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His Flatulence hits the crazy button

Loren Pechtel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
Basic Beliefs
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)

Even crazier still, zero Americans have died in terrorist attacks from nationals of these 7 countries.

He didn't hit the crazy button. He's been holding it down furiously for quite some time and never letting go of it.

Such a complete and utter disgrace to this country.
The West needs to rethink their policies on immigration. We need to accommodate refugees from wars we caused in these countries. A blanket ban would be unfair in the US if people have a Green Card or a visa to work.

Europe is overcrowded and economic migration and those who pose a security risk should be forbidden entry. The UK take migrants with needed skills but certainly there are problems with overcrowding and a lack of resources.

Those countries who do not pose a risk must develop their own economies to avoid the drive to Europe.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

All nations devastated by US foreign policy over the past decades.

Iraq destroyed in a US terrorist attack. Which of course gave us ISIS.

My feeling is that Trump is provoking and wants a terrorist attack.

He is at heart a brutal thug and thugs look for excuses so they can begin to crack down.

And the right in this nation will cheer greater and greater fascism.
Trump’s Immigration Ban Excludes Countries With Business Ties

President Trump has signed an executive order that bans citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East from entering the United States for 90 days, according to the White House. His proposed list doesn’t include Muslim-majority countries where his Trump Organization has done business or pursued potential deals. Properties include golf courses in the United Arab Emirates and two luxury towers operating in Turkey.
If you want to get rid of non-Christians who threaten the United States, expel Trump now!
So, not Saudi Arabia? I'm against this ban on every level, but if you're going be doing it in order to be preventing terrorist attacks in the US, banning the people from the place which makes the most terrorist attacks in the US would seem to be a good start.
It's pretty clear at this point that the only people truly supporting Trump are utter fucking morons.
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)

Even crazier still, zero Americans have died in terrorist attacks from nationals of these 7 countries.

He didn't hit the crazy button. He's been holding it down furiously for quite some time and never letting go of it.

Such a complete and utter disgrace to this country.

The CBS TV show "Sunday Morning" had story on Dennis Quaid. My wife asked me if he is the brother "who is almost as crazy as Trump?" (it isn't, it is Randy Quaid who is)
So, not Saudi Arabia? I'm against this ban on every level, but if you're going be doing it in order to be preventing terrorist attacks in the US, banning the people from the place which makes the most terrorist attacks in the US would seem to be a good start.
I wonder if anyone asks Trump administration about that.
He didn't just hit the button. He sat on it with his fat, Depends wearing ass.
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)

This is a test. The ban is temporary and on citizens from those 7 countries for now.

If it is allowed to stand, the administration will take the next step. They'll have established that even legal US residents can lose their rights at the will of the President, and from there...?
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)

This is a test. The ban is temporary and on citizens from those 7 countries for now.

If it is allowed to stand, the administration will take the next step. They'll have established that even legal US residents can lose their rights at the will of the President, and from there...?

From there, he is waiting for the next terrorist attack to occur on US soil to really carry out his fascistic fantasies.
He's banned entry for citizens of 7 countries associated with terrorism.

A total ban, even permanent residents who leave the country can't come back. (As some found out when they went shopping in Canada.)

This is a test. The ban is temporary and on citizens from those 7 countries for now.

If it is allowed to stand, the administration will take the next step. They'll have established that even legal US residents can lose their rights at the will of the President, and from there...?
I doubt it. The nations not included would effect his bottom line.

It is clear this isn't a diabolical plan, it was poorly thought out and executed. The W Admin is impressed!
The West needs to rethink their policies on immigration. ...
Europe is overcrowded ...
... there are problems with overcrowding and a lack of resources.

You keep saying this. It keeps not being true, despite your repetition of it.

The EU can easily handle a far larger population than it currently has. There are local areas of both high AND low population density that have problems due to poverty and lack of education of the local residents; And there are other areas of very high population density that have great wealth and prosperity - thereby clearly indicating that 'overcrowding' is NOT the issue. Nor is immigration.

Take just one example - the London Docklands. Sixty years ago it was crowded and awful, but contained almost no immigrants. Today it is crowded and prosperous, and contains very large numbers of immigrants. Crowding isn't a problem; Immigration isn't a problem. Poverty is a problem, and immigration helps to make the nation richer, so it is one possible solution.
This is a test. The ban is temporary and on citizens from those 7 countries for now.

If it is allowed to stand, the administration will take the next step. They'll have established that even legal US residents can lose their rights at the will of the President, and from there...?
I doubt it. The nations not included would effect his bottom line.

It is clear this isn't a diabolical plan, it was poorly thought out and executed. The W Admin is impressed!

Yeah, Trump won't have diabolical plans--he's not smart enough to.

Ruling by poorly thought out ideas is worse, though.
The West needs to rethink their policies on immigration. ...
Europe is overcrowded ...
... there are problems with overcrowding and a lack of resources.

You keep saying this. It keeps not being true, despite your repetition of it.

The EU can easily handle a far larger population than it currently has. There are local areas of both high AND low population density that have problems due to poverty and lack of education of the local residents; And there are other areas of very high population density that have great wealth and prosperity - thereby clearly indicating that 'overcrowding' is NOT the issue. Nor is immigration.

Take just one example - the London Docklands. Sixty years ago it was crowded and awful, but contained almost no immigrants. Today it is crowded and prosperous, and contains very large numbers of immigrants. Crowding isn't a problem; Immigration isn't a problem. Poverty is a problem, and immigration helps to make the nation richer, so it is one possible solution.
Yes he keeps saying that, and Merkel herself (not to mention politicians who are less invested in this debacle) starting to agree with that.
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