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First Escort's poll numbers plummet

Well, the problem is that she started talking. Before, she never really said anything and was just kind of a blank slate which people projected any personality they wanted onto her. Then she began to say things and people were like “Oh. That’s her personality”.
Melania Trump's poll numbers plummet


The First Escort of the US's poll numbers are plummeting. And here I thought she was held up by the Christian community as the ideal woman for little girls to emulate!

That's mean. She never wanted to be the first lady. Simply rating her performance is bullying. I don't approve. It's her husband that wanted to the president. She didn't sign up for this shit. And it's mean to drag her into it.

It is meaningless what people think of Trump's trophy wife.

She means nothing to him.

Other humans are just something to use to the manboy behaving like a child and claiming he has the killer instinct.

The killer instinct is never growing a normal social intelligence and being stuck in an early stage of childhood development. The narcissistic stage.

Being an overgrown child in other words.

That is who has the killer instinct.

They are not the kinds of people that should have power.
Melania Trump's poll numbers plummet


The First Escort of the US's poll numbers are plummeting. And here I thought she was held up by the Christian community as the ideal woman for little girls to emulate!

That's mean. She never wanted to be the first lady. Simply rating her performance is bullying. I don't approve. It's her husband that wanted to the president. She didn't sign up for this shit. And it's mean to drag her into it.
She put herself in the situation, not the other way around.
Melania Trump's poll numbers plummet


The First Escort of the US's poll numbers are plummeting. And here I thought she was held up by the Christian community as the ideal woman for little girls to emulate!

That's mean. She never wanted to be the first lady. Simply rating her performance is bullying. I don't approve. It's her husband that wanted to the president. She didn't sign up for this shit. And it's mean to drag her into it.

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Melania Trump's poll numbers plummet


The First Escort of the US's poll numbers are plummeting. And here I thought she was held up by the Christian community as the ideal woman for little girls to emulate!

That's mean. She never wanted to be the first lady. Simply rating her performance is bullying. I don't approve. It's her husband that wanted to the president. She didn't sign up for this shit. And it's mean to drag her into it.
She put herself in the situation, not the other way around.

No, she didn't. There's loads of women who have a fetish for money. It's hard for them to find a partner. Because there's so few rich men. Give the lady a break. She can't be blamed for what turns her on. We're all weird in that sense.
She put herself in the situation, not the other way around.

No, she didn't. There's loads of women who have a fetish for money. It's hard for them to find a partner. Because there's so few rich men. Give the lady a break. She can't be blamed for what turns her on. We're all weird in that sense.

She promoted the racist, birtherism nonsense, which makes her a rotten human being. Also, she's a symbol of conservative hypocrisy and white nationalism. She was a soft core porn star who Evangelicals now idolize. A white European that racists fetishize.

Contrast how conservatives view her with how they viewed Michele Obama. A sleeveless dress was in poor taste. Full nudity photography while making out with another woman is nothing.

It's her racist views and what she symbolizes that makes her so vile.
Well, she agreed to be interviewed Sean Hannity, letting that hard-hitting skeptical journalist know that what bothers her most is that people are taking advantage of the Trump family to make money.

[FONT=&quot]"I would say the opportunists who are using my name or my family's names to advance themselves, from comedians to journalists, to performers, bookwriters,"[/FONT]

If there's one thing that bothers the Trumps specifically, and Republicans generally, it's "opportunists" engaging in free-market capitalism to create wealth.
She put herself in the situation, not the other way around.

No, she didn't. There's loads of women who have a fetish for money. It's hard for them to find a partner. Because there's so few rich men. Give the lady a break. She can't be blamed for what turns her on. We're all weird in that sense.
See Don's post. Or her claim she is the most bullied person.

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Well, she agreed to be interviewed Sean Hannity, letting that hard-hitting skeptical journalist know that what bothers her most is that people are taking advantage of the Trump family to make money.

"I would say the opportunists who are using my name or my family's names to advance themselves, from comedians to journalists, to performers, bookwriters,"

If there's one thing that bothers the Trumps specifically, and Republicans generally, it's "opportunists" engaging in free-market capitalism to create wealth.
Yeah, they are angry that other people are making money off of their name (well... technically off of their actions and lack of accountability or qualification) and they can't get a piece of the action.
She put herself in the situation, not the other way around.

No, she didn't. There's loads of women who have a fetish for money. It's hard for them to find a partner. Because there's so few rich men. Give the lady a break. She can't be blamed for what turns her on. We're all weird in that sense.

She promoted the racist, birtherism nonsense, which makes her a rotten human being. Also, she's a symbol of conservative hypocrisy and white nationalism. She was a soft core porn star who Evangelicals now idolize. A white European that racists fetishize.

Contrast how conservatives view her with how they viewed Michele Obama. A sleeveless dress was in poor taste. Full nudity photography while making out with another woman is nothing.

It's her racist views and what she symbolizes that makes her so vile.

She'd hardly fall in love with a racist if she wasn't racist herself.

"Poor taste". Wtf! It's her taste. She didn't ask for this. She's playing along like a good wife. She's already said she doesn't like attention and never has. How about not judging her taste or anything about her?

Also... Michelle Obama was also mostly playing along with something she didn't work for. Comparing first wives is bizarre.
See Don's post. Or her claim she is the most bullied person.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, she agreed to be interviewed Sean Hannity, letting that hard-hitting skeptical journalist know that what bothers her most is that people are taking advantage of the Trump family to make money.

[FONT=&]"I would say the opportunists who are using my name or my family's names to advance themselves, from comedians to journalists, to performers, bookwriters,"[/FONT]

If there's one thing that bothers the Trumps specifically, and Republicans generally, it's "opportunists" engaging in free-market capitalism to create wealth.
Yeah, they are angry that other people are making money off of their name (well... technically off of their actions and lack of accountability or qualification) and they can't get a piece of the action.

American first ladies are expected to do certain things. She's doing it, albeit minimum effort. I doubt the views she expresses are her own views. If I were in her position I'd tell Donald to send me a speech writer to tell me everything I am to say. I'd only agree to interviews where I know the questions in advance and have preapproved rehearsed ready answers.

She will never want to run for office in her own right. She's just arm candy. That's what she wants to be. So she has zero incentive to make her own mark. So you han be pretty sure her views are not her own
American first ladies are expected to do certain things. She's doing it, albeit minimum effort. I doubt the views she expresses are her own views. If I were in her position I'd tell Donald to send me a speech writer to tell me everything I am to say. I'd only agree to interviews where I know the questions in advance and have preapproved rehearsed ready answers.

She will never want to run for office in her own right. She's just arm candy. That's what she wants to be. So she has zero incentive to make her own mark.

If that's her desire, she should do that as opposed to doing things like interfering with White House staffing to get people she doesn't like fired. Once she starts taking that sort of action, she goes from irrelevant arm candy to just another political operative who should be treated and judged just like every other political operative.
See Don's post. Or her claim she is the most bullied person.

For somebody who hasn't done anything or isn't the president isn't she the most bullied person? She's being bullied as if she's the president or should be responsible for the dumb shit he says. I think the attacks on her is a damn disgrace. I think it's misogyny. We just love hating on women who stick out in the least.
If she doesn't want criticism, then she should truly shut the hell up and make no statements whatever. When she does talk, she's a dimwit who wants to complain about the free speech of others. As the others posts have enumerated, she doubled down on the birther stuff -- making her either a moron or a sinister person -- she wore a coat saying she really didn't care when going on an Official Compassion Appearance Trip -- making her a dumb douche. And, unless memory fails, because the Trump Era is one long caterwauling display of unbearable nonsense -- in '16, didn't she respond to a question about the women who claim Trump groped them by saying that no one should be able to claim sexual harassment 'without proof' (as if someone who harasses you commits the act and then hands you a video copy of what just transpired.) In addition, she decided to make her mark as FLOTUS by crusading on a theme of ending internet bullying, while Orangey is calling people 'little schitt', 'sleepy-eyed son-of-a-bitch', and imitating distraught women and reporters with muscle disease, for the guffaws of his Cheeto-eating fan base. Fuck him and her. They have degraded our country and made us loathed around the planet.
Note to Trumpanzees: you should hate Melania because she practices chain immigration.
If she doesn't want criticism, then she should truly shut the hell up and make no statements whatever. When she does talk, she's a dimwit who wants to complain about the free speech of others. As the others posts have enumerated, she doubled down on the birther stuff -- making her either a moron or a sinister person -- she wore a coat saying she really didn't care when going on an Official Compassion Appearance Trip -- making her a dumb douche. And, unless memory fails, because the Trump Era is one long caterwauling display of unbearable nonsense -- in '16, didn't she respond to a question about the women who claim Trump groped them by saying that no one should be able to claim sexual harassment 'without proof' (as if someone who harasses you commits the act and then hands you a video copy of what just transpired.) In addition, she decided to make her mark as FLOTUS by crusading on a theme of ending internet bullying, while Orangey is calling people 'little schitt', 'sleepy-eyed son-of-a-bitch', and imitating distraught women and reporters with muscle disease, for the guffaws of his Cheeto-eating fan base. Fuck him and her. They have degraded our country and made us loathed around the planet.
Note to Trumpanzees: you should hate Melania because she practices chain immigration.

In USA the first lady is a presidential accessory. Not saying things is also saying things. If she wants a happy life with Donald she has no option. Not playing the part would be seen as betrayal.
If she doesn't want criticism, then she should truly shut the hell up and make no statements whatever. When she does talk, she's a dimwit who wants to complain about the free speech of others. As the others posts have enumerated, she doubled down on the birther stuff -- making her either a moron or a sinister person -- she wore a coat saying she really didn't care when going on an Official Compassion Appearance Trip -- making her a dumb douche. And, unless memory fails, because the Trump Era is one long caterwauling display of unbearable nonsense -- in '16, didn't she respond to a question about the women who claim Trump groped them by saying that no one should be able to claim sexual harassment 'without proof' (as if someone who harasses you commits the act and then hands you a video copy of what just transpired.) In addition, she decided to make her mark as FLOTUS by crusading on a theme of ending internet bullying, while Orangey is calling people 'little schitt', 'sleepy-eyed son-of-a-bitch', and imitating distraught women and reporters with muscle disease, for the guffaws of his Cheeto-eating fan base. Fuck him and her. They have degraded our country and made us loathed around the planet.
Note to Trumpanzees: you should hate Melania because she practices chain immigration.

In USA the first lady is a presidential accessory. Not saying things is also saying things. If she wants a happy life with Donald she has no option. Not playing the part would be seen as betrayal.

The FLOTUS is hardly an accessory unless that is what she chooses to be. Donald may have married her to be an accessory but there is zero chance that their life together involves any happiness for either of them.
See Don's post. Or her claim she is the most bullied person.

For somebody who hasn't done anything or isn't the president isn't she the most bullied person? She's being bullied as if she's the president or should be responsible for the dumb shit he says. I think the attacks on her is a damn disgrace. I think it's misogyny. We just love hating on women who stick out in the least.

Initially I felt sorry for her as it seemed obvious that she did not sign up for a public life and is far outside of her element. I had forgotten all the birther nonsense she promoted. Her ‘platforms’ are clueless at best and her humanitarian missions are a sad joke. She’s in a position to do a lot of good—and chooses not to. She recently tweeted images of the control panels of secure aircraft. She funneled millions of dollars in inaugural money to at least one friend. She’s an awful human being who is probably also a foreign agent.
See Don's post. Or her claim she is the most bullied person.

For somebody who hasn't done anything or isn't the president isn't she the most bullied person?
There hasn't been much criticism of her to begin with. "She" did rip off Michelle Obama's Be Best campaign, she had the whole I don't care jacket thing. She goes on about bullying online, yet her sugar daddy is the biggest online bully in the world. These are things worth criticizing her for. Otherwise, she has not seen the level of bombastic antagonism that Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama received.

To say she has been attacked is overpowering hyperbole.
She’s an awful human being who is probably also a foreign agent.

It must suck if you're a foreign agent and your only source of intelligence is Donald Trump.

"Hey Donnie, how'd that classified meeting about a military response to Russian troop movements in Crimea go?"
"I don't know. I decided to skip it so that I could stay in bed and yell at the TV instead"
"Ah fuck. Yet another day with nothing to report"
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