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GOP Wealth Care, V 3.0

If the estimates are correct and 24M lose their coverage, I vote "won't".

I doubt it'll pass the Senate.
I'd love to agree, but the trouble is, the "moderate" Republicans were seduced into supporting this by adding $1.6 billion more a year (for five years) in additional spending for high risk pools? That is what made this go from dangerous abomination against health care to a reasonable health care bill?

$8 billion more in something already being funded $130 billion changed this from a No vote to a Yes vote. Simply put the GOP can't be trusted.

Is that a bad thing, really? The worst outcome I can see is this bill dies a slow and horrible death either in committee or back in the House, then the scumbags blame Obama or Democrats, and the toothless base believes them. Wouldn't it be better if they actually pass it?
I think they'll have a harder time convincing the base that they still have insurance after they've lost it, or that their premiums went down or their deductibles went down, after premiums go up and their deductibles go up.

So a few thousand people die in the interim, but that would be a small price to pay for seeing Trump impeached and his cabal put in jail...
Viagra is still covered, but pregnancy is a pre-existing condition???? WTF.

AFAICS, being alive at all is a "pre-existing condition", especially if you're poor. One that they seem determined to wipe out.
When the fffffffFUCK are the Republicans going to pay the price for promoting the Billionaire's Paradise and despising the rest of the country? When will they be as laughably obvious to the mass of their voters as they are to progressives now?

when the democrats win the house.
Seriously. In that situation, impeachment goes on the table.
If the estimates are correct and 24M lose their coverage, I vote "won't".

I doubt it'll pass the Senate.
I'd love to agree, but the trouble is, the "moderate" Republicans were seduced into supporting this by adding $1.6 billion more a year (for five years) in additional spending for high risk pools? That is what made this go from dangerous abomination against health care to a reasonable health care bill?

$8 billion more in something already being funded $130 billion changed this from a No vote to a Yes vote. Simply put the GOP can't be trusted.

Elixirs point was would the voters be fooled. If it passes and millions lose coverage and the rest see huge increases, the scales will fall from their eyes. Krugman was wondering the other day what Trumps Katrina moment will be. This could be it, tho I'd prefer something else and see this die.

As for the Senate, they're not taken in by the Houses machinations. They know it's a POS. But I can't imagine that they can do better, since the whole point is to roll back the tax increases. If the govt sector spends $80B less a year on health care, that's going to be noticed.
What are the chances of McConnell "nuking" this in the Senate to get it to pass?


Reporting this morning on MSNBC is that the senate Republicans may just start from scratch and write their own plan.
These sick and repugnant creatures that play with the lives of others for political gain.

No lower form of humanity has ever lived.
These sick and repugnant creatures that play with the lives of others for political gain.

No lower form of humanity has ever lived.

I think the ones that torture for pleasure are even lower.

What these people are doing will torture many.

And they have big grins on their faces.

As low as a human can be.
I think the ones that torture for pleasure are even lower.

What these people are doing will torture many.

And they have big grins on their faces.

As low as a human can be.

They see a financial advantage, as opposed to doing it because they like to see people suffer. Thus I rank pure torturers even lower.
What these people are doing will torture many.

And they have big grins on their faces.

As low as a human can be.

They see a financial advantage, as opposed to doing it because they like to see people suffer. Thus I rank pure torturers even lower.

Torture for fun, or torture for profit. What a dilemma. Unless... how about both!

After passing this thing through the House like a wrecking ball sized kidney stone, Trump and the GOP gleefully celebrated their victory. Huge tax cuts! Many will die! Many will live in agony until they die! Hell, they covered all the bases.

Still stunned that people vote for these monsters. Even more, that no matter how bad it gets, they'll still vote for them. And they'll blame Democrats.
What these people are doing will torture many.

And they have big grins on their faces.

As low as a human can be.

They see a financial advantage, as opposed to doing it because they like to see people suffer. Thus I rank pure torturers even lower.

The fact that the torture is merely to give those with more than they could possibly spend even more drives these creatures even lower.

The lowest scum on the face of the earth.
They see a financial advantage, as opposed to doing it because they like to see people suffer. Thus I rank pure torturers even lower.

The fact that the torture is merely to give those with more than they could possibly spend even more drives these creatures even lower.

The lowest scum on the face of the earth.

Once again you are letting your politics cloud your view of reality.
The fact that the torture is merely to give those with more than they could possibly spend even more drives these creatures even lower.

The lowest scum on the face of the earth.

Once again you are letting your politics cloud your view of reality.

Once again you show you have no moral compass.

You are devoid of morality.

Everything with you is subservience to authority. That is all you ever present. It is your entire world view. A dog that has been beat too much to be good for anything.
Once again you are letting your politics cloud your view of reality.

Once again you show you have no moral compass.

You are devoid of morality.

Everything with you is subservience to authority. That is all you ever present. It is your entire world view. A dog that has been beat too much to be good for anything.

You continue to prove my point.

You think reality is subservient to your political desires.
Once again you show you have no moral compass.

You are devoid of morality.

Everything with you is subservience to authority. That is all you ever present. It is your entire world view. A dog that has been beat too much to be good for anything.

You continue to prove my point.

You think reality is subservient to your political desires.

This is a discussion about morality.

And the incredible immorality of people who torture others merely for a photo-op.
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