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Hillary's Emailgate - The scandal that keeps on giving!


Veteran Member
Aug 30, 2005
SF Bay Area
Basic Beliefs
Libertarian-Conservative, Agnostic.
Emailgate has become the Bakken basin of scandal, a seemingly inexhaustible find. No dry-holes here - a new El Dorado. Some of the new gushers include:


The former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up and maintain her private email server has declined to talk to the FBI and the State Department inspector general’s office, as well as a congressional committee, invoking his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself, sources familiar with the investigation confirmed to Yahoo News.

The move by Bryan Pagliano, who served on Clinton’s 2008 campaign and later as a technology officer in the State Department, to decline to cooperate in two federal probes considerably raises the stakes in the Clinton email investigation, the sources said. It confronts the Justice Department with a decision about whether to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony — a move that could be taken only were the department to escalate the probe into a full-scale criminal investigation, the sources said.

I mean who would want to cooperate with those wingnuts at the FBI and Inspector General's Office?

Might his reluctance be because he fears he will be the fall guy for that kindly old grandma who trusted her "expert" employees - you know, the granny that says she thinks "cleaning a server" is done with a rag. Darn those newfangled doohickey things.
Is there anything of substance here or is it just you chest thumping? There's nothing in your post that indicates she did anything wrong. It's merely paranoia.
Is there anything of substance here or is it just you chest thumping? There's nothing in your post that indicates she did anything wrong. It's merely paranoia.

I don't think we can assume she sent emails with confidential information. We might know if they hadn't redacted them so heavily because of all the confidential information they contained.
Emailgate has become the Bakken basin of scandal, a seemingly inexhaustible find. No dry-holes here - a new El Dorado. Some of the new gushers include:


The former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up and maintain her private email server has declined to talk to the FBI and the State Department inspector general’s office, as well as a congressional committee, invoking his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself, sources familiar with the investigation confirmed to Yahoo News.

The move by Bryan Pagliano, who served on Clinton’s 2008 campaign and later as a technology officer in the State Department, to decline to cooperate in two federal probes considerably raises the stakes in the Clinton email investigation, the sources said. It confronts the Justice Department with a decision about whether to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony — a move that could be taken only were the department to escalate the probe into a full-scale criminal investigation, the sources said.

I mean who would want to cooperate with those wingnuts at the FBI and Inspector General's Office?

Might his reluctance be because he fears he will be the fall guy for that kindly old grandma who trusted her "expert" employees - you know, the granny that says she thinks "cleaning a server" is done with a rag. Darn those newfangled doohickey things.

"Yawn". I'm sure that it will just end up like Vince Foster Gate, Benghazi gate, White water, and etc and etc.
What is the essence of what is being charged here? Is she being called a Benedict Arnold and a Snowden? She is just a money and power glutton and a fucking politician who probably doesn't feel all that safe fucking with her husband. She is a good loyal Snowden and Assange hater and an evil tempered post menopausal woman. Her problem...the only hardons she can inspire belong to ultraconservative Republicans and those hardons do not serve any purpose she is even remotely interested in...thus she is a cold, uninspired woman not fit to be president.

Clinton knows how to do things exactly as her handlers direct her and as our government is one of handled politicians, she is not better and no worse than Senator McCain or pehaps her own husband. She is a claptrap machine and is so absolutely the norm in Washington, all you crybabies out there should really stop pounding her. I don't think she will be the first woman president.;)
What is the essence of what is being charged here? Is she being called a Benedict Arnold and a Snowden?

Generally she is being criticized (by some) for skirting government standards for transparency and openness, and -- because of the way she did it, by creating her own system outside of government control -- not being sufficiently careful in her handling of confidential information. Also engaging in Clintonian truth parsing and dissembling about it.
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?

The FBI, two inspector generals, the major newspapers.
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?

I actually think this is a thing. I have worked for State and I would have been fired or maybe charged if I was either taking mail home with me or doing State Dept business. They give you a .gov Email for a reason and the higher you go the more important it is. We don´t want official business in private Email.
I mean who would want to cooperate with those wingnuts at the FBI and Inspector General's Office?

It is rarely a good thing to cooperate with a witch hunt, regardless of whether or nor you're a witch.
And CNN's Labott disagrees with the forum hand-wavers, "it raises the specter of criminal action.". My, my.


And, by the way, the source of the story was from Micheal Isikoff, the yahoo investigative correspondent. Isikoff has been a pillar of investigative journalism for several decades, working for NBC as well as a staff writer for Newsweek and the Washington Post. Isikoff has written two best-sellers, "Uncovering Clinton" and (with David Corn) "Hubris," about the selling of the Iraq War.

And it has not been the only eye-brow raising development in the last few weeks, either.
I have no idea what Mrs Clinton was up to on her private server but the fact that she has gone to the bother of setting one up and lie about it and its contents says to me she is untrustworthy. Fairly typical of the political class but still, I do enjoy seeing her squirm.
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?

Hillary herself can end this whole thing (which may or may not be a thing) today. Right now. She has the power to end calls for further investigations, to end the Congressional inquiry into the larger issue (Benghazi!) and to actually end any and all investigations into her affairs.


Simple. She can utter the words "I've decided to not run for President." She'd probably have to add "ever" as a further qualifier. The investigation will be dropped faster than a live grenade.

This whole thing is pure partisan politics, and has been since day one - the day after the Benghazi attack. In fact I'm so certain that it is nothing more than an effort to undermine her Presidential ambitions that I'm willing to make a seemingly bold but really not all that bold statement:

If - for whatever reason - Hillary Rodham Hussein Clinton either does not secure the Democratic nomination for President OR does so but loses the general election, the investigation into her email, Benghazi, and anything else that springs up in the next 14 months will vanish by the end of 2016 if not earlier. Bank on it.

If, however, the former First Lady becomes the wife of the first First Man, the investigations into her doings will continue unabated until at least January 21, 2021. I guarantee it.
And CNN's Labott disagrees with the forum hand-wavers, "it raises the specter of criminal action.". My, my.


And, by the way, the source of the story was from Micheal Isikoff, the yahoo investigative correspondent. Isikoff has been a pillar of investigative journalism for several decades, working for NBC as well as a staff writer for Newsweek and the Washington Post. Isikoff has written two best-sellers, "Uncovering Clinton" and (with David Corn) "Hubris," about the selling of the Iraq War.

And it has not been the only eye-brow raising development in the last few weeks, either.

Can you explain what specifically is the issue here? So far you haven't explained anything, and have simply continued chest thumping.
Compared to that time Hillary murdered one of her friends and made it look like a suicide this scandal seems lame.
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?

The FBI, two inspector generals, the major newspapers.

The plural of 'inspector general' is 'inspectors general'.

You're welcome.
Is there anyone outside of the right wing noise machine that thinks this is a thing? CNN seems to view it as more of a "meh" than anything else from the one article I could find about it and I haven't heard anything else on the topic other than the Benghazi folks shrieking.

Does anyone else think this is a thing or am I correct to be shrugging it off as a nothing?
I had to google it and my eyes glazed over before the end of the Wiki article's first paragraph. Surely she can't be so squeaky clean that this is the best they can do?
August 6, 2001: W gets an explicit briefing that Al Qaeda has plans to use jet liners as terrorist weapons to attack us. The Great Decider decides to do nothing. No follow-ups, no calls to FBI, CIA. Seven weeks later....
January 15, 2009: Hillary is confirmed as secy. of state and opts to use the then-legal email setup option that led us to this "scandal."...
Which of these events dominated the political discussion for months, going on years? Which one led to unimaginable consequences? Does anyone doubt that if a Democrat had done what W did that there would have been an impeachment? How does anyone listen to the hard righties anymore? They are the Dark Side. You listen to them or tune in to their "news" network for even 5 minutes, and you've gone straight down the rabbit hole.
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