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Evangelical Christian response to GOP virus outbreak


Veteran Member
Jan 8, 2001
Basic Beliefs
On my Facebook account I hang out some at Ray Comfort's page. That post from 4 days about who Christians should vote for came out before the most recent developments of Trump and many other senior aides testing positive themselves for COVID. In that discussion, if you take a glance you will see that the massive, overwhelming consensus is that Christians must vote for Trump, and abortion is the primary issue for deciding their vote.

Given this huge news in the last couple days though, it is stunning to see how eerily quiet that post still is. There is little mention on that post or others of everything happening. I was expecting a blowup of vitriol and conspiracy theories thrown around against Democrats, but that has not been the case either. That is one particular fundamentalist Christian page though, and I am interested in how others are reacting. What have you come across---looking at other prominent evangelical organizations and leaders, or in your smaller private circles, etc.? What are you saying, about how his most loyal base is reacting to all this? Still sticking with him, starting to distrust him? Other?
On my Facebook account I hang out some at Ray Comfort's page. That post from 4 days about who Christians should vote for came out before the most recent developments of Trump and many other senior aides testing positive themselves for COVID. In that discussion, if you take a glance you will see that the massive, overwhelming consensus is that Christians must vote for Trump, and abortion is the primary issue for deciding their vote.

Given this huge news in the last couple days though, it is stunning to see how eerily quiet that post still is. There is little mention on that post or others of everything happening. I was expecting a blowup of vitriol and conspiracy theories thrown around against Democrats, but that has not been the case either. That is one particular fundamentalist Christian page though, and I am interested in how others are reacting. What have you come across---looking at other prominent evangelical organizations and leaders, or in your smaller private circles, etc.? What are you saying, about how his most loyal base is reacting to all this? Still sticking with him, starting to distrust him? Other?

Some surveys I have seen recently indicate that only 20% of Americans agree abortion should be illegal in all cases. This is an issue that may be driving many women in the suburbs to the polls and not voting for Trump. This is becoming a full blown culture war with scorched earth.
It's a work in progress by the alt-reality wing nut parade...some initial offerings:

Though on my wife's FaceButt feed, it seems that some are already bitching about those lefties and their evil glee at Clownstick's fate...

Sounds like some low-hanging fruit "remember when Hillary got pneumonia? At least she didn't institute policies to give 7 million other 'Murkins pneumonia."
It's a work in progress by the alt-reality wing nut parade...some initial offerings:

Though on my wife's FaceButt feed, it seems that some are already bitching about those lefties and their evil glee at Clownstick's fate...

Yeah, it's all faux virtue trolling about "how dare you shaudenfruede".

When someone digs a massive pit, and jumps into it without a bungee cord, I call that "suicide by jumping.

Likewise when someone creates a massive epidemic through intentional misinformation (and we know so straight from the horse's mouth), insist on massive public exposure, and refuse to wear a mask, while having terrible health in the first place, that is suicide by epidemic.

He gets no tears. He gets no sympathy or pity. Sure, the virus is evil and all that; but it's a virus and we are already working on eradicating it, if such a thing is possible.

Now he is in decline and likely facing death. By his own hand. After killing hundreds of thousands by advertising and encouraging reflection of their own suicidal behavior, while promising that the behavior isn't suicidal.
As always with Trump, I hear a lot of private doubts and public support from my Evangelical acquaintances.

In that discussion, if you take a glance you will see that the massive, overwhelming consensus is that Christians must vote for Trump, and abortion is the primary issue for deciding their vote.

I don't really understand why people are so gullible as to still make this their single-issue, after forty years of constant lies by their politicians. This obviously is not a true priority for the Republican Party when they aren't on the camapign trail, or abortion would be illegal by now, but for some reason, nearly everyone I know (regardless of poltiical affiliation) seems to think that the next election will be the one that decides abortion ONCE AND FOR ALL. Every two years. Since 1978. They continue to believe this. About every election.

Maybe P.T. Barnum was right about us all!
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