Why did ancient authors generate no other fictional characters than the Jesus character only?
You're assuming the authors intention. How do you know he intended his story to be taken as history?
I tend to think of the story being generated to upset the status quo, at least the first mention of Jesus and Paul too
But why did only this one Jesus story get "generated"? There aren't any others. If there was a need to generate stories, why aren't there hundreds of other similar stories that got generated?
The latter stories being generated because people wanted more information.
But why didn't people want more information about
other generated characters? Why was it only this one Jesus character that they wanted more information about?
Why was there a demand only for this story, about Jesus the miracle-worker?
Before you say "Oh, there are millions of other stories that got made up," remember that this one got made up within 30 or 40 years after the alleged events took place.
That eliminates all the stories about the pagan gods, all the Homer and Virgil and Ovid and Hesiod tales.
In less than 80 years there were 4 (5) accounts of the miracle acts of Jesus, putting him in a particular place and time in history, and thousands of believers were spreading the tales and the accounts were being copied by the hundreds.
All based on a fiction story? Why did such a thing happen ONLY ONCE in 3000 years of recorded human history?
You might make a case that similar stories appeared after about 1500 or so, because of the modern publishing industry. But written history goes back to around 2000 BC, and during all those 3000-3500 years we have only one such story getting made up. How can that be?
It's a story where no one can be held accountable
What's another example of a story where no one can be held accountable?
It's easy to say it's just another story that got made up. Until you try to give us any other example of such stories which got made up.
Why are there no other fictional characters, depicted as historical (by writers near to the time the character allegedly existed), except this one?
Don't just say there are hundreds/thousands of them. Give an example. There aren't any.
And, why do so many people falsely believe there are other examples of this? I.e., that the 1st-century Jesus character is only one of many such fictional characters which got generated? Yet no one can name another case.
In looking for examples, remember that the first recorded account of the character has to be dated less than 50 or 100 years of when the character reportedly lived, and also we need at least some kind of additional account beyond just one only, i.e., extra source.
You can't claim a story was generated if it never got circulated or published until 1000 years later. Or if there's only one source for it.