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Hillary vs Tulsi

And if Tulsi endorses the front runner, and helps unite the left, and creates order in the US, does that also make her a Russian asset?

How much of the US is under Russian control?

Strange question. Perhaps you don't understand what Russia's goals are? Secondly, is it your impression that an asset is the same thing as a spy or something? BTW: I don't think that it's likely that Tulsi will run third party now. I think that is why she appeared to be so pissed while on Fox news the other day.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.
Lazily calling something a strawman without explanation. What a shocker. If Tulsi is called a "Russian asset" because Hillary and her comrades think Tulsi's actions benefit the Russians, and by doing so she boosts Tulsi in the polls, then that would also be to Russian benefit, so by Hillary's own logic, she is a "Russian asset" as well. The smear comes back to cover the smearer.

What is your definition of an asset? It's pretty simple to me, if Tulsi runs as a third party, she will be helping the Russians keep Trump in. She'll be an asset. The Russian Bots didn't run ads saying how wonderful Trump was. They ran ads that attempted to divide the dems. Anything that divides the left, demoralizes the left, creates chaos in the US is a Russian asset.

Yes. That seems to be Hillary's definition as well. And by that definition, how is she not a "Russian asset" herself? And why should anyone care if someone is a "Russian asset" by that definition wherein "Russian asset" is equated to mere democracy? That negative connotation is what makes it a smear.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.

Imaginary: Correlational thinking. It's thus because it correlates with so. Example: Tulsi is a Russian Asset because if she says something others think effects them.

Reality: Causative thinking. It's thus because it is determined by so. Example: Tulsi abandons the Democratic party as a third party candidate and receives no democratic party money.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.

Imaginary: Correlational thinking. It's thus because it correlates with so. Example: Tulsi is a Russian Asset because if she says something others think effects them.

Reality: Causative thinking. It's thus because it is determined by so. Example: Tulsi abandons the Democratic party as a third party candidate and receives no democratic party money.


And also reality:

1. Tulsi hasn't run and has said she will not run as a third party candidate.

2. Jill Stein is not currently running for anything whatsoever.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.

Imaginary: Correlational thinking. It's thus because it correlates with so. Example: Tulsi is a Russian Asset because if she says something others think effects them.

Reality: Causative thinking. It's thus because it is determined by so. Example: Tulsi abandons the Democratic party as a third party candidate and receives no democratic party money.

Reality: She resigned her position within the Democratic Party as a response to corruption. Therefore opposing corruption is beneficial for the Russians and supporting corruption is detrimental for the Russians.
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.

It's a "toxin" to hold another view? Wow. I hope that the "progressives" don't want a democratic party where all must hold the same view and tolerance of other views isn't allowed. I'm sorry, the left isn't nearly strong enough to win elections on it's own. They need some moderates...
Well, since the Russians have so much power in US politics, it seems reasonable to assume that just about anything is done because the Russians want it. They have assets in both parties. Note, I wrote "asset", not "agent" or "spy".

I guess the only person who isn't part of the Russian conspiracy is Hillary, and the only way to oppose the Russians is to support Hillary.

That appears to be her game. But again, of course if Tulsi is a Russian asset then anyone who does anything to increase Tulsi's likelihood of gaining power is a Russian asset, and Hillary's smear actually wound up boosting Tulsi in the polls, so Hillary herself must be a Russian asset too. Everyone is a Russian asset. Do you now or have you ever supported the communist party Mr. McCarthy?

Also, if Hillary and her comrades are so concerned with division within the Democratic party or on the left, then maybe they ought to fall in line with the progressives and quit supporting the corporate right. Their call for unity is completely and transparently self serving. Anyone who opposes them is pushed as being divisive, but Mrs "basket of deplorables" who lost the last election but insists on inserting her toxin again isn't divisive at all.

It's a "toxin" to hold another view? Wow. I hope that the "progressives" don't want a democratic party where all must hold the same view and tolerance of other views isn't allowed. I'm sorry, the left isn't nearly strong enough to win elections on it's own. They need some moderates...

You got that exactly backwards about what Hillary's toxin is. Otherwise I agree with you. There should be both liberals and moderates running. There can even be room for corporate Democrats. It isn't Tulsi, Bernie, Warren etc who are demanding others fall in line or they must be "Russian assets" or "Bernie Bros". It is Hillary and her corporate Democratic (not actually democratic) colleagues. They whine about the others falling in line behind them and if they don't then out comes the attempts to bully and/or smear.
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