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Floyd was not killed by the Minneapolis police.

Abstracting from the fact that Paul Craig Roberts has been delusional for decades,
You dont like PCR and I get that. But the actual and true merits of your rebuttal are the only aspects worthy I might change my viewpoint on the issue. Because anyone can slander the messenger. Instead Im much more interested in your critical thinking of the subject.
....is that those police were brutally negligent (at best).
I agree with you.
Abstracting from the fact that Paul Craig Roberts has been delusional for decades,
You dont like PCR and I get that. But the actual and true merits of your rebuttal are the only aspects worthy I might change my viewpoint on the issue. Because anyone can slander the messenger. Instead Im much more interested in your critical thinking of the subject.
Anyone can post anything on the internet. Mr Roberts has a long history of delusional posts. There is no reason to take anything he posts seriously. The fact the official autopsy did not conclude Mr Brooks died of a drug overdose is sufficient to indicate Mr Roberts is full of crap.
Abstracting from the fact that Paul Craig Roberts has been delusional for decades,
You dont like PCR and I get that. But the actual and true merits of your rebuttal are the only aspects worthy I might change my viewpoint on the issue. Because anyone can slander the messenger. Instead Im much more interested in your critical thinking of the subject.
....is that those police were brutally negligent (at best).
I agree with you.

1. Something is only slander if it is untrue.
2. The actual reports of medical examiners who performed autopsies on Mr. Floyd’s body are much more reliable and informative than the opinions of an aged economist writing under the masthead of a holicaust denying nazi loving rag.

Intelligent and thoughtful people believe science and ignore propaganda.
5. If he really died of drug overdose, why was it timed to be when Chauvin had the knee in his neck as opposed to all the time previously when he is
Stress. He had bad heart, drugs in the system and stress was a last straw which pushed him over the edge.

It wasn't "stress", he was strangled via neck compression. If I go strangle a person who happens to be high and like a huge % of US males has a less than perfect heart, the cause was murder by strangulation. It wasn't coincidence that he happened to lose consciousness while there was a knee on his neck for 9 minutes.
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That's not unusual. The cops up where I live want to charge me with murder for shooting this guy in the face and they're not even considering that he may have coincidentally died of a brain aneurysm while I was pulling the trigger.

Miscarriages of justice like this are a problem in our society.
Ronald Opus, a hypothetical on killing.
Abstracting from the fact that Paul Craig Roberts has been delusional for decades,
You dont like PCR and I get that. But the actual and true merits of your rebuttal are the only aspects worthy I might change my viewpoint on the issue. Because anyone can slander the messenger. Instead Im much more interested in your critical thinking of the subject.
If you were for the critical thinking aspect, why aren't you taking the conclusion of the professional who does this stuff for a living with more weight than some blogger? How many blogs did you look at? Did you take them with the same weight as the blogged cited in the OP?

Just how critically can you say you looked at this?
But the claim is that the sheer amount of fentanyl is fatal. Why would you also need stress to add to it if the amount is fatal? Or is it that the amount actually isn't fatal? Since you're not answering other questions, I don't even know where we're getting that the amount is fatal or not.
I am not claiming he had a fatal level of drugs. In fact I expressed my doubts about it even being possible. He did not look like he was overdosed at all.

IOW, w/o the knee to his neck, he would not have died. Therefore, the knee deliberately compressing his neck for 9 minutes was the cause of death, aka homicide. Suppose a person with on blood thinners is shot in the gut and bleeds out and dies. There is no evidence that Floyd's drugs and heart issues played any more role than the blood thinners in "cause of death" .
Abstracting from the fact that Paul Craig Roberts has been delusional for decades,
You dont like PCR and I get that. But the actual and true merits of your rebuttal are the only aspects worthy I might change my viewpoint on the issue. Because anyone can slander the messenger. Instead Im much more interested in your critical thinking of the subject.

The article is saying he died because he had a lethal dose of drugs in his system. Sorry, you don't walk around with a lethal dose of opioids in your system! Anyone who claims you do is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about. This isn't just a matter of "not liking"!
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