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Hillary's Emailgate - The scandal that keeps on giving!

So what's the big plan if the Hillz falls, you two going to accept Bernie Sanders or Smokin' Joe Biden as you president? Because none of the current candidates can win the general election.

Well, absent Clinton, some of them might have a chance, but that's a problem for tommorrow.

It's like if you're a mayor and Godzilla is rampaging through your city. First, you deal with the giant monster who's killing everybody and then you worry about how you're going to handle the potential taxi strike. You don't take time away from your anti-Godzilla efforts to plan out what sort of concessions you can offer the taxi drivers. This is because if you can't kill off the monster, the issues with the taxi drivers never become a problem you actually need to deal with.

Similarly, if they can't make the eleventifirst fake Clinton scandal stick, they're never going to be facing Sanders or Biden so it's a moot point to work out how it is that those guys are evildoers who hate America.
So what's the big plan if the Hillz falls, you two going to accept Bernie Sanders or Smokin' Joe Biden as you president? Because none of the current candidates can win the general election.

I believe if no suitable heir from the Clinton line can be found the title passes to the Bush line until Malia Obama comes of age.
So what's the big plan if the Hillz falls, you two going to accept Bernie Sanders or Smokin' Joe Biden as you president? Because none of the current candidates can win the general election.

I believe if no suitable heir from the Clinton line can be found the title passes to the Bush line until Malia Obama comes of age.

You haven't been paying attention to the proper playbook, Michelle gets a chance before Malia.
So what's the big plan if the Hillz falls, you two going to accept Bernie Sanders or Smokin' Joe Biden as you president? Because none of the current candidates can win the general election.

I doubt Bernie could beat Trump or Carson. Biden probably could, but its by no means certain. And of course I'm not going to "accept" any left-wing demagogue or foolish old leftist. Nor will I be the least satisfied with any other than Cruz, Rubio, Walker, or Carley. Huckabee and Bush are useless, Paul clueless on foreign policy, Carson too nice, etc.

On the other hand, as none of us have a substantive choice in the matter, so at least Trump provides great entertainment value. "President Trump"...good name for a President, don't you think?
I believe if no suitable heir from the Clinton line can be found the title passes to the Bush line until Malia Obama comes of age.

You haven't been paying attention to the proper playbook, Michelle gets a chance before Malia.

At this point Michelle is not a blood-Obama and is therefore only eligible to be gifted a Senatorship in some state where she has never lived.
You haven't been paying attention to the proper playbook, Michelle gets a chance before Malia.

At this point Michelle is not a blood-Obama and is therefore only eligible to be gifted a Senatorship in some state where she has never lived.

Hey, having the country's leader gift out Senatorships to their unqualified friends and family is Canada's thing.

Get your own thing. :mad:
So what's the big plan if the Hillz falls, you two going to accept Bernie Sanders or Smokin' Joe Biden as you president? Because none of the current candidates can win the general election.

I doubt Bernie could beat Trump or Carson. Biden probably could, but its by no means certain. And of course I'm not going to "accept" any left-wing demagogue or foolish old leftist.
Heck, you probably think Reagan was a communist.
Nor will I be the least satisfied with any other than Cruz, Rubio, Walker, or Carley. Huckabee and Bush are useless, Paul clueless on foreign policy, Carson too nice, etc.
Wow, will take the failed CEO over Jeb. Cruz is a fucking used car salesman who found his Tea Party roots when his primary attempt was flailing. Rubio looks like his tack to more mainstream may pay off as he may become the Establishment choice. Of course, he is a child of immigrants who made his mark by using Public funding. Scott Walker?! Might as make Kermit the Frog President.

On the other hand, as none of us have a substantive choice in the matter, so at least Trump provides great entertainment value. "President Trump"...good name for a President, don't you think?
Trump sounds a bit like Chump to me.

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At this point Michelle is not a blood-Obama and is therefore only eligible to be gifted a Senatorship in some state where she has never lived.

Hey, having the country's leader gift out Senatorships to their unqualified friends and family is Canada's thing.

Get your own thing. :mad:
Speaking of which, when am I getting paid back for my loan to Duffy?
Speaking of which, when am I getting paid back for my loan to Duffy?

Dude, you loaned money to Mike Duffy ... you're not getting it back.

I realize that it's somewhat gauche to blame the victim around here, but in this case, you're completely to blame for getting victimized.
Speaking of which, when am I getting paid back for my loan to Duffy?
Dude, you loaned money to Mike Duffy ... you're not getting it back.

I realize that it's somewhat gauche to blame the victim around here, but in this case, you're completely to blame for getting victimized.
You can trust a Canadian he said.

I'll have the money for you quick he said.

I serve in the Senate he said.
Dude, you loaned money to Mike Duffy ... you're not getting it back.

I realize that it's somewhat gauche to blame the victim around here, but in this case, you're completely to blame for getting victimized.
You can trust a Canadian he said.

I'll have the money for you quick he said.

I serve in the Senate he said.

Dude, this guy was appointed to the Senate by Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper provided the man with a character reference.

If that wasn't enough of a red flag for you, then I don't know how to help you anymore. Do you also take dining recommendations from Jeffrey Dahmer?
You haven't been paying attention to the proper playbook, Michelle gets a chance before Malia.

At this point Michelle is not a blood-Obama and is therefore only eligible to be gifted a Senatorship in some state where she has never lived.

There is plenty of time for that to happen before Malia gets old enough to make a presidential run. Besides, the record shows that Malia would need to spend time as a Governor before she can take advantage of her heritage to become President.
You can trust a Canadian he said.

I'll have the money for you quick he said.

I serve in the Senate he said.

Dude, this guy was appointed to the Senate by Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper provided the man with a character reference.

If that wasn't enough of a red flag for you, then I don't know how to help you anymore.
Well, he didn't have anything to do with Stockwell Day... so I figured it wasn't entirely reckless.
Do you also take dining recommendations from Jeffrey Dahmer?
Of course not. He's dead.

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At this point Michelle is not a blood-Obama and is therefore only eligible to be gifted a Senatorship in some state where she has never lived.
Anyone remember that guy who was President a while ago between '01 and '08? Wasn't his father something of an important person?
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