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Hillary vs Tulsi

Bernie has since come out in defence of Tulsi from Hillary's smears, much to his credit.

Nice. A Russian asset has "come out in defence" of a Russian asset and you're still pretending to not understand what being an "asset" entails in order to continue to smear Hillary.

So everyone who doesn't support Hillary is a Russian asset?

That doesn't appear to be what Koy said. I think you know that but thought it was a fine opportunity to create a strawman.
Guys I was about to support a candidate with comprehensive plans to slow climate change, weaken corporate power in America, end the war on drugs, and move toward a society where everyone lives comfortably and with dignity, until I learned some of those things would benefit a country other than the United States so now that candidate is fucking cancelled
Guys I was about to support a candidate with comprehensive plans to slow climate change, weaken corporate power in America, end the war on drugs, and move toward a society where everyone lives comfortably and with dignity, until I learned some of those things would benefit a country other than the United States so now that candidate is fucking cancelled
How is the "weaken corporate power" thing going to happen?
If it benefits the US that's okay with you, but if it benefits the US and also benefits another country then that is bad?

So not only are you a socialist, you're a nationalist?

How do you get to this point in life without understanding sarcasm, Jason?
Guys I was about to support a candidate with comprehensive plans to slow climate change, weaken corporate power in America, end the war on drugs, and move toward a society where everyone lives comfortably and with dignity, until I learned some of those things would benefit a country other than the United States so now that candidate is fucking cancelled
How is the "weaken corporate power" thing going to happen?

By advancing and fighting for policies that do so and organizing large numbers of people into coalitions that can leverage their power to pressure our representatives to get it done. But one of the corporations that will be weakened is one that Putin also dislikes, so I guess let's forget about that and vote for Beto instead.
Guys I was about to support a candidate with comprehensive plans to slow climate change, weaken corporate power in America, end the war on drugs, and move toward a society where everyone lives comfortably and with dignity, until I learned some of those things would benefit a country other than the United States so now that candidate is fucking cancelled
How is the "weaken corporate power" thing going to happen?

By advancing and fighting for policies that do so and organizing large numbers of people into coalitions that can leverage their power to pressure our representatives to get it done.
That sounds less comprehensive and more like a political campaign statement.
By advancing and fighting for policies that do so and organizing large numbers of people into coalitions that can leverage their power to pressure our representatives to get it done.
That sounds less comprehensive and more like a political campaign statement.

If I thought you wanted specifics I would have given those, but I assumed you were just asking your usual "but how can we have nice things if Republicans don't want to give them to us" question
By advancing and fighting for policies that do so and organizing large numbers of people into coalitions that can leverage their power to pressure our representatives to get it done.
That sounds less comprehensive and more like a political campaign statement.

If I thought you wanted specifics I would have given those, but I assumed you were just asking your usual "but how can we have nice things if Republicans don't want to give them to us" question
Well, it is funny you mention that in context with the BCP... but I was asking more regarding how we could magically remove money's influence in American politics and policies.
If I thought you wanted specifics I would have given those, but I assumed you were just asking your usual "but how can we have nice things if Republicans don't want to give them to us" question
Well, it is funny you mention that in context with the BCP... but I was asking more regarding how we could magically remove money's influence in American politics and policies.

I don't know what the BCP is and I don't believe in magic. I don't know what more you want from me. This is a thread about candidates being Russian assets if they have views or principles that benefit Russia, even if those things also happen to be good ideas.
What makes you think Gabbard is so pure and free from "rot" that she would be the one to reform anything anyway?

That's a nonsequitor. You don't have to be free from rot to expose rot and get action going against it.

Oh, so whether she herself is corrupt is irrelevant? Or is it a plus, like how Trump said only he can drain the swamp because he participated in it?

And well lookee here.

Tulsi Gabbard, amid Hillary Clinton tussle, hits Wall Street fat cat syndicate | Fox Business

Scaramucci, known as the "Mooch," is a hedge fund salesman and short-lived communications director for the Trump administration before flaming out and transforming himself into a fierce Trump critic. While he wasn't in attendance, according to people with direct knowledge of the event, about two dozen Wall Street executives sat for the off-the-record meeting with Gabbard that was hosted by Robert Wolf, himself a prominent Wall Street Democrat (golfing buddy of former President Barack Obama) and past chief of Swiss bank UBS' U.S. operations.

Wolf now runs investment advisory firm 32 Advisors and does political consulting, the latter with Scaramucci. He is also a FOX Business contributor

Gabbard has dinner with the "rot."

How many times does Tulsi have to say she isn't going to run 3rd party?

She's probably not saying it anymore.

Gabbard says she won't run for reelection to Congress in 2020 - POLITICO
Whether she runs might not affect the Dems much though.

Here’s How Voters Might Move Tonight — Data For Progress

This chart has polling data showing how the respective candidate backers view the other candidates.


And it looks like most of Gabbard's voters hate ALL the other candidates, even Bernie. And most of the other candidate backers don't like her neither, except for Yang's and Sanders's slightly. Disclaimer that the data is from before the Clinton drama, and the sample sizes aren't that big.
Most 2020 Candidates Have Something In Common: Their Supporters Also Like Warren | FiveThirtyEight - has a poll of second choices for all the candidates. Elizabeth Warren does the best there.

That's just among Democrats. The only polls that will matter are how right-leaning Independents and Republicans view any of the contenders. This YouGov poll of Independents from July is extremely encouraging in regard to Warren's chances. Here's the breakdown.

Among "VERY Conservative" Indies, at least 62% would vote for a female POTUS (with 69% of "NET Conservatives" saying they would vote for a woman).
Whether she runs might not affect the Dems much though.

Here’s How Voters Might Move Tonight — Data For Progress

This chart has polling data showing how the respective candidate backers view the other candidates.

View attachment 24591

And it looks like most of Gabbard's voters hate ALL the other candidates, even Bernie. And most of the other candidate backers don't like her neither, except for Yang's and Sanders's slightly. Disclaimer that the data is from before the Clinton drama, and the sample sizes aren't that big.

Wow. Go Yang. According to this chart, he's the perfect pick for running mate. #YangGang
Most 2020 Candidates Have Something In Common: Their Supporters Also Like Warren | FiveThirtyEight - has a poll of second choices for all the candidates. Elizabeth Warren does the best there.

That's just among Democrats. The only polls that will matter are how right-leaning Independents and Republicans view any of the contenders. This YouGov poll of Independents from July is extremely encouraging in regard to Warren's chances. Here's the breakdown.

Among "VERY Conservative" Indies, at least 62% would vote for a female POTUS (with 69% of "NET Conservatives" saying they would vote for a woman).

Well that's awfully sad. 100% should be willing to vote for "a woman" if she has the right ideas and platform.
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