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Fear The Walking Dead

Nov 12, 2004
Western Australia
Basic Beliefs
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I need to find out if I get this channel on my subscription. It's it costs a bit extra I might pay for it because I'll only buy the boxset after.
The walking dead can be a bit slow at times so hopefully it is a bit faster but last season was very good.
I thought the pilot for Fear The Walking Dead was a bit weak. The pace was slow for most of it and not much happened. I didn't get any new insights into the series. I hope it gets better. At least the previews look like it is going to be good.
I thought the pilot for Fear The Walking Dead was a bit weak. The pace was slow for most of it and not much happened. I didn't get any new insights into the series. I hope it gets better. At least the previews look like it is going to be good.

I agree it was slow overall, but they needed to develop and show the main characters somewhat to show who they were before the shit begins. it picked up over time, which mirrors the reality of the impending situation going from every life with faint news stories about weird happenings to eventual non-stop terror.

I was annoyed that after the step-dad saw what he did at the church, he didn't call the cops immediately and instead took the mother there to what was at minimum in his mind a murder scene. Psychological implausibility is my pet peve with sci-fi, and why I like Walking Dead because I think it generally does a good job with psychological realism.

It is a no-brainer that they should try this series given the fodder for intense action and varied story lines that they just skipped over in the first series by starting it after most of humanity was already dead.
Slow start, but it is trying to establish a bunch of characters and situation.

Just think of it as the setup for betting pools on what characters will last how long.
Not the most exciting opener, but I'm looking forward to the whole series. Interested to see them showing the actual outbreak instead of just dumping us straight into the aftermath as the original series did and most post-apocalyptic stuff does.

I might wait until the end of the first series and just binge my way through it.
I thought it sucked. For various reasons. One thing in particular:

The drug addict... that guy's too pretty to be a junkie. Junkies don't look like that. And they sure as hell don't dress like Broadway-show pirates after waking up from being loaded.

The whole thing felt forced and artificial. But I'll continue to watch and hope it gets better.
I thought it sucked. For various reasons. One thing in particular:

The drug addict... that guy's too pretty to be a junkie. Junkies don't look like that.

Young ones can. It takes a while for the toll of drug abuse to catch up to you.

And they sure as hell don't dress like Broadway-show pirates after waking up from being loaded.

LOL. As we were watching the beginning of the first episode, as he was waking up and trying to figure out what was going on in the church, my daughter asked if he was wearing a woman's shirt. Sure enough, after he fled into the street it was apparent that he was wearing a woman's belly shirt. He wasn't dressing like a pirate, but rather, he was dressing like a junkie who woke up in a haze and put on someone else's clothes.

The whole thing felt forced and artificial. But I'll continue to watch and hope it gets better.

I only watched the first episode so far, for some reason my DVR did not record the second one, so I wont catch it until next week. It was a bit slow, but I anticipate the second episode ramping up the action quite a bit.
I'm going to say the third episode seems like it's going to pick up.

Hope this series shows why people didn't stay at home and just let the national guard sort out the walkers.
Second episode: Some people are realizing the shit is hitting the fan, and are getting ready for it. Like the cop with all the water. Some people are still carrying on as normal, hearing about some bug going around. (the easy meals)
Second episode was way better. It still has something of an amateurish feel to it and it's a little disjointed, but it seems like it's coming together.
Only seen the firs episode, but will try to see the second. Maybe by the third episode the plot will thicken.
Just watched episode 4. I'm liking it so far. I'm very nitpicky at times when it comes to movies and TV shows but I'm also willing to suspend disbelief and ignore the various stuff that makes no sense to me in TV and movies.

I'm just wondering what it is with the military taking away anyone with any sort of medical issues. Being a drug addict is neither the kind of issue the military are worried about providing medical care for when the shit has truly hit the fan in the worst way possible and there's also no relationship between having an opiate addiction and being a danger as a potential future zombie. It's not like he had the flu or another infection which has initial symptoms similar to the infection that causes people to turn into zombies. What gives?

There's an interesting idea to be explored whereby the national guard are ordered to by overly heavy handed and round up anyone with medical symptoms that could potentially be caused by the zombie virus and thus start rounding up people with otherwise harmless infections and start interring them or even worse, eradicating them. But what would be the motivation in such extreme times for rounding up opiate addicts? Are they really interested in providing drug rehab to them are or they so misguided that they're just rounding up and dealing harshly with anyone who might have reason to visit a doctor? I don't get where this is going but I hope to be proven wrong and it will make sense before the season is out...
Just watched episode 4. I'm liking it so far. I'm very nitpicky at times when it comes to movies and TV shows but I'm also willing to suspend disbelief and ignore the various stuff that makes no sense to me in TV and movies.

I'm just wondering what it is with the military taking away anyone with any sort of medical issues. Being a drug addict is neither the kind of issue the military are worried about providing medical care for when the shit has truly hit the fan in the worst way possible and there's also no relationship between having an opiate addiction and being a danger as a potential future zombie. It's not like he had the flu or another infection which has initial symptoms similar to the infection that causes people to turn into zombies. What gives?

There's an interesting idea to be explored whereby the national guard are ordered to by overly heavy handed and round up anyone with medical symptoms that could potentially be caused by the zombie virus and thus start rounding up people with otherwise harmless infections and start interring them or even worse, eradicating them. But what would be the motivation in such extreme times for rounding up opiate addicts? Are they really interested in providing drug rehab to them are or they so misguided that they're just rounding up and dealing harshly with anyone who might have reason to visit a doctor? I don't get where this is going but I hope to be proven wrong and it will make sense before the season is out...

Yeah, it isn't making a whole lot of sense at this point. I was wondering if maybe they were trying to just get rid of all the sick and infirm, but in a eugenics type of endeavor. But you're probably right.

And why did Kim Dickens' character bother to go outside the fence on her little excursion? It's just not something a rational person would do. I guess they're trying to show that the government and/or military is just as dangerous as the zombies or something---that with the help of the outbreak the worst fears of paranoid conservatives who've been ranting about secret FEMA camps all these years has come to pass?

And why would the commander--who should be a captain and not a lieutenant (getting stuff like that wrong drives me nuts) be such an asshole? It's a worn out stereotype and irritates more than it entertains.

Overall the show has been really uneven, but still worth watching. Plus I think Kim Dickens is super hot.
And why did Kim Dickens' character bother to go outside the fence on her little excursion? It's just not something a rational person would do.
The buildup to this just didn't make much sense. They have reason to believe there might be a survivor somewhere out there in the red zone where zombies are eating people's faces off and she risks her life to go check? Los Angeles is a city of millions of people. It's inevitable that there are survivors out there holed up all over the place in the areas that aren't in the fenced off military guarded zones. Why risk your life to go out and check because you've seen some sign of someone out there flashing lights in the distance?

And why would the commander--who should be a captain and not a lieutenant (getting stuff like that wrong drives me nuts) be such an asshole? It's a worn out stereotype and irritates more than it entertains.
Yeah, they didn't even bother to show some sort of gradual breakdown where as things got worse the military commander turns into more of a despot and nutbox. I'm reminded of Christopher Eccleston's character from 28 Days Later, but at least in that scenario we only saw some remnant of the military leftover when things had completely gone south so you could imagine a chain of events leading up to a bunch of military guys turning crazy while holed up in a compound in the middle of nowhere. In this case the character just seems to be an immediate superficial asshole for no reason other than to have an asshole in a position of authority on the show.

Overall the show has been really uneven, but still worth watching.
Agreed. Like I said, I think these things through too much at times, but I'm also capable of ignoring my nagging doubts. It's still good TV in my opinion and I'll watch the last couple of episodes and then am looking forward to season 6 of the original series (despite having constant nagging doubts about how much sense the characters and plot in that also make no sense at times).
Just watched episode 4. I'm liking it so far. I'm very nitpicky at times when it comes to movies and TV shows but I'm also willing to suspend disbelief and ignore the various stuff that makes no sense to me in TV and movies.

I'm just wondering what it is with the military taking away anyone with any sort of medical issues. Being a drug addict is neither the kind of issue the military are worried about providing medical care for when the shit has truly hit the fan in the worst way possible and there's also no relationship between having an opiate addiction and being a danger as a potential future zombie. It's not like he had the flu or another infection which has initial symptoms similar to the infection that causes people to turn into zombies. What gives?

There's an interesting idea to be explored whereby the national guard are ordered to by overly heavy handed and round up anyone with medical symptoms that could potentially be caused by the zombie virus and thus start rounding up people with otherwise harmless infections and start interring them or even worse, eradicating them. But what would be the motivation in such extreme times for rounding up opiate addicts? Are they really interested in providing drug rehab to them are or they so misguided that they're just rounding up and dealing harshly with anyone who might have reason to visit a doctor? I don't get where this is going but I hope to be proven wrong and it will make sense before the season is out...

Yeah, it isn't making a whole lot of sense at this point. I was wondering if maybe they were trying to just get rid of all the sick and infirm, but in a eugenics type of endeavor. But you're probably right.

And why did Kim Dickens' character bother to go outside the fence on her little excursion? It's just not something a rational person would do. I guess they're trying to show that the government and/or military is just as dangerous as the zombies or something---that with the help of the outbreak the worst fears of paranoid conservatives who've been ranting about secret FEMA camps all these years has come to pass?

And why would the commander--who should be a captain and not a lieutenant (getting stuff like that wrong drives me nuts) be such an asshole? It's a worn out stereotype and irritates more than it entertains.

Overall the show has been really uneven, but still worth watching. Plus I think Kim Dickens is super hot.

American movies and TV shows always have lots of lieutenants, so they can annoy the fuck out of the English speaking world by mis-pronouncing it 'loo-tenant'.

I presume that a loo-tenant is someone who resides in a lavatory.
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