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Fixed Elections

As the article points out Democrats started the go-fund-me. But we don't actually know how many people who donated to it were Dems or how much of the $10,000 was donated by Dems. It's likely at least one of the donors was a Dem though.

But the point being, the Republicans didn't start any fund.
As the article points out Democrats started the go-fund-me. But we don't actually know how many people who donated to it were Dems or how much of the $10,000 was donated by Dems. It's likely at least one of the donors was a Dem though.

But the point being, the Republicans didn't start any fund.

Billionaires don't donate. And the toothless deplorables are penniless. Who does that leave?
We don't know how many so we cannot assume not by the busload, though you are probably right.

Busloads of people voting eight, ten times is patently ridiculous on its face.
I don't know. Buses sopping at polling stations are pretty inconspicuous. I saw several busloads of midgets disguised as children unload at my polling place last election. Their big yellow buses were hidden by the fall foliage. If it wasn't for the restraining order, I would investigate this further.

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Well, Mikey Pence is sure doing his part here in Indiana to make sure none of them election-riggers (aka, black people) are gonna steal the vote from his team.

While Donald Trump talks of a “rigged election,” Mike Pence may suppress the votes of nearly 50,000 African-Americans

He's been having the state police conduct "investigations" of voter registration operations all over the state.

Way to go, Mikey!

"Riggers". Nice whistle.
Busloads of people voting eight, ten times is patently ridiculous on its face.
I don't know. Buses sopping at polling stations are pretty inconspicuous. I saw several busloads of midgets disguised as children unload at my polling place last election. Their big yellow buses were hidden by the fall foliage. If it wasn't for the restraining order, I would investigate this further.

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Well, Mikey Pence is sure doing his part here in Indiana to make sure none of them election-riggers (aka, black people) are gonna steal the vote from his team.

While Donald Trump talks of a “rigged election,” Mike Pence may suppress the votes of nearly 50,000 African-Americans

He's been having the state police conduct "investigations" of voter registration operations all over the state.

Way to go, Mikey!

"Riggers". Nice whistle.

We can't tell who the dead people vote for since ballots are secret of course. Exit polls at the morgues during the last elections showed the Republicans trailing behind the Democratic candidates by double digits.

L Ron Hubbard has voted in every presidential election since his death in 1986.
L. Ron Hubbard isn't dead. He is on another plane of existence. Probably a DC-9.
We can't tell who the dead people vote for since ballots are secret of course. Exit polls at the morgues during the last elections showed the Republicans trailing behind the Democratic candidates by double digits.
That's because liberals are smarter and as a consequence less likely to lose fingers and toes.
Voter fraud is not much of an issue compared to voter suppression.

So this is getting pretty dangerous.
article said:
Surrogates for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump accelerated their rhetoric on the racially charged issue of election fraud, accusing Democrats of systematic cheating in some of the largest U.S. cities.

“They leave dead people on the rolls, and then they pay people to vote those dead people four, five, six, seven, eight, nine times,” former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. He added, “dead people generally vote for Democrats.”
How reckless can these people get? This is an open volley for contesting an election. But there is no evidence for a rigged election. Now while Trump can contest legally, there are little to no grounds for a case, and he most likely lacks the support necessary to block delegate teams being sent to DC.

What in the hell is their end game? Will there be guns?

I feel the entire process has broken down with Republicans attacking the Voting Rights Act, and the Democrats running their party from the golf course. We've seen enough from Wikileaks to know the Democrats are doing a smoke and mirrors thing to keep Queen Hillary their standard bearer at all costs.We know that Hillary and Trump both have no problem with UNFAIRNESS as long as that UNFAIRNESS favors them. That is why the major issues facing our nation will not be discussed in this sham "debate" tonight. With Trump and Clinton it is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black. They both don't mind denying their true ideological opposition in an open debate and gladly accept the result of this unfair system they both believe should only favor them personally. Hillary is there with her ace...the crotch grabber charge. Trump needed something so he came up with a slightly used (by Bernie Sanders) charge of the election being rigged. In my opinion within the scope of their very exclusive world, the croch grabber charge will carry the day. Meanwhile behind the curtain the global warming, the economy, unending war, a proper healthcare program, and fairness for our people has been taken off the table. I really don't think this system is any longer functional and it is getting more cruel to the common man day by day.

My issue with them is that it is their acceptance of UNFAIRNESS in the process should be enough to disqualify them for the office they seek.
What unfairness do you mean?
What unfairness do you mean?

The unfairness of the DNC's (successful) attempt to quash the Sanders campaign still bothers me considerably. But I'm not going to throw away my vote on someone with no chance, primarily because Trump has shown exactly what type of people he likes to surround himself with, and the SCOTUS hangs in the balance.
The DNC staff preferred Clinton, but that doesn't mean anything was unfair about the process. If anything, it was unfair to Clinton since Sanders did better in caucuses compared to primaries and caucuses are less representative than primaries. The DNC has no control of primaries, the state governments run those. The caucuses are run by the state Democratic party organizations which could possibly be under influence from the DNC. In the end, more voters voted for Clinton fair and square.
What unfairness do you mean?

The unfairness of the DNC's (successful) attempt to quash the Sanders campaign still bothers me considerably. But I'm not going to throw away my vote on someone with no chance, primarily because Trump has shown exactly what type of people he likes to surround himself with, and the SCOTUS hangs in the balance.
arkirk seems to think that Sanders was stopped so Hillary could be President. I disagree. The people of this nation would have gladly voted in Trump over the communist that would 'ruin the nation' after the press was done with him, or at least not debunking the shit the right would have said. Trump keeps on mentioning Sanders in a pathetic attempt to court discouraged Sanders supporters. The fact of the matter is, the right-wing would have torn Sanders to shreds.
I think Sanders could have beaten Trump, but I don't think it would be any easier than for Clinton.
I think Sanders could have beaten Trump, but I don't think it would be any easier than for Clinton.

We will never know what the difference would have been down-ballot. I know this - I'm going lazy and will vote a straight ticket instead of exercising the kind of thoughtfulness discretion that I'd have had if I had any passion for the person at the top of the ticket.
Uh, this is not the "reply when you're drunk" thread.
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