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His Flatulence hits the crazy button

Read this:
Entitled "Sorry Mr. President, The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to your Immigration Ban":


Whether it is called a pause in admissions for a period of time or it is called a ban for a period of time equates to the same thing.

You surely cannot really believe that yourself, unless you have deliberately avoided reading or watching any news about the issue.

You certainly are not fooling anyone here, with the possible exception of yourself.
Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

The election will merely be temporarily suspended, until the White House is confident that all possibility of electoral fraud has been eliminated.

As a first step in this process, citizens will be issued with Federal identity cards, which clearly state their name, address, citizenship status, ethnic origin, religion, sexuality, date of Republican Party membership, and age; And which, for homeland security purposes, must be presented on demand to any law enforcement or government official.

The cards will, to save time when being examined by police, be emblazoned with a large red letter 'H' for 'Hispanic', 'J' for 'Jewish', or 'N' for 'African American'.

After all, it wouldn't be clever to be soft on crime, and if people have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. Right?

What a drama queen. Who told you this?

You may find this difficult to grasp, but some of us have original thoughts, and don't simply repeat things we were told by someone else. :rolleyes:

You might also wish to note the post to which I was responding. In particular this bit:
* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!
Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

The election will merely be temporarily suspended, until the White House is confident that all possibility of electoral fraud has been eliminated.

As a first step in this process, citizens will be issued with Federal identity cards, which clearly state their name, address, citizenship status, ethnic origin, religion, sexuality, date of Republican Party membership, and age; And which, for homeland security purposes, must be presented on demand to any law enforcement or government official.

The cards will, to save time when being examined by police, be emblazoned with a large red letter 'H' for 'Hispanic', 'J' for 'Jewish', or 'N' for 'African American'.

After all, it wouldn't be clever to be soft on crime, and if people have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. Right?

What a drama queen. Who told you this?

You may find this difficult to grasp, but some of us have original thoughts, and don't simply repeat things we were told by someone else. :rolleyes:

You might also wish to note the post to which I was responding. In particular this bit:
* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

So did you think this up by yourself :)
Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

The election will merely be temporarily suspended, until the White House is confident that all possibility of electoral fraud has been eliminated.

As a first step in this process, citizens will be issued with Federal identity cards, which clearly state their name, address, citizenship status, ethnic origin, religion, sexuality, date of Republican Party membership, and age; And which, for homeland security purposes, must be presented on demand to any law enforcement or government official.

The cards will, to save time when being examined by police, be emblazoned with a large red letter 'H' for 'Hispanic', 'J' for 'Jewish', or 'N' for 'African American'.

After all, it wouldn't be clever to be soft on crime, and if people have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. Right?

What a drama queen. Who told you this?

You may find this difficult to grasp, but some of us have original thoughts, and don't simply repeat things we were told by someone else. :rolleyes:

You might also wish to note the post to which I was responding. In particular this bit:
* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

So did you think this up by yourself :)


I quite enjoy thinking. You should try it sometime - maybe you will enjoy it too.
Read this:
Entitled "Sorry Mr. President, The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to your Immigration Ban":


Whether it is called a pause in admissions for a period of time or it is called a ban for a period of time equates to the same thing.

I take it from your response that you didn't bother to read the link. Probably because you already have your answer.
The current propaganda priority is to make out that what is happening is normal, and just like the things done by previous presidential administrations. The more people they can persuade of this, the less resistance they will get as they push the envelope further and further.

It's salami tactics. They don't try to make us swallow the whole thing at once; they just keep feeding us one thin slice after another, with brief pauses if we push back, until we have swallowed the entire thing without ever really noticing.

Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

There will be elections. Whether they are meaningful or not is another matter.
Donald Trump said:
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!

It takes months, sometimes years, for someone in one of these countries to get a visa to enter the US. How dumb are the people in this country that this gets 150,000 likes? The conman really has a pulse on the stupid in this country, and I think Bannon really figured out how to tap into it.

I hate to say it, bit this whole shit show has definitely made apparent how weak the system of democracy actually is. I knew it had some problems, but holy fuck. This has permanently altered my outlook on how shitty things may be able get in a liberal democracy.
Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

The election will merely be temporarily suspended, until the White House is confident that all possibility of electoral fraud has been eliminated.

As a first step in this process, citizens will be issued with Federal identity cards, which clearly state their name, address, citizenship status, ethnic origin, religion, sexuality, date of Republican Party membership, and age; And which, for homeland security purposes, must be presented on demand to any law enforcement or government official.

The cards will, to save time when being examined by police, be emblazoned with a large red letter 'H' for 'Hispanic', 'J' for 'Jewish', or 'N' for 'African American'.

After all, it wouldn't be clever to be soft on crime, and if people have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. Right?

What a drama queen. Who told you this?

You may find this difficult to grasp, but some of us have original thoughts, and don't simply repeat things we were told by someone else. :rolleyes:

You might also wish to note the post to which I was responding. In particular this bit:
* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

So did you think this up by yourself :)


I quite enjoy thinking. You should try it sometime - maybe you will enjoy it too.

I think it's a good thing. JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books. In the world of make believe anything is possible. :)
I take it from your response that you didn't bother to read the link. Probably because you already have your answer.


There are differences of course but nonetheless there was a pause. Trump extended this to Green Card Holders which is more extreme. I would think that Green Card holders should be reconsidered on case by case basis. Those with Visas could also be vetted and given consideration.

Nonetheless there was a pause but with Trump's more extreme.

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

There will be elections. Whether they are meaningful or not is another matter.

Elections should be meaningful in a democracy.

There are differences of course but nonetheless there was a pause. Trump extended this to Green Card Holders which is more extreme. I would think that Green Card holders should be reconsidered on case by case basis.
Nonetheless there was a pause but with Trump's more extreme.

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

There will be elections. Whether they are meaningful or not is another matter.

Elections should be meaningful in a democracy.

Gosh! Really??

Thank fuck you are here to point that out. :rolleyes:
Billionaire Republican donor Charles Koch likens Donald Trump's Muslim ban to Adolf Hitler's policies in Nazi Germany

This ought to be interesting. The Koch brothers are always wrong, Trump is always wrong, they are on opposite sides of this issue. Therefore both sides are always wrong?

I suppose that might be the case. When Obama halted immigration from various Muslim countries six different times, nobody said a word. Trump does it once, everyone loses their mind.

Is this a truth or a post-truth? I can't remember there being problems for any of our MPs under President Obama.
Cross posting. But it seems more relevant here

An Iranian academic researcher in law that I know doesn't know if he'll be able to go to a conference in USA. He's lived his whole life in Sweden. He's an atheist.

Guess if all scientific conferences from now on will be moved to Europe and Asia, just to minimise the hassles?

Great going Trump. This is truly an idiocracy

BTW, interesting fact. Iranian citizenship isn't optional. You can't reject Iranian citizenship. My friend does not have an Iranian passport. Since he can't go there for legal reasons. So he shows up in the lists of its citizens. So he can't do anything about it
There are differences of course but nonetheless there was a pause. Trump extended this to Green Card Holders which is more extreme. I would think that Green Card holders should be reconsidered on case by case basis.
Nonetheless there was a pause but with Trump's more extreme.

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

There will be elections. Whether they are meaningful or not is another matter.

Elections should be meaningful in a democracy.

Gosh! Really??

Thank fuck you are here to point that out. :rolleyes:

I love you too. :)

There are differences of course but nonetheless there was a pause. Trump extended this to Green Card Holders which is more extreme.
More extreme? He made it illegal for legal residents to enter the US. It could only get more extreme if he said all foreigners couldn't enter... well that and Americans.
I would think that Green Card holders should be reconsidered on case by case basis.
They already have green cards. They are already legal residents. Unlike others, they are clearly cloaked within the 4th Amendment! They have constitutional rights that are being pissed on.

- - - Updated - - -

Billionaire Republican donor Charles Koch likens Donald Trump's Muslim ban to Adolf Hitler's policies in Nazi Germany

This ought to be interesting. The Koch brothers are always wrong, Trump is always wrong, they are on opposite sides of this issue. Therefore both sides are always wrong?

I suppose that might be the case. When Obama halted immigration from various Muslim countries six different times, nobody said a word. Trump does it once, everyone loses their mind.
Dude, you need a newspaper to cover your Libertarian Smugness Boner.
Billionaire Republican donor Charles Koch likens Donald Trump's Muslim ban to Adolf Hitler's policies in Nazi Germany

This ought to be interesting. The Koch brothers are always wrong, Trump is always wrong, they are on opposite sides of this issue. Therefore both sides are always wrong?

I suppose that might be the case. When Obama halted immigration from various Muslim countries six different times, nobody said a word. Trump does it once, everyone loses their mind.

Neither are always wrong.

Obama always gave a specific reason for doing it. And it was something recommended by others.

This is a dictate simply pulled from Trump's ass.

You must see that, you're kissing it.
There are differences of course but nonetheless there was a pause. Trump extended this to Green Card Holders which is more extreme. I would think that Green Card holders should be reconsidered on case by case basis.
Nonetheless there was a pause but with Trump's more extreme.

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly. A coup by a thousand cuts. In four years, trumpsters won't even notice that there's no elections*.

* A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone!

There will be elections. Whether they are meaningful or not is another matter.

Elections should be meaningful in a democracy.

Gosh! Really??

Thank fuck you are here to point that out. :rolleyes:

I love you too. :)
Well, it isn't mutual. You clearly have a paid agenda here. I've never thought that about anyone I disagreed with before on this board... and I've been here for quite a while. I've never thought Loren Pechtel was a paid cop stooge. That dismal is paid off by corporations. That Axulus is really just a sock puppet for Scott Adams. Or that Trausti is a stooge for the oil industry. However, you clearly have an agenda like no one else has at this board. And you aren't convincing many.
Billionaire Republican donor Charles Koch likens Donald Trump's Muslim ban to Adolf Hitler's policies in Nazi Germany

This ought to be interesting. The Koch brothers are always wrong, Trump is always wrong, they are on opposite sides of this issue. Therefore both sides are always wrong?

I suppose that might be the case. When Obama halted immigration from various Muslim countries six different times, nobody said a word. Trump does it once, everyone loses their mind.

Neither are always wrong.

Obama always gave a specific reason for doing it. And it was something recommended by others.

This is a dictate simply pulled from Trump's ass.

You must see that, you're kissing it.

Are you assuming my political orientation? I'm non-binary. That's very politically incorrect on your part.
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