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Fox News - Trump Hits New High In Approval!!! 49%

Real Clear Politics

Biden - 48.9%
Trump - 43.0%

Biden up by 5.9%

What may kill Trump in November is simple Trump fatigue. The US will not be returning to normal in the 6 1/2 months until election day.
People will be unhappy, and will be depleting their savings. Economic disruption to our society will still be working its evil. Had a bad day at work? Kick the dog! Had a bad year in the USA? Kick Trumpo the Clown.
Yep, at least that... Throw in all those pissed off people in Florida at their Repugs for making unemployment applications a mess...

And hints from the 2018 races:
So Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were kind of a big deal on November 8, 2016. And, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were also kind of a big deal on November 6, 2018. The three states had Senate races in which prominent conservatives were challenging supposedly vulnerable Democratic incumbents. The three states also had gubernatorial contests. That’s six major races in the three states that gave Trump the presidency. Democrats won all of them.

And the Clownstick once said something insightful, even if he may not have actually written it himself in his book:
Twiddle de Dotard said:
You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.
I thought this was interesting in that many world leaders have seen a much bigger bump in poll numbers from the COVID-19 crisis, than our (US) bumbling Clownstick:

In Italy, ravaged by coronavirus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s approval has rallied from 46% to 71%, according to local polling.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has won raves for her quick and focused response to the pandemic, has seen her approval (which was high to begin with) jump 11 more points to 79%.

And French President Emmanuel Macron has seen a 15-point jump to 51%. Believe me, in France, where citizens grumble about as much as Americans do, that’s high.
Never mind that the Dotard's bump has already washed away into his cesspool...
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