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Engine running on water?

This would have been more impressive if he had taken his idea a little further. The exhaust is water vapor so he could have added a condenser to the exhaust to cool the exhaust water vapor to make it liquid water then dump it back into the water tank. This would eliminate the need to stop to find water for the tank. Of course this still leaves having to stop to recharge the battery used for power to break down the water through electrolysis. However, connecting a generator to the motor’s drive shaft to keep the battery’s charge topped off easily solves this. There, he could drive his motorcycle forever without ever having to stop.

Damned, I love perpetual motion machines. The only problem I have ever encountered with them is that they don’t seem to ever work. ;)
This would have been more impressive if he had taken his idea a little further. The exhaust is water vapor so he could have added a condenser to the exhaust to cool the exhaust water vapor to make it liquid water then dump it back into the water tank. This would eliminate the need to stop to find water for the tank. Of course this still leaves having to stop to recharge the battery used for power to break down the water through electrolysis. However, connecting a generator to the motor’s drive shaft to keep the battery’s charge topped off easily solves this. There, he could drive his motorcycle forever without ever having to stop.

Damned, I love perpetual motion machines. The only problem I have ever encountered with them is that they don’t seem to ever work. ;)

I dunno; quite a lot of them seem to work - but their inventors seem to get very nervous and evasive when asked to allow a fully detailed examination of the machine in controlled conditions.
This would have been more impressive if he had taken his idea a little further. The exhaust is water vapor so he could have added a condenser to the exhaust to cool the exhaust water vapor to make it liquid water then dump it back into the water tank. This would eliminate the need to stop to find water for the tank. Of course this still leaves having to stop to recharge the battery used for power to break down the water through electrolysis. However, connecting a generator to the motor’s drive shaft to keep the battery’s charge topped off easily solves this. There, he could drive his motorcycle forever without ever having to stop.

Damned, I love perpetual motion machines. The only problem I have ever encountered with them is that they don’t seem to ever work. ;)

I dunno; quite a lot of them seem to work - but their inventors seem to get very nervous and evasive when asked to allow a fully detailed examination of the machine in controlled conditions.
Yeah. I blame that on people like Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, etc. and their fucking quantum mechanics who passed that law that magic can happen but only when nobody is looking. Such as electrons can be both particles and waves or cats can be both alive and dead until somebody looks then they have to be one or the other. Apparently perpetual motion machines fall under that law too - they can work their magic only until someone looks to see how it does it.
I dunno; quite a lot of them seem to work - but their inventors seem to get very nervous and evasive when asked to allow a fully detailed examination of the machine in controlled conditions.
Yeah. I blame that on people like Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, etc. and their fucking quantum mechanics who passed that law that magic can happen but only when nobody is looking. Such as electrons can be both particles and waves or cats can be both alive and dead until somebody looks then they have to be one or the other. Apparently perpetual motion machines fall under that law too - they can work their magic only until someone looks to see how it does it.

The main difference being that the interference patterns in the double-slit experiment don't disappear if someone removes the cleverly concealed battery from the apparatus. :)
Jimmy Higgins:
Or you could just listen to that song by Rush, "You can't get something for nothing..." That'd save you from having to take thermodynamics.
True, but they might come back with that song by Fleetwood Mac:
They say there's a place down in Mexico
Where a man can fly over mountains and hills
And he don't need an airplane or some kind of engine
And he never will

Well, they can use some sodium metal plus water to produce hydrogen from water so what they say can be technically true but I doubt it.
I doubt it too and even if they did that it would still have the old thermodynamic problem as you need energy to get metallic sodium through electrolysis of molten salt. TANSTAAFL
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