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Former Russian counter intelligence officer at meeting with Junior

Captain Obvious

But you lie by omission. Nobody is arguing that the Russian spy was doing anything other than his job.
If Alexei Navalny had been caught meeting with American spies who promised devastating information against Uncle Vlad, he'd have already been shot.
From The Washington Post:
The Washington Post said:
Flying home from Germany on July 8 aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to multiple people with knowledge of the deliberations.


The extent of the president’s personal intervention in his son’s response, the details of which have not previously been reported, adds to a series of actions that Trump has taken that some advisers fear could place him and some members of his inner circle in legal jeopardy.

I suspect that most of us already strongly suspected that Trump, Sr. wrote, rather that just signed off on, the release. But it appears that there are now advisors willing to directly confirm it as fact.

Can anyone deny a clear pattern of obstruction of justice at this point?

ETA: Just keep reading the article....
“The thing that really strikes me about this is the stupidity of involving the president,” Zeidenberg said.

Lots of gems like that. But I have to question why anyone would be struck by the stupidity of Trump and his inner circle at this point.
They better rehire Moochie to go after those criminal leakers.
So he denied hearing about it, but dictated his son's statement.

The White House leaks like a sieve because the staffers fear these idiots becoming compromised.
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It's all great, but as I said in reality people severely exaggerate. I have seen linkedins from few people I knew well (better than anyone else actually), and some I did research on. Problem is not that they outright lie like claiming speaking mandarin when they don't speak it at all. Problem is that everybody looks great on their linkedin, even mediocre or even simply bad and incompetent ones.

You too can speak Mandarin, and you may not have a choice. I have NEVER added a single thing to my linked in profile, yet I have endorsements for all manner of skills I don't have, from people who don't even know me well enough to know whether or not I actually have such skills. Just sayin' - don't necessarily blame the person whose profile you are viewing for their inflated set of skills or experience.
It's all great, but as I said in reality people severely exaggerate. I have seen linkedins from few people I knew well (better than anyone else actually), and some I did research on. Problem is not that they outright lie like claiming speaking mandarin when they don't speak it at all. Problem is that everybody looks great on their linkedin, even mediocre or even simply bad and incompetent ones.

You too can speak Mandarin, and you may not have a choice. I have NEVER added a single thing to my linked in profile, yet I have endorsements for all manner of skills I don't have, from people who don't even know me well enough to know whether or not I actually have such skills. Just sayin' - don't necessarily blame the person whose profile you are viewing for their inflated set of skills or experience.

I haven't gotten a lot of them but neither do I know very many people on Linked in. All I can figure is that the system is suggesting things and people sometimes agree.
You too can speak Mandarin, and you may not have a choice. I have NEVER added a single thing to my linked in profile, yet I have endorsements for all manner of skills I don't have, from people who don't even know me well enough to know whether or not I actually have such skills. Just sayin' - don't necessarily blame the person whose profile you are viewing for their inflated set of skills or experience.

I haven't gotten a lot of them but neither do I know very many people on Linked in. All I can figure is that the system is suggesting things and people sometimes agree.
I am not on linkedin so I don't know what do you mean by that. Some kind of reputation verification system?
But I have seen known (to me and a lot of other knowledgeable people) disreputable and frankly fraudsty individuals. It's usually business type people, ordinary people normally artistically exaggerate their resumes. This russian (strictly speaking he is a tatar) dude clearly exagerated his resume when he cited his draft service as something of a significance. If he was really in counterintelligence he would have been working for FBI or something now.
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I haven't gotten a lot of them but neither do I know very many people on Linked in. All I can figure is that the system is suggesting things and people sometimes agree.
I am not on linkedin so I don't know what do you mean by that. Some kind of reputation verification system?
But I have seen known (to me and a lot of other knowledgeable people) disreputable and frankly fraudsty individuals. It's usually business type people, ordinary people normally artistically exaggerate their resumes. This russian (strictly speaking he is a tatar) dude clearly exagerated his resume when he cited his draft service as something of a significance. If he was really in counterintelligence he would have been working for FBI or something now.

I think what's its doing is asking "Does person <x> know skill <y>?". However, it's simply guessing at <y>, not going on what you have said your skills are.
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