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Happy Veterans Day!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
President Obama 11/11/18 said:
To all our veterans and your families: thank you. There's no tribute that can truly match the magnitude of your service and sacrifice. But all of us can do our best to live up to the American values of service, responsibility, generosity, and citizenship that you helped defend.
President Trump 11/11/19 said:


Veterans Day got me thinking about the scared little Republicans in Congress. They ask Americans to risk or sacrifice their lives for the good of the country, or what they hope will be the good of the country, but they won't even consider sacrificing their Congressional seats for the good of the country. What a bunch of selfish cowards they have become.

My late father was a WWII vet. He enlisted in the Marines at age 17. It ruined him. He had severe PTSD and that had an impact on my entire family. He grew to hate war and when he went to the VA during the Bush administration, he couldn't bear to look at the photo of Bush, because of the 2003 Iraq invasion. He once told me that my generation was right for protesting the Viet Nam War. I'm glad he died before Trump was elected. I can't imagine how he would have coped if he was still around. I know one thing. If he was still alive now, the American flag that he flew everyday, would be inside down as a sign of distress.

The one weird thing is that despite his hatred of war, he never stopped being a proud Marine. Semper Fi Father! I forgave you a long time ago. You were just another victim of war.

( yeah, I know he can't hear me, but it still makes me teary eyed to think of his combat experience and what it did to him )
I was the EPL. And the poppy always comes out marking the remembrance of the end of the most fucking insane war ever fought. While WWII would tell WWI to hold its beer with atrocities, WWI will always have a special place in the mind where not only was war stupid, but how they fought the war was incredibly stupid... and costs millions of people their lives. England obviously has a closer relationship with WWI which lacked the moral clarity that at least WWII had (beating Nazis and the Japanese). WWI was madness because it started for nothing, was fought so poorly and almost without regard to a soldier's life.

It is quite sombering to reflect on. And America lacks that sombering reflection of war.
My brother with a cheesy moustache.


He was over there six months before he was finally issued his sand BDUs.
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