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Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

Donald and then 11th at old Ivanka Trump.

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You seem to have not been paying attention, as I have already addressed this nothing burger, but this is about the third time you've brought it up since then. Please see my response here. And if that's not convincing to you, then do a google image search of "mahlia obama kissing her father" or "sasha obama kissing her father". There is also a picture in the Creepy Joe video I posted showing Joe and his grand daughter kissing on the lips. Teen or pre-teen girls giving their dad a kiss (especially on the cheek, unlike Joe) does not necessarily mean anything pervy is going on.
Oh, I agree that there is nothing wrong with parents and their children or grandparents and their children kissing on the cheek, forehead or even in the lips. I do think that particular image of Ivanka on the bed with her father is more provocative than that. It was obviously posed for a professional photographer, for one thing. Why? At its most innocuous it shows a father whose daughter is desperate for her father’s attention but he’s more interested in whatever it is he’s talking about in the phone. Other obvious implications are pretty dreadful.

Perhaps if Trump had not famously made many remarks about women —and girls—he was about to have sex with reminding him of his daughter and remarking that if Ivanka were t his daughter, he’d date her, it would be easier to ignore the sexually suggestive pose struck on that bed. But the comments were not one - offs. They were made many times over a long period of time.
Wow... you should be the next Amazing Kreskin. Who knew one could glean someone's thoughts like that from just a photo?! Does it tell you what Ivanka got on her spelling test that day?

If you ask me, its nothing more than a boring photo from a tedious women's fashion magazine (InStyle) from 30 years ago. The photo was likely staged that way to show how Trump is a super busy and important millionaire who is always on the phone making deals, yet is not neglectful of his beautiful, loving young daughter. He's not even on a real call... its just a dial tone on the other end. Magazines like that want to be in charge of their content and the narrative, so its highly likely they planned out the photo that way and Donald and Ivanka went along with it. I suspect you could find other similar celebrity magazine photos from that era without looking too hard.

Where do get this idea about Trump being reminded of his daughter when he's about to have sex with women...or whatever it is you are trying to say? Got any actual reliable sources for that?
The photo is obviously staged. I 'got' the idea that Trump compares women he sleeps with to his daughter from many quotes from those women. They are credible because Donald Trump himself has often described his daughter in fairly sexualized terms, enough to make people who worked for him uncomfortable. He's pretty openly talked about how he'd date his daughter if she weren't his daughter. I believe she responded that she'd mace him if he weren't her father.

Then there is this: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ivanka-naked-sexism-miles-taylor-book-nyt-anonymous-1809187
"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes.
You are wasting your time - evidence doesn't matter to people who are suprisingly informed about Biden's "creepiness" while totally ignorant of Trump's lechery.
LOL! Toni did not answer the question I asked with any evidence whatsoever...just her vague recollections and no names. So, I decided to do her research for her. I believe she is referring to both Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal (women he has had sex with):

Did Donald Trump Say Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels Reminded Him of Daughter Ivanka?

Neither Stormy or Karen claimed it was any kind of skeevy sexual kink when DJT said they reminded him of his daughter. And in fact, they both considered the comparison to be of a complimentary nature, both to Ivanka and themselves.

Regarding the mace comment, that was not something Ivanka said. It was a joke made by Conan O'Brien:

Ivanka Trump Said If Donald Trump Wasn't Her Father, She Would 'Mace' Him?
One of the ‘alleged’ victims of assault at Epstein’s little play island also alleged she reminded him of his daughter, according to transcriptions recently released. I believe other women stated that Trump told them they reminded him of his daughter.

I don’t believe any of the girls or women saw the remarks as anything but creepy, although they may have recognized he meant it as a compliment.

I also don’t usually google for other people, especially when they ignore posted sources.
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