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God Is A Psychopath

Yes it fits quite well.
Where in Christian theology does it place humans, angels, animals, satan or anyone else on par with God's perfection?
Who told you there were perfect beings other than God?

God created a bunch of humans and it was a bad design. Therefore genocide. There's a word for entities who make mistakes. Hint, we don't call them perfect.
. you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.
Except the end did NOT justify the means.
God said so at the end of the Flood.

Jeez, do the Xians never read the fucking book?

I read the book.
I recall God saying mission accomplished - no need to redo the job a second time - first and final warning.
If God had to wash/rinse/repeat for all the slow-learners and wilfully ignorant, THEN you might be able to infer that He wasted His time and that He didn't achieve the desired end.

God created a bunch of humans and it was a bad design. Therefore genocide. There's a word for entities who make mistakes. Hint, we don't call them perfect.

Bad design?
Speak for yourself
I note that, as usual, having been utterly destroyed in his ASSertion that
In the bible ALL killing and violence is instigated by humans (and satan) and then God intervenes. Never the other way around.
LIRC hurriedly moved on and changed the subject away from his dismal lack of knowledge of the babble.

What utter and complete horseshit. Once again you demonstrate your stunning ignorance of the evil bible. And yet again, you open your mouth and remove all doubt.



Numbers 16:35
And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.


[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 45%"]Leviticus 10:1

And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.[/TD]
[TD]Leviticus 10:2

And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

Or many, many more where gawd directly kills people, and even more where he instigates death and violence.[/TD]


Drunk With Blood includes a separate account for each of God's 158 killings. These stories fill the pages of the Bible, yet they are seldom read in church and are ignored by most Bible believers, which is a shame because God is so proud of his killings:
"I kill ... I wound ... I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh." Deuteronomy 32:39-42
You've probably hear of a few of God's killings. Noah's Flood,Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, maybe. But there are over 150 others that are unknown to pretty much everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike.
Did you know, for example, that God:
*Forced friends and family to kill each other for dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf?
*Burned Aaron's sons to death for offering him strange fire?
*Burned complainers to death, forced the survivors to eat quail until it literally came out their noses, sent "fiery serpents" to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water, and killed 14,700 for complaining about his killings?
*Buried alive those that opposed Moses (along with their families)?
*Burned 250 men to death for burning incense?
*Rewarded Phinehas for throwing a spear though the bellies of an inter-tribal couple while they were having sex?
*Ordered, assisted in, or approved of dozens of complete genocides?
*Accepted human sacrifice in the cases of Jephthah's daughter and Saul's seven sons?
*Helped Samson murder thirty men for their clothes, slaughter 1000 with the jawbone of an ass, and kill 3000 civilians in a a suicide terrorist attack?
*Smote the Philistines of several cities with hemorrhoids in their secret parts?
*Killed a man for trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling and 50,070 for looking into the ark?
*Approved when David bought his first wife with 200 Philistine foreskins?
*Killed King Saul for not killing every Amalekite as he told him to do?
*Slowly killed a baby to punish King David for committing adultery?
*Killed 70,000 because David had a census that he (or Satan) told him to do?
*Sent a lion to kill a prophet for believing another prophet's lie, another lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet, and some more lions to kill people that didn't fear him enough?
*Killed 450 religious leaders who lost a prayer contest with Elijah and burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?
*Sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of Elisha's bald head?
*Killed 27,000 Syrians by having a wall fall on them, sent an angel to kill 185,000 sleeping soldiers, interfered in human battles to kill a half million Israelite and a million Ethiopian soldiers?
*Killed King Ahab for not killing a captured king, and then sent King Jehu on a series of mass murders to kill all of Ahab's family and friends who had ever "pissed against a wall?"
*Killed Job's ten children in a bet with Satan?
All of these killings, and more, are found in the Bible

I await some logical fallacies and blame-shifting...
Yes it fits quite well.
Where in Christian theology does it place humans, angels, animals, satan or anyone else on par with God's perfection?
Who told you there were perfect beings other than God?

Reread my post again. Slowly. Until you grasp the point of my post. If God creates all, is wise and is good, our nature should be different from what it is and moral evil would be rare. Again God must make a choice, one of three possible choices. This is about following the logic of a morally perfect, wise, creator God to it's logical conclusion.
Yes it fits quite well.
Where in Christian theology does it place humans, angels, animals, satan or anyone else on par with God's perfection?
Who told you there were perfect beings other than God?

That's an interesting concept---"perfect."

If a thing is perfect, then taking anything away from it makes it imperfect. Similarly, adding anything to it makes it imperfect. A perfect thing has no needs. For example, there is such thing as a perfect circle. Any alteration to it results in it not being perfect anymore.

So, let's say that God created humanity. God must have needed something that he didn't have before. Therefore, he could not have been perfect, or if he was perfect, he became imperfect upon the need to create. This god was missing something. At some point, it concluded that it would be pleasing (God would be better off) to have people worship it for eternity. Yet, this plan to create beings in order to accomplish that goal was highly inefficient, considering he already had angels with which to do that. Or, in the alternative, it could have just popped these robotic beings into existence without having to go through all the trouble of dealing with a highly imperfect creation.

How any of this is in keeping with perfection is incomprehensible. Or, if God is incomprehensible, then how can it possibly be just for us to be tortured in perpetuity for something we could not possibly avoid? Supposedly this god gave us the human mind yet punishes us for using it. If there is a god, I have to think it's better than that.
Wow. You equate stepping on an ant with wiping out all of the known people on earth? Wow, just wow! I'm not sure about you, but I think self defense is a bit different than genocide. Are you serious or are you just here for the drama rewards?

I think he is here for the giggles. He does the same thing in other threads, post nonsense to try to provoke people, then run away when he is called out on his bullshit. I am pretty sure he understands the difference between the role of the police and genocide. Or maybe he doesn't, which would be really scary. Either way, his behavior is dishonest in the extreme, and he will never actually engage in debate, just post and run.
Yes it fits quite well.
Where in Christian theology does it place humans, angels, animals, satan or anyone else on par with God's perfection?
Who told you there were perfect beings other than God?

The pope, evangelical Christians seem to act as if they are god angrily at times ganding down morality and thin interpretations of scriptures. To me the Abrahamic god is as was first intended a reflection of human male patriarchy, not god making man in his image. Men created god in their image, a myth.

All the abuse and violence of Abrahamic religions stem from that fact.

The problem with Christianity is it is about power and exclusivity over others.
Sheesh! There's nothing about God in the Old Testament I wouldn't defend. And as for a 'warm and fuzzy' New Testament God, I think it's the atheists here who seem not to have read it.

Every intervention by God can be (scripturally) justified in terms of God's desire to remediate and minimise the consequences of evil initiated by those who would seek to disobey God's plan for a peaceful world.

So many false promises.

LIRC consistently makes false claims and then runs away. A list of various atrocities committed by Biblegod have been posted in this thread. LIRC is yet to follow up on his promises and justify these actions as he said he would.

For example, taking human life is considered the ultimate evil by most people, and Biblegod reportedly exterminated all life on this planet with a flood. LIRC does not dispute this story. Every single man, woman and child was killed by Biblegod, except for a chosen few that got to live.
What can be more evil than that?
What did Biblegod hope to achieve through this planet-wide slaughter?
What had all of these people done to justify the death penalty?
Did Biblegod achieve the stated objectives to this genocide? Hell no!

If this story is to be believed, not only is Biblegod a genocidal psychopath, he is also stupid and ineffective. His actions are indefensible, and LIRC likely knows it, which is why he will not address this issue. Or any other Biblegod atrocity. But this does not stop him from posting a quip once in a while comparing Obama to Biblegod, or squashing ants, or the role of law enforcement in modern society.

Dishonesty is evil. It is easy to be apathetic and ignore dishonest Christians who want to proclaim their supremacy and god given dominance over others with different beliefs and standards. We have to keep pointing out the dishonest acts of Christians and other religious zealots every time we see it. Sometimes people can be shamed into more behaving more honestly, sometimes not, but regardless of the outcome we have to keep trying.
Quote Originally Posted by Lion IRC
Sheesh! There's nothing about God in the Old Testament I wouldn't defend.

So how do you account for verses that clearly describe God ordering executions, ordering murder?
Quote Originally Posted by Lion IRC
Sheesh! There's nothing about God in the Old Testament I wouldn't defend.

So how do you account for verses that clearly describe God ordering executions, ordering murder?

Pick one.
And I will show you my rationale.
Use one of phands' examples.
They are a cake walk for me.

ETA - no don't! I'm running away like atrib said I would. Because cowardly loin IRK is a scary cat and can't cope with internet atheists.
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Lion IRC... you think Hitler was a fine upstanding moral citizen... that pretty much killed any interest in what you have to say on the topic of morality
Calling you out on this one, LIRC

You have studiously ignored evidence from the babble time and again, even as you say there's nothing there you wouldn't defend. So defend.....

I note that, as usual, having been utterly destroyed in his ASSertion that LIRC hurriedly moved on and changed the subject away from his dismal lack of knowledge of the babble.

What utter and complete horseshit. Once again you demonstrate your stunning ignorance of the evil bible. And yet again, you open your mouth and remove all doubt.




[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 45%"]Leviticus 10:1

And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.[/TD]
[TD]Leviticus 10:2

And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

Or many, many more where gawd directly kills people, and even more where he instigates death and violence.[/TD]


Drunk With Blood includes a separate account for each of God's 158 killings. These stories fill the pages of the Bible, yet they are seldom read in church and are ignored by most Bible believers, which is a shame because God is so proud of his killings:
"I kill ... I wound ... I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh." Deuteronomy 32:39-42
You've probably hear of a few of God's killings. Noah's Flood,Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, maybe. But there are over 150 others that are unknown to pretty much everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike.
Did you know, for example, that God:
*Forced friends and family to kill each other for dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf?
*Burned Aaron's sons to death for offering him strange fire?
*Burned complainers to death, forced the survivors to eat quail until it literally came out their noses, sent "fiery serpents" to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water, and killed 14,700 for complaining about his killings?
*Buried alive those that opposed Moses (along with their families)?
*Burned 250 men to death for burning incense?
*Rewarded Phinehas for throwing a spear though the bellies of an inter-tribal couple while they were having sex?
*Ordered, assisted in, or approved of dozens of complete genocides?
*Accepted human sacrifice in the cases of Jephthah's daughter and Saul's seven sons?
*Helped Samson murder thirty men for their clothes, slaughter 1000 with the jawbone of an ass, and kill 3000 civilians in a a suicide terrorist attack?
*Smote the Philistines of several cities with hemorrhoids in their secret parts?
*Killed a man for trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling and 50,070 for looking into the ark?
*Approved when David bought his first wife with 200 Philistine foreskins?
*Killed King Saul for not killing every Amalekite as he told him to do?
*Slowly killed a baby to punish King David for committing adultery?
*Killed 70,000 because David had a census that he (or Satan) told him to do?
*Sent a lion to kill a prophet for believing another prophet's lie, another lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet, and some more lions to kill people that didn't fear him enough?
*Killed 450 religious leaders who lost a prayer contest with Elijah and burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?
*Sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of Elisha's bald head?
*Killed 27,000 Syrians by having a wall fall on them, sent an angel to kill 185,000 sleeping soldiers, interfered in human battles to kill a half million Israelite and a million Ethiopian soldiers?
*Killed King Ahab for not killing a captured king, and then sent King Jehu on a series of mass murders to kill all of Ahab's family and friends who had ever "pissed against a wall?"
*Killed Job's ten children in a bet with Satan?
All of these killings, and more, are found in the Bible

I await some logical fallacies and blame-shifting...
Lion is a cornered chip,onk trying to find a way out. The last resort is blind faith.
Lion is a cornered chip,onk trying to find a way out. The last resort is blind faith.

To be fair, it can be daunting to try and answer so many things thrown at you by so many people.

That said, if he thinks he can defend the OT god's actions, then great, I'm ready to hear it. Maybe some sort of sensible insight can be provided. Sure, I expect to be disappointed, but I would appreciate a solid effort nonetheless as long as it's not the old "mysterious ways" argument. That one has always chapped my ass.
Quote Originally Posted by Lion IRC
Sheesh! There's nothing about God in the Old Testament I wouldn't defend.

So how do you account for verses that clearly describe God ordering executions, ordering murder?

Pick one.
And I will show you my rationale.
Use one of phands' examples.
They are a cake walk for me.

ETA - no don't! I'm running away like atrib said I would. Because cowardly loin IRK is a scary cat and can't cope with internet atheists.

All talk and no show. Five year old kids are better at this than LIRC.

You're not fooling anyone with the martyr routine. You claimed you could defend any of Biblegod's atrocities. In fact, you are now claiming it would be a cake walk. So defend Biblegod's actions in exterminating all life on the planet. Go on, do what you promised.

To be fair, it can be daunting to try and answer so many things thrown at you by so many people.

I called him out on exactly one thing he said and doubled down on...

In the bible ALL killing and violence is instigated by humans (and satan) and then God intervenes. Never the other way around.
My bold.

He also intimated that he could defend this position. When challenged with actual evidence, he turned tail and ran away.

He did however, come out with the first truthful thing I've ever seen from him....

I'm running away like atrib said I would. Because cowardly loin IRK is a scary cat and can't cope with internet atheists.
My little puzzle about God's creation of man and God's choice of our moral nature still stands. What moral nature we have is strictly due to God. Free will then is attached by the hip to our moral nature. So one cannot blame man's free will for moral evil and let God off the hook for the existence of moral evil.
My little puzzle about God's creation of man and God's choice of our moral nature still stands. What moral nature we have is strictly due to God. Free will then is attached by the hip to our moral nature. So one cannot blame man's free will for moral evil and let God off the hook for the existence of moral evil.

It's not a puzzle....gawd doesn't exist and didn't create humans.
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