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Has Trump's believablity diminished to the point that he has become minimilized

It is easy to criticize. Easy to claim you have plans that will save the world. Easy to run your mouth.

Harder to actually govern.

In the campaign Trump said Ryan, the most overrated human being on the planet, was the problem and his plans were junk.

Now that Trump actually has to come up with plans, and has none, these terrible plans from Ryan are the best ever.

Paul Ryan is a pathetic shill for big money. All he has ever done is come up with schemes to allow rich people to pay less in taxes.

He has not done a productive thing in his life.
It would be hard for his credibility to diminish any further in my eyes, and his alt-right base simply doesn't care, as long as he continues to provide cover for their racism, misogyny, and religious bigotry. There will be some in the middle who will wake up, but the question then becomes, will it be enough to make a difference in the mid-terms? Provided Trumplethinskin is still in office come 2018.


Trump being credible doesn't matter to his supporters. It never has.
Trump was elected by supporters and dupes, mostly dupes. So his continuing loss of credibility is meaningful. My guess is when his approvals drop under 35% moves away from him and his henchmen and enablers will gather steam.
Doubt it. He lied his ass off the entire campaign, big league! Didn't matter.

What will matter is if/when Trump vetoes a bill passed by the Republicans.
Trump was elected by supporters and dupes, mostly dupes. So his continuing loss of credibility is meaningful. My guess is when his approvals drop under 35% moves away from him and his henchmen and enablers will gather steam.
Doubt it. He lied his ass off the entire campaign, big league! Didn't matter.

What will matter is if/when Trump vetoes a bill passed by the Republicans.

Like he has the nuts to do that...
It matters not.

What dictators do is first they remove social protections and then they increase misery.

From the misery is from where they draw their fanatical "brownshirts".
Trump is the condition you develop from the complex of diseases that have infected the republic from its birth: anti-intellectualism, religious fundamentalism, and crony capitalism all tied together with by classism, sexism, and good old fashion racism.
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA. Are these signs his fierceness is being blunted by his lyingness?

I think so. Soon appearing on your local TV Trump the bloviator in chief.

Your thoughts and arguments......

This seems to be an era of fake claims. Again there is no evidence that the Russians fiddled the US election results. So there are double standards here.
Trump is the condition you develop from the complex of diseases that have infected the republic from its birth: anti-intellectualism, religious fundamentalism, and crony capitalism all tied together with by classism, sexism, and good old fashion racism.

I hear these things stated but I don't see any substance. There is an issue of abortion but has this been banned. I'm not aware of religious fundamental playing a prominent part in anything but it does appear in some sections of Islam and some of the bible bashers in some of the bible belts. They shouldn't be taken seriously as a reflection of the majority.

Compared the most parts of the world, the very imperfect USA is a paradise. If it was so bad as it is made out to be, a lot less people would want to move there.
Does it really matter? It isn't like you've got a great plausible alternative. You are stuck with him unless he gets himself impeached. More likely than the norm, sure, but still not too likely. And it isn't like Democrats have lined up a great alternative to him, and they may even lose the next election to him. He could win a second term, and not all because of racism and misogyny. That's how bad you have it right now in the USA.
Trump is the condition you develop from the complex of diseases that have infected the republic from its birth: anti-intellectualism, religious fundamentalism, and crony capitalism all tied together with by classism, sexism, and good old fashion racism.

I hear these things stated but I don't see any substance.
Not my fault you are blind. Not anyone's job to teach you braille.

These topics have been discussed, linked, and thoroughly documented time and time again on the boards. You don't know, because you don't want to know.

Your blindness is by your choice.
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA. Are these signs his fierceness is being blunted by his lyingness?

I think so. Soon appearing on your local TV Trump the bloviator in chief.

Your thoughts and arguments......
Trump is an old man who is deluding himself and others that he is on top of things. He’s been able so far to give the change to some extent, just enough to get elected although it was with the crucial and unconscionable support of most Republican politicians. Reasonable people can see that he is now starting to fall apart.
The Republicans now will attempt to take full control of this dangerous organisation that is the U.S. government while trying to save the appearances that it is Trump who is calling the shots. They also have to control Trump himself while keeping him happy so that he feels good enough to keep going for the four years of his mandate. Some of his close aides are dangerous nuts that the Republicans need to control as well. Trump’s supporters will also have to be placated and kept on board the ship as much as possible. This is all going to be extremely complicated, possibly too complicated. And nobody wants Trump to start WWIII so if things keep going the same way as they’ve started, resorting to impeachment, or some novel way of getting rid of the president, may become necessary and you’ll end up with the vice-president to do the job. Less a problem for the rest of the world but still not ideal for the American people.

If you can manage that, American democracy will show that it can cope with the worst-case scenario of a lunatic being elected president.

Later, you may find a moment to reflect on what this all meant, and perhaps whether something really will need to change.
Does it really matter? It isn't like you've got a great plausible alternative. You are stuck with him unless he gets himself impeached. More likely than the norm, sure, but still not too likely. And it isn't like Democrats have lined up a great alternative to him, and they may even lose the next election to him. He could win a second term, and not all because of racism and misogyny. That's how bad you have it right now in the USA.

I don't think that it's necessarily "bad" in the US. I think that it's more that conservatives are very united; liberals are demoralized and divided.
I don't think that it's necessarily "bad" in the US. I think that it's more that conservatives are very united; liberals are demoralized and divided.

BTW, a fascinating article relating billionaire donors, esp. the Mercers, and Trump, his advisors, and picks. Your remark about conservatives and unity made me think of it.

The Blow-It-All-Up Billionaires

Last December, about a month before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Rebekah Mercer arrived at Stephen Bannon’s office in Trump Tower, wearing a cape over a fur-trimmed dress and her distinctive diamond-studded glasses. Tall and imposing, Rebekah, known to close friends as Bekah, is the 43-year-old daughter of the reclusive billionaire Robert Mercer. If Trump was an unexpected victor, the Mercers were unexpected kingmakers. More established names in Republican politics, such as the Kochs and Paul Singer, had sat out the general election. But the Mercers had committed millions of dollars to a campaign that often seemed beyond salvaging.
That support partly explains how Rebekah secured a spot on the executive committee of the Trump transition team. She was the only megadonor to frequent Bannon’s sanctum, a characteristically bare-bones space containing little more than a whiteboard, a refrigerator and a conference table. Unlike the other offices, it also had a curtain so no one could see what was happening inside. Before this point, Rebekah’s resume had consisted of a brief run trading stocks and bonds (including at her father’s hedge fund), a longer stint running her family’s foundation and, along with her two sisters, the management of an online gourmet cookie shop called Ruby et Violette. Now, she was compiling lists of potential candidates for a host of official positions, the foot soldiers who would remake (or unmake) the United States government in Trump’s image.
Wow, Don the Con has found a new low, at 37% (latest back up to 39%) approval rating. If sub-40% keeps up that will make it harder on the Repugs to carry his yellow water...

Meanwhile, Spicey is now having to defend FFvC regular golf habit. Though a pretty mild version of the ever present doublespeak, I thought it pretty funny, as SCROTUS said he was going to be too busy to play golf as he dissed Pres. Obama for golfing too much:
President Donald Trump’s press secretary defended his boss’s penchant for golfing on Monday, saying the commander-in-chief uses the sport in a different way than his predecessor did.
Presidential golfing bad, but President Trump golfing good.
Presidential golfing bad, but President Trump golfing good.
Theyprobably mean that Trump's doing business with...someone on the course. HE's golfing with someone to close a deal.
WHich reminds me of George Carlin's bit about how they should turn golf courses into low income housing, so people could have shelter rahter than a place for two rich guys to further divide the world into their own little fiefdoms of serfs....
I think Trump golfs in order to keep Mar-a-Lago with its you-too-can-access-Trump for $200k vibe front and center.
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