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Finally an Impeachable Offense

Sorry, but that article is talking in the hypothetical, not factual. There was a big "IF" in there.
Sorry, but that article is talking in the hypothetical, not factual. There was a big "IF" in there.

You must be reading a different article. The tape clearly has Trump discussing with Cohen to pay off the woman he had sex with. That’s a campaign finance law violation. There’s no If about it.

Sorry, but that article is talking in the hypothetical, not factual. There was a big "IF" in there.

You must be reading a different article. The tape clearly has Trump discussing with Cohen to pay off the woman he had sex with. That’s a campaign finance law violation. There’s no If about it.

He didn't pay her. Now, whether he paid to the Enquirer to keep her quiet would be a campaign finance violation, but that part is speculative. Probably true but not really anything new.
Would he not have to pay her with campaign money for it to be a campaign finance violation? Did he pay her with campaign money? Is that established? If he did, what does it mean exactly as afar as sentencing goes? Could he go to jail for that or just get fined?
Would he not have to pay her with campaign money for it to be a campaign finance violation?
No. If the purpose behind the payment was to protect his campaign, to improve his chances in the election, that would be a campaign donation.
If he didn't report it, as a campaign donation, that's a violation.
Even if he paid with his own money, if he didn't record that money was moved from one pile to the other pile...
Would he not have to pay her with campaign money for it to be a campaign finance violation?
No. If the purpose behind the payment was to protect his campaign, to improve his chances in the election, that would be a campaign donation.
If he didn't report it, as a campaign donation, that's a violation.
Even if he paid with his own money, if he didn't record that money was moved from one pile to the other pile...

That law doesn't make any sense and I am sure Republicans will see things my way. I mean what's the point of being rich and powerful if you can't sleep with Playboy playmates and then use your money to cover it up?
Would he not have to pay her with campaign money for it to be a campaign finance violation?
No. If the purpose behind the payment was to protect his campaign, to improve his chances in the election, that would be a campaign donation.
If he didn't report it, as a campaign donation, that's a violation.
Even if he paid with his own money, if he didn't record that money was moved from one pile to the other pile...

That law doesn't make any sense and I am sure Republicans will see things my way. I mean what's the point of being rich and powerful if you can't sleep with Playboy playmates and then use your money to cover it up?
Well, that is the point.
If he simply bragged, "I nailed her, and I'd do it again, and you wish you were me," it would just be a campaign speech.

Or, really, considering this election, he'd have said, "I nailed that. And you know Hillary could never score a Playmate."
Trump's reality revision machine is saying that Trump is saying "Not cash"... but he clearly says "Cash!".
In other revisionist news, the WH transcript of the Helsinki debacle omits the question and answer "Did you want Trump to win?" "Yes, yes I did".

"What you are seeing and what you are reading, is not what's happening" - DJT
That's key - Trumps declares his word to be TROOTH, despite what you see with your own eyes...
Well, we know that Trump lied about not knowing about it now... where as previously we were pretty certain about it. If they can put the payments together and link him, it will be a crime. And Cohen is likely giving them everything they need.
What I don't get is why Trump bothers to try and cover it up. He could probably get away with saying "yeah I did her, can you do better?". If he was Santorum, Huckabee, or someone similar I could see this, but for Trump it doesn't make sense.
What I don't get is why Trump bothers to try and cover it up. He could probably get away with saying "yeah I did her, can you do better?". If he was Santorum, Huckabee, or someone similar I could see this, but for Trump it doesn't make sense.

I suspect it's because if he lets these women speak, his sexual inadequacy will become public, as Daniels already hinted at. I bet the orange nazi has a tiny tadger.
What I don't get is why Trump bothers to try and cover it up. He could probably get away with saying "yeah I did her, can you do better?". If he was Santorum, Huckabee, or someone similar I could see this, but for Trump it doesn't make sense.
For a person who wasn't going to win the General Election, it makes no sense that he paid either of those women (or more). The only thing that comes to mind is prenup.

That he is continuing to lie about it... that is just inertia.

Proof that Drumpf paid off a mistress. Violation of campaign finance reporting laws.

Not that the repugs will do anything about it. But this is hard core undeniable evidence of a crime by Trump.


He almost certainly broke campaign finance laws, but do you honestly think a Republican-controlled House is going to impeach him for that?

If he had a thousand stained dresses and a herd children crawled out from under his desk with cumstains on their lips, they still would not impeach him. And if Democrats take control of the House and try to impeach him for criminal activity, Republicans will start Civil War 2.
I've got to ask; how has Trump not violated either the Title of Nobility Clause or the Presidential Emoluments Clause? It's pretty obvious that the problem with impeaching Trump is not a lack of reason or just cause, but a total lack of motivation to do so.
I've got to ask; how has Trump not violated either the Title of Nobility Clause or the Presidential Emoluments Clause? It's pretty obvious that the problem with impeaching Trump is not a lack of reason or just cause, but a total lack of motivation to do so.

There is little heart in the Dem party for putting Mikey into the WH. If Trump remains on his current course, he will be a massive albatross around the 'Pugs' necks in 2020. That's why I expect them to tacitly encourage impeachment, while they whisper in Cheato's ear that he should step down "in dignity". Of course all that depends on the Russians' failure to rig the fall elections...
I've got to ask; how has Trump not violated either the Title of Nobility Clause or the Presidential Emoluments Clause? It's pretty obvious that the problem with impeaching Trump is not a lack of reason or just cause, but a total lack of motivation to do so.

There is little heart in the Dem party for putting Mikey into the WH. If Trump remains on his current course, he will be a massive albatross around the 'Pugs' necks in 2020. That's why I expect them to tacitly encourage impeachment, while they whisper in Cheato's ear that he should step down "in dignity". Of course all that depends on the Russians' failure to rig the fall elections...

Mike Pence was selected to be the VP candidate by a Russian agent. If Trump goes down, there's a good chance he's going down as well. The big question is whether or not rep. Ryan can avoid getting caught up Treason-O-Rama once the big fish start getting hooked.
I've got to ask; how has Trump not violated either the Title of Nobility Clause or the Presidential Emoluments Clause? It's pretty obvious that the problem with impeaching Trump is not a lack of reason or just cause, but a total lack of motivation to do so.

There is little heart in the Dem party for putting Mikey into the WH. If Trump remains on his current course, he will be a massive albatross around the 'Pugs' necks in 2020. That's why I expect them to tacitly encourage impeachment, while they whisper in Cheato's ear that he should step down "in dignity". Of course all that depends on the Russians' failure to rig the fall elections...

Mike Pence was selected to be the VP candidate by a Russian agent. If Trump goes down, there's a good chance he's going down as well. The big question is whether or not rep. Ryan can avoid getting caught up Treason-O-Rama once the big fish start getting hooked.

Ryan will be long gone from government by the time the big fish are at the boat, we'll have new traitorous morons to worry about. The November elections will tell a tale one way or the other - the results will tell us if the "Freedom Caucus" gets marginalized or if they consolidate their power. If they are marginalized, the next two years will see money allocated for both defensive and offensive cyber-warfare, there will be a lot of conspiracy hearings and trials, and probably the beginnings of election reforms (letting people vote and that sort of thing). The executive branch will basically fall apart as it consumes itself from the inside, and by 2020 there will be little left of the GOP other than their legacy of unqualified extremist judges.
If they consolidate their power, Trump and the Freedom Caucus will drag us inexorably into the abyss of authoritarianism and autocracy.
In that case... New Zealand? Canada?
Mike Pence was selected to be the VP candidate by a Russian agent. If Trump goes down, there's a good chance he's going down as well. The big question is whether or not rep. Ryan can avoid getting caught up Treason-O-Rama once the big fish start getting hooked.

Ryan will be long gone from government by the time the big fish are at the boat, we'll have new traitorous morons to worry about. The November elections will tell a tale one way or the other - the results will tell us if the "Freedom Caucus" gets marginalized or if they consolidate their power. If they are marginalized, the next two years will see money allocated for both defensive and offensive cyber-warfare, there will be a lot of conspiracy hearings and trials, and probably the beginnings of election reforms (letting people vote and that sort of thing). The executive branch will basically fall apart as it consumes itself from the inside, and by 2020 there will be little left of the GOP other than their legacy of unqualified extremist judges.
If they consolidate their power, Trump and the Freedom Caucus will drag us inexorably into the abyss of authoritarianism and autocracy.
In that case... New Zealand? Canada?

Right, by then the Speaker will be Jim "I protected a boy-fondler" Jordan.

To any Republican voters reading this, I apologize for implying that Jim Jordan was bad for protecting a serial molester. Of course Jim Jordan wasn't wrong to do what he did because that one Democratic film maker made a few jokes about pedophilia many years ago, and that proves that protecting boy-fondlers is fine. Because tu quoque.
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