone saying that. If anything, what's going on is a criminal lives don't matter attitude.
And when I see as many outcries for the justification of white collar criminals being shot by the police, I might just buy that. But let's face it, while all criminals are equal, some are more equal than others.

White collar criminals rarely threaten the police. That's almost entirely the realm of violent criminals.
As an aside, Warren is just a one trick issue person. All that she cares about financial regulation. Repeal Glass-Segall. She makes some good points. And I'm a banker! But there are so many other issues that are driving this election: foreign policy, immigration, abortion rights, gay rights, tax policy, XM bank, and etc. She just isn't deep enough for me. Sorry for derail.
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