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Europe submits voluntarily

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This is patently false. British Muslims as a group are vastly more into their shitty religion than British Christians into their shitty religion.
Study after study shows that British Muslims rank miserably on topics like gay rights, women rights, freedom of the speech, support of terrorism, etc.

If European muslims are not attending mosques, who are new mosques being built for ? :hysterical: Why build a mosque, why not build a block of flats ? Bonkers.

There's a lot all over Europe built and maintained with Saudi money that are mostly empty.
I don't think you understand what cities are for, or why they exist. There's no upper limit to how big a city can be. It's actually good to get as much people in as little area as possible. It has loads of synergistic environmental benefits. As well as synergistic economic benefits. There's a reason cities are magnets for people. As long as infrastructure keeps up. Which shouldn't be a problem. Because the more people, the cheaper maintenance will be, per person. Because of economic synergistic effects people who live in cities have a much easier job of making money. So not only is maintenance cheaper (per person) but also easier to finance (per person). The bigger the better.

The problem of Mogadishu isn't the high population. Neither the density. It's only 2 500 000 people, smack bang in sub-Sahara's most abundant farming land. The problem of Mogadishu is civil wars, unstable governments, poverty, piracy and so on and so forth.

Another problem large cities is often lack of planning. You've got to adjust the infrastructure to fit the population. Private initiatives just won't cut it. It needs plenty of government organisation and planning. Sydney is a good example of what happens when the government doesn't plan enough. There you have an extremely badly designed city. Well... it's not been designed at all. It just sort of happened. Istanbul suffers from that the various councils get paid depending on how many people have registered that they live there. The problem is that Turks, out of loyalty to their families back home, then register in that village. So Istanbul is disastrously underfunded. It's infrastructure is adapted to about half of it's current population. But that's just down to stupid design. Rio de Janeiro just don't have the funds. It's population are too poor, even though they live at the most lucrative spot for them.

The world is full of extremely well designed dense super cities. Tokyo, Shanghai, New York, Amsterdam Hong Kong, Seoul and so on. If they fix the roads Nairobi is another good one. These are just off the top of my head.

Nah, if we want a prosperous future we need to swell our cities. It's the simplest way to cut greenhouse emissions while simultaneously maximising economic growth. It's win-win. Living in the country is extremely wasteful of resources. And a luxury we're having less of an ability to afford.

Oh man, when global warming and resource depletion (including fossil fuels needed to ship food to cities) really hits cities will look like Soylent Green.

In well planned big cities you use public transport. No fossil fuels needed.

Even though you need trucks to move around goods inside the cities, it's still way more efficient than doing it in the country
All of the above mentioned cities are over crowded now already. How long will it be before it reaches saturation point like say, Mogadishu. In other words, can building new apartments to house more and more people in any one city just go on to infinity, or will there be a day of reckoning? How far can a city like london keep expanding without concern for the future?

We don't have the room for 300,000 a year (the size of a town) when we are 2 million houses short and only build less than 200,000 homes per year. We need jobs, hospitals, doctors, schools,housing and supermarkets.
There's a lot all over Europe built and maintained with Saudi money that are mostly empty.
For now.

Meh. Wahabism is in decline. It's falling apart in Saudi Arabia itself. It's propped up by nothing but oil money. It didn't help that the last Saudi king Abdullah's last dying wish was to liberalise Wahabism. And his wishes were put into practice. Wahabism is intimately connected to the Saud royal family. If the Saud royal family isn't into it anymore, I can't see how this can survive.

I don't know about you, but I think litteralist fundamentalist fanatics don't like having debates on how to liberalise their religion. They will go elsewhere. There's no shortage of fundamentalist fanatical mosques to chose from. Islam is handy that way. Setting up a mosque is cheap and super easy. All you need is a Facebook account and a cellar.

And here's all you need to be a convincing fundamentalist Imam.


Meh. Wahabism is in decline. It's falling apart in Saudi Arabia itself. It's propped up by nothing but oil money. It didn't help that the last Saudi king Abdullah's last dying wish was to liberalise Wahabism. And his wishes were put into practice. Wahabism is intimately connected to the Saud royal family. If the Saud royal family isn't into it anymore, I can't see how this can survive.

I don't know about you, but I think litteralist fundamentalist fanatics don't like having debates on how to liberalise their religion. They will go elsewhere. There's no shortage of fundamentalist fanatical mosques to chose from. Islam is handy that way. Setting up a mosque is cheap and super easy. All you need is a Facebook account and a cellar.

And here's all you need to be a convincing fundamentalist Imam.

I know I can always rely on your optimism. These mosques are empty (I am assuming that's the case) because there is not enough muslims in Europe to fill them. But once SA becomes unlivable because of climate change and oil depletion all these saudis/qataris/etc will want to move to Europe and these mosques will be filled just fine.
Meh. Wahabism is in decline. It's falling apart in Saudi Arabia itself. It's propped up by nothing but oil money. It didn't help that the last Saudi king Abdullah's last dying wish was to liberalise Wahabism. And his wishes were put into practice. Wahabism is intimately connected to the Saud royal family. If the Saud royal family isn't into it anymore, I can't see how this can survive.

I don't know about you, but I think litteralist fundamentalist fanatics don't like having debates on how to liberalise their religion. They will go elsewhere. There's no shortage of fundamentalist fanatical mosques to chose from. Islam is handy that way. Setting up a mosque is cheap and super easy. All you need is a Facebook account and a cellar.

And here's all you need to be a convincing fundamentalist Imam.

I know I can always rely on your optimism. These mosques are empty (I am assuming that's the case) because there is not enough muslims in Europe to fill them. But once SA becomes unlivable because of climate change and oil depletion all these saudis/qataris/etc will want to move to Europe and these mosques will be filled just fine.

He he. Well. I'm not so much an optimist. It's more like I read a lot of history. The world is full of predicted apocalyptic scenarios that never come true. Whenever "the apocalypse" does come around, like WW2, the black death or invasion of the Sea People's, it just shows up out of nowhere and takes everybody by surprise. Humans suck at risk assessment. We're irrationally fearful. We worry about the wrong things. Don't worry enough about what we should be worrying about.

If we look at human evolution and our primate psychology. Here's what we inherited from our monkey ancestors.

The Righteous Mind said:
Care: cherishing and protecting others; opposite of harm.
Fairness or proportionality: rendering justice according to shared rules; opposite of cheating.
Loyalty or ingroup: standing with your group, family, nation; opposite of betrayal.
Authority or respect: submitting to tradition and legitimate authority; opposite of subversion.
Sanctity or purity: abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions; opposite of degradation.

These are the kinds of behaviours that have evolved to help us manage groups of people 40 - 150 large. We're overly pre-occupied with preventing dominant people or dominant groups to dominate us. To the point where we keep inventing maliciousness in anything remotely identifiable as another group. This is pure monkey instinct. But applied to the modern globalised world with huge nations, it makes us fucking retarded. So whenever anybody is hysterical about "THEM" coming here to take our jobs/women/freedom. Nearly always wrong.

It's not that I'm optimistic. It's that I see other people as probably just as retarded as people in my own group. Idiocy is universal and all-pervasive. I don't get annoyed and offended when I see stupidity. Instead I like to throw a party whenever I spot some intelligence. Yeah, I know. Parties are rare. Of course it will all go to shit. It always does. With or without the help of the Moooslem invaders. And if we don't do it, and massive meteorite will one day. But there's one thing we can count on in humanity. We all want to belong to groups. If we get invited we're likely to be happy about it and try to contribute. And mostly we just want to get on in life. We want to look into another's face and have a laugh together. Preferably at a third person's expense. I just try to not be a fucking cunt as much as possible. That's my humble contribution.

Saudi Arabia was unlivable even when Mohammed was around. If they haven't moved yet, I can't imagine they ever will. It's a really shitty place. Not good weather. And that's been true for 12 000 years.

BTW, on risk assessment, I'm right now procrastinating on writing a talk I'm having on how to do risk assessment for a large energy corporation. It'll be hundreds of people. Mostly people in suits. Very few hard hats. No, pressure :)
If history tells us anything, the road to happiness is to create an open and (classically) liberal society, but robust. A society built to handle a variety of crises'. Build it for change. Plan for dynamism and openness to constant change. In this world, anything unchanging will very soon be obsolete. An insular and inward looking nation will die.

But we don't like too rapid change. It breeds a feeling of insecurity. The problem is that doing away with it is not an option anymore. Well.. never was, other than temporary. The feeling of insecurity keeps us on our toes. If things are too good we become lazy and stupid. Or rather... even more stupid. Technology evolves too quickly for our society to have any place for conservatives today.

Pragmatism always trumps ideology. One size does not fit all, and if something doesn't work, we mustn't be afraid to re-value and scrap it.

That's why nationalism is doomed. Fundamentalism is doomed. Any chauvinism is doomed. It's all temporary comfort blankets we can snuggle under while sliding into poverty and obsolescence.
All of the above mentioned cities are over crowded now already. How long will it be before it reaches saturation point like say, Mogadishu. In other words, can building new apartments to house more and more people in any one city just go on to infinity, or will there be a day of reckoning? How far can a city like london keep expanding without concern for the future?

Not to infinity, merely to 1 billion people per Great Britain.

From a present population of what, 64 million? No way! Such volumes are unsustainable!
This is patently false. British Muslims as a group are vastly more into their shitty religion than British Christians into their shitty religion.
Study after study shows that British Muslims rank miserably on topics like gay rights, women rights, freedom of the speech, support of terrorism, etc.

If European muslims are not attending mosques, who are new mosques being built for ? :hysterical: Why build a mosque, why not build a block of flats ? Bonkers.

The government will build the block of flats to house ever increasing numbers of Muslims, with taxpayers money!
From a present population of what, 64 million? No way! Such volumes are unsustainable!
Well look at Gaza. It increased its population exponentially in the recent decades, mostly due to irresponsible breeding on part of its almost exclusively Muslim population.

Going from 200,000 to 2 million is a 10x increase, equivalent to UK going to 640 million. And by 2030, Gaza will have >3 million people as they are still increasing exponentially by having an average of 5 children born to every woman.
From a present population of what, 64 million? No way! Such volumes are unsustainable!
Well look at Gaza. It increased its population exponentially in the recent decades, mostly due to irresponsible breeding on part of its almost exclusively Muslim population.

Going from 200,000 to 2 million is a 10x increase, equivalent to UK going to 640 million. And by 2030, Gaza will have >3 million people as they are still increasing exponentially by having an average of 5 children born to every woman.

Who do you think will get blamed when they start tripping over each other because of the density?
Well look at Gaza. It increased its population exponentially in the recent decades, mostly due to irresponsible breeding on part of its almost exclusively Muslim population.

Going from 200,000 to 2 million is a 10x increase, equivalent to UK going to 640 million. And by 2030, Gaza will have >3 million people as they are still increasing exponentially by having an average of 5 children born to every woman.

Who do you think will get blamed when they start tripping over each other because of the density?

One Palestinian speaking from first hand experience told me that space is so cramped they have to sleep standing up.
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