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Europe submits voluntarily

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As bad as the insane racist drug war the US has carried out these last few decades.

But some are too stupid to understand that saying there may be some good in sharia law does not mean it is all good.

There's nothing of note or even a shred of good in the barbaric 1400 year old sharia law. Every single thing about it is in contrary to a civilized modern society.
Treating addiction as a criminal matter is the insanity.

Outlawing one of the safest known drugs is the insanity.

It is punishment of sin.

It reeks of Christianity and it's insanity.

In the 1970's marijuana laws were relaxing and sanity about marijuana was beginning.

Then Reagan comes in and declares that marijuana is the most dangerous drug on earth and the insane drug war that exists to this day begins.

Are you aware of the number of people who developed schizophrenia after years of misuse of marijuana ? Harmless? Far from it!
Treating addiction as a criminal matter is the insanity.

Outlawing one of the safest known drugs is the insanity.

It is punishment of sin.

It reeks of Christianity and it's insanity.

In the 1970's marijuana laws were relaxing and sanity about marijuana was beginning.

Then Reagan comes in and declares that marijuana is the most dangerous drug on earth and the insane drug war that exists to this day begins.

Are you aware of the number of people who developed schizophrenia after years of misuse of marijuana ? Harmless? Far from it!

I am.


It is like asking. Do you know how many people that drink water develop schizophrenia?

There is absolutely ZERO evidence linking marijuana use with schizophrenia.

To think there is shows how badly Reagan and his ilk has polluted this topic.
Meanwhile. More muzzie terrorist attacks in Manchester this time. And what's First line of apology for these atrocities ? Why, mental illness of course!


Anecdotal nothingness.

A whole industry and network of bigots has arisen and they pass these anecdotal stories around.

The use of "muzzie" in the open shows that you don't care if your bigotry is known.

The bigot proud of their bigotry is about as low as a human can go.

Much lower than a muzzie.

The anti-Muslim bigotry is what allowed the terrorist attack of Iraq to take place.

Which is the direct cause of a great deal of the immigration that has taken place since.

The terrorist attack of Iraq gave ISIS Iraqi military leadership and weapons and recruits. It allowed ISIS to transform from nothing to a very dangerous force.

The rise of ISIS worsened the war in Syria. It directly led to many people fleeing to Europe.

Why all this crying about immigration and no recognition of the direct causes?

US terrorist aggression.
Meanwhile. More muzzie terrorist attacks in Manchester this time. And what's First line of apology for these atrocities ? Why, mental illness of course!


Anecdotal nothingness.

A whole industry and network of bigots has arisen and they pass these anecdotal stories around.

The use of "muzzie" in the open shows that you don't care if your bigotry is known.

The bigot proud of their bigotry is about as low as a human can go.

Much lower than a muzzie.

The anti-Muslim bigotry is what allowed the terrorist attack of Iraq to take place.

Which is the direct cause of a great deal of the immigration that has taken place since.

The terrorist attack of Iraq gave ISIS Iraqi military leadership and weapons and recruits. It allowed ISIS to transform from nothing to a very dangerous force.

The rise of ISIS worsened the war in Syria. It directly led to many people fleeing to Europe.

Why all this crying about immigration and no recognition of the direct causes?

US terrorist aggression.

Agree that it was an aggression by the USA, against all evidence, and urged on by Israel, and supported in Western Europe only by the UK, who, along with Poland and Australia supplied armed forces in aid of the invading US forces. France, Germany, and I believe, Spain and Italy opposed the invasion.

The subsequent rise of ISIS was IMO due to the inexplicably lax and stupid lack of planning of any follow-up of the invasion, aside from stealing the country's oil supplies.
For any system of law to work, it has to cover the basics - don't murder, don't steal, don't rape, and (hopefully) don't enslave. Saying that System X is good because it includes the basics isn't enough to say System X is good. To determine if it is good, you have to go beyond the basics and see what else it does. Conversely, one cannot say it is worthless if it covers the basics.

So there is an upper bound and a lower bound. Sharia, as much as I despise it, is not worthless. It does cover the basics. I cannot say it is good. I see what it does beyond the basics.

Of course for me to say it is good, I am using my own moral judgement of what is good, which leads us away from politics and into the philosophical field of ethics, as any moral code can only be judged from inside the framework of another moral code. Until the day an authoritative objective moral code is discovered, judging Sharia from my own standard of morality is the best I have. If you are honest, you will say the same about yourself.
Treating addiction as a criminal matter is the insanity.

Outlawing one of the safest known drugs is the insanity.

It is punishment of sin.

It reeks of Christianity and it's insanity.

In the 1970's marijuana laws were relaxing and sanity about marijuana was beginning.

Then Reagan comes in and declares that marijuana is the most dangerous drug on earth and the insane drug war that exists to this day begins.

Are you aware of the number of people who developed schizophrenia after years of misuse of marijuana ? Harmless? Far from it!

I am.


It is like asking. Do you know how many people that drink water develop schizophrenia?

There is absolutely ZERO evidence linking marijuana use with schizophrenia.

To think there is shows how badly Reagan and his ilk has polluted this topic.

Agree about schizophrenia so far. But effects occur and it is inane stupidity, and anti-scientific prejudice to deny them.

For example:




and many other scientific articles with other links here :


And note, this communication is from someone who agrees with the recent legalization of cannabis here in Ontario and the rest of Canada. Come and visit us and smoke it up! :)
Just obey the rules and legal limitations and don't try to cross the border in either direction with the weed in your possession. Ain't no free trade in weed!
That first study shows the things people most condemn marijuana about, attention/concentration and working memory are not effected by long term use.

There is weak evidence that people are less afraid and bigger risk takers with long term use, which is not bad.

And some weak evidence people are more free and impulsive with long term use, which is not bad either.

And of course what we don't see is the COPD and cancer we see with cigarettes.

Nowhere is there evidence of COPD or cancer.

Any claim that marijuana is unusually harmful is dubious at this point.

It is far less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes.
That first study shows the things people most condemn marijuana about, attention/concentration and working memory are not effected by long term use.

There is weak evidence that people are less afraid and bigger risk takers with long term use, which is not bad.

And some weak evidence people are more free and impulsive with long term use, which is not bad either.

And of course what we don't see is the COPD and cancer we see with cigarettes.

Nowhere is there evidence of COPD or cancer.

Any claim that marijuana is unusually harmful is dubious at this point.

It is far less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes.

Also Sprach Zarathustra...
In the hospitals you see many people coming in because of either acute alcohol poisoning or the long term of effects of alcohol on the liver, brain and pancreas.

Zombies that can sometimes take weeks to straighten out enough to function.

Nobody is coming to the hospitals only because they smoked marijuana for years.
In the hospitals you see many people coming in because of either acute alcohol poisoning or the long term of effects of alcohol on the liver, brain and pancreas.

Zombies that can sometimes take weeks to straighten out enough to function.

Nobody is coming to the hospitals only because they smoked marijuana for years.

Wait till this habit becomes as widely accepted as "normal" for as long as alcohol use has been.
In the hospitals you see many people coming in because of either acute alcohol poisoning or the long term of effects of alcohol on the liver, brain and pancreas.

Zombies that can sometimes take weeks to straighten out enough to function.

Nobody is coming to the hospitals only because they smoked marijuana for years.

Wait till this habit becomes as widely accepted as "normal" for as long as alcohol use has been.


Millions have used marijuana daily for decades.

If COPD or cancer was there it would have been seen already.

If the long term health effects are there we should be seeing them now.
In the hospitals you see many people coming in because of either acute alcohol poisoning or the long term of effects of alcohol on the liver, brain and pancreas.

Zombies that can sometimes take weeks to straighten out enough to function.

Nobody is coming to the hospitals only because they smoked marijuana for years.

Wait till this habit becomes as widely accepted as "normal" for as long as alcohol use has been.


Millions have used marijuana daily for decades.

If COPD or cancer was there it would have been seen already.

If the long term health effects are there we should be seeing them now.

Hyperbole is one sign of ignorant prejudice.

Millions have used marijuana daily for decades.

If COPD or cancer was there it would have been seen already.

If the long term health effects are there we should be seeing them now.

Hyperbole is one sign of ignorant prejudice.

No hyperbole to be seen.

Calling simple facts hyperbole is one sign of being totally lost.
As much as I want to agree with you unter, and believe it basically harmless, it has not been legal long enough for adequate long-term studies to have been conducted.

It has been used by millions of people for decades. Many of them daily users.

It is not rational to imagine we need more data to gain an understanding.

There are no serious health effects known from long term daily use of marijuana.

To say it is dangerous is a conclusion pulled from outer space.
Yes ... and considering the legality issue that we are only now overcoming, how many people have consistently reported side effects?

Just because there are no reports (as in people don't want to come forward and admit to breaking the law) doesn't mean there is nothing to report.

I'm not saying it is dangerous, I do believe it is safe, but I am saying there is a procedural flaw in your statement that it has been demonstrated to be safe in the long term.
Treating addiction as a criminal matter is the insanity.

Outlawing one of the safest known drugs is the insanity.

It is punishment of sin.

It reeks of Christianity and it's insanity.

In the 1970's marijuana laws were relaxing and sanity about marijuana was beginning.

Then Reagan comes in and declares that marijuana is the most dangerous drug on earth and the insane drug war that exists to this day begins.

Are you aware of the number of people who developed schizophrenia after years of misuse of marijuana ? Harmless? Far from it!

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

(In other words, the marijuana use might have been self-medicating for the earlier stages of schizophrenia.)
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