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Exposing Atheistic Myths

And we return to the rethoric and protests we often hear around the world: Its the oil its the pipeline etc..etc.. Whatever it is.. I go along with the religious can be manipulated, even with a non-superstious agenda. Its normal psychology where humans, power, deals, assets and territorries goes, I should think.

Our military is where it is, all across the globe.
How did the political crap get in here?

Any more than 1 hour of listening to, talking about, or thinking about, politics in a week is masochism and likely causes real psychological harm. Why not contain it somewhere... like, for example, the designated shithole called "Political Discussions"?

Exactly, we need this psychologically harmful political system to remain out of sight out of mind.
And we return to the rethoric and protests we often hear around the world: Its the oil its the pipeline etc..etc.. Whatever it is.. I go along with the religious can be manipulated, even with a non-superstious agenda. Its normal psychology where humans, power, deals, assets and territorries goes, I should think.

Our military is where it is, all across the globe.
How did the political crap get in here?
Fentoine Lum sees the evil U.S. and/or capitalism as the cause for all problems.

Your carton of milk spoils in the refrigerator? Proof of a capitalistic plot between the dairy industry and appliance industry to make you waste your share of the wealth, the reward for your labor, to buy more milk. It is oppression of the masses.
How did the political crap get in here?
Fentoine Lum sees the evil U.S. and/or capitalism as the cause for all problems.

Your carton of milk spoils in the refrigerator? Proof of a capitalistic plot between the dairy industry and appliance industry to make you waste your share of the wealth, the reward for your labor, to buy more milk. It is oppression of the masses.

No, but you must look the other way and avoid how things are connected, best to approach them as random bits having nothing to do one with the other. Besides, the exploiters are always justified and entitled.
But when Christians do go around trying to convert people and always discussing the zbible, you guys call them "crazy nuts" and avoid them. So they are acting how you want them to act but you dismiss them. And if they didn't act this way, you dismiss them anyway as not true believers.

Lame....very lame.

The argument is that believers don't walk the talk, and none of them walk the walk.

If I sincerely believed I had some kind of access and knowledge about a creature that was going to reward me with an eternity of unimaginable happiness if I only did certain things for my few brief years alive, I wouldn't have time for anything else. I'd be possessed, not nonchalant. So based on their behavior they're just fantasizing, they're not sincere. Their behavior is the true measure of what they believe and demonstrates that what they say is just an emotionally satisfying fantasy.
But when Christians do go around trying to convert people and always discussing the zbible, you guys call them "crazy nuts" and avoid them. So they are acting how you want them to act but you dismiss them. And if they didn't act this way, you dismiss them anyway as not true believers.

Lame....very lame.

The argument is that believers don't walk the talk, and none of them walk the walk.

If I sincerely believed I had some kind of access and knowledge about a creature that was going to reward me with an eternity of unimaginable happiness if I only did certain things for my few brief years alive, I wouldn't have time for anything else. I'd be possessed, not nonchalant. So based on their behavior they're just fantasizing, they're not sincere. Their behavior is the true measure of what they believe and demonstrates that what they say is just an emotionally satisfying fantasy.

There it is. You'll note Half-Life is much more concerned with the journey of others versus his own. Has he asked you to authenticate your genitalia yet?
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But when Christians do go around trying to convert people and always discussing the zbible, you guys call them "crazy nuts" and avoid them. So they are acting how you want them to act but you dismiss them. And if they didn't act this way, you dismiss them anyway as not true believers.

Lame....very lame.

The argument is that believers don't walk the talk, and none of them walk the walk.

If I sincerely believed I had some kind of access and knowledge about a creature that was going to reward me with an eternity of unimaginable happiness if I only did certain things for my few brief years alive, I wouldn't have time for anything else. I'd be possessed, not nonchalant. So based on their behavior they're just fantasizing, they're not sincere. Their behavior is the true measure of what they believe and demonstrates that what they say is just an emotionally satisfying fantasy.

There it is. You'll note Half-Life is much more concerned with the journey of others versus his own. Has he asked you to authenticate your genitalia yet?
He assumes he knows our genetalia, and that we agree with him in most instances, for example 'we' would not say a hyena gave birth.
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There it is. You'll note Half-Life is much more concerned with the journey of others versus his own. Has he asked you to authenticate your genitalia yet?

Wouldn't I be selfless, then? That is a good thing.

You tried to make it a diss against me, but it backfired.

Don't try to talk to me about "journey of others vs his own" when SJW's bring out the pitchforks over anything they find offensive. Why can't they leave other people alone?
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He assumes he knows our genetalia, and that we agree with him in most instances, for example 'we' would not say a hyena gave birth.

Keith, you've been avoiding my question!

When I ask, "would you agree that an actual hyena gave birth in a hospital if a woman said she was a hyena?" Your response was, "Why does it matter to you?" That's not an answer! It's an evasion!

You can't answer it because you know if you say "yes" then you look like a hysterical mental patient. If you say "no" then you have disproven transgenderism.

Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
You guys are going down a dangerous road. I have heard some apologists say that "there are no atheists. Everyone believes in God." I am sure you guys HATE it when people tell you this.

So, why try to turn it around and say that nobody really believes? That is just as insulting to us Christians.

We also all heard of the "atheist to Christian" and the response is "he wasn't a real atheist!"
and we also hear of the "christian to atheist" and the response is "he wasn't a real christian!"

I've never said that Christians don't really believe what they claim. In fact, there are plenty of people that believe plenty of things that I would consider superstitions. As long as they don't judge me or use those beliefs in a harmful way, I really don't care what anyone else believes. My next door neighbor believes she has a spiritual connection with wolves. Do I think she does? No. Do I care that she believes she feels connected spiritually to wolves? No. She has developed her own woo, but her woo is pretty harmless and she doesn't preach her woo to anyone else.

And, I'm sure there are a very small percentage of atheists who become religious. I don't give a fuck. Some people need mythology. That doesn't bother me in the least. it's not what you believe that matters, imo. It's how those beliefs impact your life.

What I don't understand is how any Christian can believe the more positive parts of the NT, but support a disgusting, immoral man like Trump. Maybe some Christians cherry pick the more disgusting parts of the Bible. Black Christians seem more savvy than that. Not a single one of my black Christian friends has voted for that man. So, it's stupid to make generalizations about any large group of people.

Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness. If we had to stop talking to someone because they sinned, no one in the world would be allowed to talk to each other ever again.
There it is. You'll note Half-Life is much more concerned with the journey of others versus his own. Has he asked you to authenticate your genitalia yet?

Wouldn't I be selfless, then? That is a good thing.
No, it makes you a busy-body, a nosy no-gooder. Not a good thing.
You tried to make it a diss against me, but it backfired.
You can't really say it backfired until you see whether or not it backfires, Halfie.
Don't try to talk to me about "journey of others vs his own" when SJW's bring out the pitchforks over anything they find offensive. Why can't they leave other people alone?
Wait, now you're right back to complaining about how other people should behave when they complain about how other people behave?

So, no. Not a backfire. You just demonstrated FL was right on target...
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He assumes he knows our genetalia, and that we agree with him in most instances, for example 'we' would not say a hyena gave birth.

Keith, you've been avoiding my question!
No, i really have not.
When I ask, "would you agree that an actual hyena gave birth in a hospital if a woman said she was a hyena?" Your response was, "Why does it matter to you?" That's not an answer! It's an evasion!
You MIGHT want to go back and read my actual response, doofus. I did not evade. And 'Why does it matter to you?' was not my answer to your question.
You can't answer it because you know if you say "yes" then you look like a hysterical mental patient. If you say "no" then you have disproven transgenderism.
Um, yes. As far as it doesn't affect me IN ANY FUCKING WAY, she can be a hyena. Sure.
Now, YOU answer MY question. Why does it matter to you?
Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
I did.
NOW you have to answer my question, right?
Simple, Halfie, all you have to do is explain what in the name of fuck it matters to you.
Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.
Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.
Which highlights one of the bigger problems with modern (and pretty much from the beginning) xianity. It's not self aware enough to know the difference between such simple concepts, and it's always simply been used to promote selfishness, disguised as 'good works'.
Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.

Halfie will not respond to this except to underscore the obvious, that christians believe they are superior beings. It's not Halfie's fault, he only inherited and continues the disposition. The self-awareness you allude to is simply not there.
There it is. You'll note Half-Life is much more concerned with the journey of others versus his own. Has he asked you to authenticate your genitalia yet?

Wouldn't I be selfless, then? That is a good thing.

You tried to make it a diss against me, but it backfired.

Don't try to talk to me about "journey of others vs his own" when SJW's bring out the pitchforks over anything they find offensive. Why can't they leave other people alone?

No hon, that is the polar opposite of selflessness, your control issues are on full display. Is everyone referring to themselves as you would have them do today thus far?
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He assumes he knows our genetalia, and that we agree with him in most instances, for example 'we' would not say a hyena gave birth.

Keith, you've been avoiding my question!

When I ask, "would you agree that an actual hyena gave birth in a hospital if a woman said she was a hyena?" Your response was, "Why does it matter to you?" That's not an answer! It's an evasion!

You can't answer it because you know if you say "yes" then you look like a hysterical mental patient. If you say "no" then you have disproven transgenderism.

Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, no one cares about this but you. Odd how "like a hysterical mental patient" worked its way into this huh. Spiderman, Batman, Hyenawoman, Theskyisfallingman.
No, i really have not.
When I ask, "would you agree that an actual hyena gave birth in a hospital if a woman said she was a hyena?" Your response was, "Why does it matter to you?" That's not an answer! It's an evasion!
You MIGHT want to go back and read my actual response, doofus. I did not evade. And 'Why does it matter to you?' was not my answer to your question.
You can't answer it because you know if you say "yes" then you look like a hysterical mental patient. If you say "no" then you have disproven transgenderism.
Um, yes. As far as it doesn't affect me IN ANY FUCKING WAY, she can be a hyena. Sure.
Now, YOU answer MY question. Why does it matter to you?
Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
I did.
NOW you have to answer my question, right?
Simple, Halfie, all you have to do is explain what in the name of fuck it matters to you.

Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith. People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.

If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.

We forgive gays, transexuals, and Democrats, Keith. The problem is that gays live in perpetual sin, just like transexuals and Democrats. Some gay people have become straight. This is forgiveness. They made an effort. Someone who is divorced is also in perpetual sin because they are literally divorced every day of their lives. The sin keeps on going.

Big difference between sinning and perpetual sinning where you make no effort to stop.
No, i really have not. You MIGHT want to go back and read my actual response, doofus. I did not evade. And 'Why does it matter to you?' was not my answer to your question. Um, yes. As far as it doesn't affect me IN ANY FUCKING WAY, she can be a hyena. Sure.
Now, YOU answer MY question. Why does it matter to you?
Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
I did.
NOW you have to answer my question, right?
Simple, Halfie, all you have to do is explain what in the name of fuck it matters to you.

Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith. People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.

If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.

[Knock knock knock]


"Requesting admission?"

"Upon whose advice"


"Has to come from someone not a patient here"
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Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.

We forgive gays, transexuals, and Democrats, Keith. The problem is that gays live in perpetual sin, just like transexuals and Democrats. Some gay people have become straight. This is forgiveness. They made an effort. Someone who is divorced is also in perpetual sin because they are literally divorced every day of their lives. The sin keeps on going.

Big difference between sinning and perpetual sinning where you make no effort to stop.

Your sins are palpable, get right with your Jeebus, you drive people from Him with this shtick. Reminds me of a quote oft attributed to Gandhi.
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