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Handy Excuses for US Presidents


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

Gosh, do any of these excuses sound strangely familiar to anyone?

I'm old enough to remember when Republicans said that Nixon was an aberration, that most Republicans aren't like that, and nothing similar would ever happen again, and yet here we are listening to the same excuses all over again. Funny how that works.

Plus [ent]ccedil[/ent]a change, plus c'est la m[ent]ecirc[/ent]me chose.
Wow... the history does repeat itself... or people are just bad at coming up with new excuses.
It's interesting how many on that list is whataboutissm.

I think it's high time we start teaching elementary school children what a tu quoque fallacy is.

[8yroldgirlvoice] "No, mommy, that's a 'you too' fallacy. Two wrongs don't make a right! I learneded that in school!" [/8yroldgirlvoice]
Wow... the history does repeat itself... or people are just bad at coming up with new excuses.

I think this is a case of the leopard not changing its spots.

I'm old enough to remember Republicans arguing that Nixon was an aberration and that we should not judge the entire Republican party based on what he did and that nothing similar would ever happen again.
Transcription of Art Buchwald's 1973 Watergate-scandal Responses:
  1. Everyone does it.
  2. What about Chappaquiddick?
  3. A President can't keep track of EVERYTHING his staff does.
  4. The press is blowing the whole thing up.
  5. Whatever Nixon did was for natural security.
  6. The Democrats are sore because they lost the election.
  7. Are you going to believe a rat like John Dean or the President of the United States?
  8. Wait till ALL the facts come out.
  9. What about Chappaquiddick?
  10. If you impeach Nixon, you get Agnew.
  11. The only thing wrong with Watergate is they got caught.
  12. What about Daniel Ellsberg stealing the Pentagon Papers?
  13. It happens in Europe all the time.
  14. People would be against Nixon no matter what he did.
  15. I'd rather have a crook in the White House than a fool.
  16. LBJ used to read FBI reports every night.
  17. What's the big deal about finding out what your opposition is up to?
  18. The President was too busy running the country to know what was going on.
  19. What about Chappaquiddick?
  20. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  21. McGovern would have lost anyway.
  22. Maybe the Committee for the Re-Election of the President went a little too far, but they were just a bunch of eager kids.
  23. I'm not for breaking the law, but sometimes you have to do it to save the country.
  24. Nixon made a mistake. He's only human.
  25. Do you realize what Watergate is doing to the dollar abroad?
  26. What about Harry Truman and the deep freeze scandal?
  27. Franklin D. Roosevelt did a lot worse things.
  28. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Watergate and so is everybody else.
  29. This thing should be tried in the courts and not on television.
  30. When Nixon gives his explanation of what happened there are going to be a lot of people in this country with egg on their faces.
  31. My country right or wrong.
  32. What about Chappaquiddick?
  33. I think the people who make all this fuss about Watergate should be shot.
  34. If the Democrats had the money they would have done the same thing.
  35. I never trusted Haldeman and Ehrlichman in the first place.
  36. If you say one more word about Watergate I'll punch you in the nose.
  • If the person is bigger than you: "If you say one more word about Watergate I'm leaving this house."
  • If it's your own house and that person is bigger than you: "What about Chappaquiddick?"
Points 8 and 29 are fair points. Point 6 may be.
Point 8 is scandalese for 'I hope this latest development goes away'. it doesn't actually mean, "Let's get to the bottom of this."

Point 29 is scandalese for "I'm riding the bus of hear no evil, see no evil until a long protracted trial occurs at which point I'll say 'I always had my doubts' or 'I was one of the only ones no to embrace Trump'."

You are talking like these are genuine responses, not attempts to deflect warranted criticism.

Point 6 is somehow managing to shove one's head both into the ground and up their ass at the same time.
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