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Hllary Thumps Bernie in New York

Colonel Sanders

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2015
Basic Beliefs
Bernie wins the states that will go red anyway or will go blue regardless of candidate (Nevada). Hillary wins the big states with the most electoral votes, i.e the states she could be counted on to win in the general.

This is often the analysis left out by Sanders' supporters who are far more vocal than Clinton's supporters.

It's not that I don't like Bernie, I do. But it's in states like New York and California where the rubber meets the road in a Presidential election. And in California, Hillary leads by 12 points as of now. Once that happens, it's all over.

Yes, I know, there's a controversy about the voting in New York right now, but even if you divide those votes 50/50, Hillary still wins easily.

At this point Sanders is becoming a detriment to the Democratic hopes for a third straight successful run for the White House. Once Hillary takes California, Bernie should call it quits and begin supporting Hillary in order to make sure there's no GOP kind of fuck up once the convention rolls around.

Drumpf is going to be the GOP nominee. He just trounced Ted Cruz in New York which means that one's all over except for the comb-over before Cruz gets what's left of his ass handed to him in California, which should end the delegate issue for the GOP once and for all. That ends the glorious spectacle of what was looking to be a contested GOP convention.
At this point Sanders is becoming a detriment to the Democratic hopes for a third straight successful run for the White House. Once Hillary takes California, Bernie should call it quits and begin supporting Hillary in order to make sure there's no GOP kind of fuck up once the convention rolls around.

I like Sanders more than you do, but I know and have stated on here for some time, he can't win. The establishment (both the party and particular news media strongly connected to the party) has largely supported Clinton since before day 1 with its biased reporting, DNC favoritism and super-delegates. There was no way he could win. The establishment will continue to make him look bad now until he drops out. He will leave with less and less dignity the more time transpires.

He seems to have implied that he will stay on until the end, if for no other reason, to keep Hillary on the left side of center. But it doesn't matter. She will triangulate and compromise just as much as she needs to do to win the general election. It won't matter when she does it because the end product will be the same.

So right now, Bernie would be far more productive by continuing his work in the Senate than by continuing in this drama.
Dang! I had hoped Sanders would do better. Now the next big hope is that the Senate flips Democratic and the House loses some of it GOP numbers.
Assuming Hillary doesn't get indicted, or her Wall Street speeches don't become public.

I think that HRC should release her speeches. I don't think that it will nearly be as negative for her as is being reported by the crazies. If Hillary didn't take money from big democratic interests including wall street (just like every other democrat in history) she would get trounced by Trump. Even as is, Trump will outspend HRC.
Assuming Hillary doesn't get indicted, or her Wall Street speeches don't become public.

I think that HRC should release her speeches. I don't think that it will nearly be as negative for her as is being reported by the crazies. If Hillary didn't take money from big democratic interests including wall street (just like every other democrat in history) she would get trounced by Trump. Even as is, Trump will outspend HRC.

Wait, wut? "wall street" is a big democratic interest? wth does that mean?

also, "If Hillary didn't take money from big democratic interests including wall street (just like every other democrat in history)..." Are you claiming Thomas Jefferson received money from Wall Street?

The truth is that if Hillary didn't take money from financial and other for-profit groups she would not have had as much money as Bernie. Maybe in the general election it will be different for her. Who knows.
Assuming Hillary doesn't get indicted, or her Wall Street speeches don't become public.

When it comes down to Trump or her, it won't matter. And she isn't going to be indicted anyway. I base that on 2 things. First, she would have been indicted by now. Second, the GOP has relentlessly attacked her for 25 years and come up with nothing. Not once. I don't know how many things they've accused her of, but if it's been 50 things, they're 0 for 50. This would be a first.
... she would have been indicted by now. ...

Sometimes indictments take a while. For example, it took a long time for the people involved in the Whitewater scandal to get indicted. Exactly how long do you think it should take and why?
... she would have been indicted by now. ...

Sometimes indictments take a while. For example, it took a long time for the people involved in the Whitewater scandal to get indicted. Exactly how long do you think it should take and why?

I don't know how long it should take to indict any given person for any give case. It depends. But the GOP has an obvious motive to get the thing out there. But they won't. Not in any manner that's timely to this election.

Whitewater: a thing that happened in 1978 only became interesting when Bill Clinton became a presidential candidate. I wonder why that could be. And the Clintons were cleared of any wrongdoing anyway. Accusations are not convictions and Republicans love to make accusations because it's free and generates more free negative publicity to their benefit than they could ever hope to pay for out of their own coffers.
Assuming Hillary doesn't get indicted, or her Wall Street speeches don't become public.

This I find curious; what could possibly be in the Wall Street speeches that would finish Clinton?

Does anybody -- Clinton hater, Clinton lover, anybody in between -- think that Clinton made speeches that would damage her credibility, knowing she'd run for the Presidency and banked her hopes that they'd never become public? That of the thousands of people who have listened to these speeches, that every single one of them wants to respect Clinton and keep her 'secrets'? That the very people who call her a political snake who knows the Washington game better than the scrunchies in her hair, think she would be so utterly careless?

I'm sorry, it's just an absurd notion. It's almost as absurd as Michelle Obama's non-existent 'get whitey' tape that never surfaced.
There's probably a few lines that will make her sound bad. From a political point of view, it's probably better for her to go with her bullshit about how other people aren't releasing things either as opposed to giving her opponents more ammunition.

It's not like Sanders can win, so the only people who could use that ammunition are the GOP and they'll be too busy eating themselves to put up much of a campaign.
It seems like Democrats for Hillary have this massive blindspot for her corruption, and the weakness it brings to the DNC. Besides being a petulant dishonest fuck, the GOP is not anywhere near as foolish and bungling as Democrats want to think they are. For better or worse. They have this thing called 'strategic planning', and the knowledge that timing is everything. Do you think that the GOP doesn't understand that Bernie is a threat? That guy could wrangle popular support inba way Hillary only wishes she could, and would play hardball with Congress, breaking many rules and being an elephant in a China shop when it comes to the pork and slush they prize so highly. They would get no chance to quietly hide riders.

He represents a substantive threat, and as much as the GOP might want to win the race, the only options they have are Trump, Clinton, and Sanders. Of these three Trump and Sanders would be a detrimental blow to the GOP. The republicans who matter aren't going into this to destroy HRC. They are doing all this to weaken her eventual presidency. They will keep pecking at her and pecking at her. It surprises me that anyone on the left could be so foolish as to think the honest intent of the attacks on HRC are intended to pull her out of the race at this point. The POINT is to either:
1.) To remove her AFTER she wins the primaries, so that the Democrat in the race is deprived of a clear mandate, thus dramatically weakening their presidency.
2.) Leave Hillary in the race and allow her to win albeit by the slimmest margin they can swing, keeping the house and the Senate by de-energising the DNC, and giving her a weak Obama style presidency.
3.)setting up the stage to impeach her for real as soon as she reaches office, leaving Democrats with a scandal and a president who wasn't elected at all.
Hillary should nominate Sanders as her VP. It gets the Bernie fanatics out to the voter booth and puts and end to any idea of impeaching her for political ends.
Ya, it's amazing that these genius, machiavellian manipulators in the GOP have been so blindsided by the Trump candidacy. I guess that they were too busy strategically pretending they were running around like a bunch of headless chickens that they missed it.
Ya, it's amazing that these genius, machiavellian manipulators in the GOP have been so blindsided by the Trump candidacy. I guess that they were too busy strategically pretending they were running around like a bunch of headless chickens that they missed it.

Why? They knew their race was a shit show. They had nothing to work with. As soon as Trump put in, they tried a few things, but it's not hard to see that New Hitler would upstage their hopefuls among their psychotic base. So they pull every punch and surround her candidacy with what any MODERATE voter would rightly see as a cloud of incompetency and corruption. Thing is, Trump is SO distasteful that Republicans who aren't insane will quietly and sadly vote Hillary for president and then vote strongly Republican for every other thing on the ballot. It's a far better victory than any other the republicans could aim for since Trump threw in.
Ya, it's amazing that these genius, machiavellian manipulators in the GOP have been so blindsided by the Trump candidacy. I guess that they were too busy strategically pretending they were running around like a bunch of headless chickens that they missed it.

Why? They knew their race was a shit show. They had nothing to work with. As soon as Trump put in, they tried a few things, but it's not hard to see that New Hitler would upstage their hopefuls among their psychotic base.
Umm... not really. Virtually no one thought Trump was going to succeed in nearly winning Iowa, forget being the leader in delegates at this late stage of the game, especially after his jousting with Fox News.
Ya, it's amazing that these genius, machiavellian manipulators in the GOP have been so blindsided by the Trump candidacy. I guess that they were too busy strategically pretending they were running around like a bunch of headless chickens that they missed it.

Why? They knew their race was a shit show. They had nothing to work with. As soon as Trump put in, they tried a few things, but it's not hard to see that New Hitler would upstage their hopefuls among their psychotic base. So they pull every punch and surround her candidacy with what any MODERATE voter would rightly see as a cloud of incompetency and corruption. Thing is, Trump is SO distasteful that Republicans who aren't insane will quietly and sadly vote Hillary for president and then vote strongly Republican for every other thing on the ballot. It's a far better victory than any other the republicans could aim for since Trump threw in.

But they thought that they had something to work with and were sure that Trump would flame out by the end of the summer. They were caught totally offguard by what happened this past year, which is evident by their total lack of preparation for what happened. While there are some Republicans who will vote for Hillary and then GOP on the downticket, a far larger number of them will just stay home. Having voters do that wasn't some kind of plan on their part. It's a backup plan in the same way that ordering a new credit card to make the minimum payments on your existing maxed out credit cards is a backup financial plan - it means you've already failed in any planning on your part if that's what you end up doing.
Bernie wins the states that will go red anyway or will go blue regardless of candidate (Nevada). Hillary wins the big states with the most electoral votes, i.e the states she could be counted on to win in the general.

This is often the analysis left out by Sanders' supporters who are far more vocal than Clinton's supporters.

It's not that I don't like Bernie, I do. But it's in states like New York and California where the rubber meets the road in a Presidential election. And in California, Hillary leads by 12 points as of now. Once that happens, it's all over.

Yes, I know, there's a controversy about the voting in New York right now, but even if you divide those votes 50/50, Hillary still wins easily.

At this point Sanders is becoming a detriment to the Democratic hopes for a third straight successful run for the White House. Once Hillary takes California, Bernie should call it quits and begin supporting Hillary in order to make sure there's no GOP kind of fuck up once the convention rolls around.

Drumpf is going to be the GOP nominee. He just trounced Ted Cruz in New York which means that one's all over except for the comb-over before Cruz gets what's left of his ass handed to him in California, which should end the delegate issue for the GOP once and for all. That ends the glorious spectacle of what was looking to be a contested GOP convention.

First, Hillary won southern states. Is it your contention that southern states don't go red anyway, that Clinton is going to take the South?
Second, as someone who supports Bernie Sanders' campaign, I have no problem seeing, hearing, reading, and generally enduring a plethora of extremely vocal Clinton supporters.
Third, what do you think Clinton should do to gain the support of Sanders Voters? What parts of Sanders' platform should she adopt in whole, which ones in part? Or is it your contention that Clinton change nothing and that Sanders simply call for supporters of his campaign to now support the Clinton campaign as is?

BTW, I find it highly ironic that the 2016 Clinton Campaign and its surrogates keep calling for Sanders to stop running when in 2008 Clinton wouldn't stop running until the primaries on the planet Xaxxon were over.
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