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Holy Fuck! This can't be true. (or did Trump just impeach himself?)

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
WASHINGTON — President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Mr. Trump added, “I’m not under investigation.”

And as an added bonus...
article said:
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, did not dispute the account.

I hold no high standard for Trump, or even a decently low one. But this would just be... I... there are no words if it is true.
so the thing we all knew ended up being a thing that we all knew.


(i'm not dismissing your misplaced sense of outrage over it, i'm just wondering how it exists in the first place)
so the thing we all knew ended up being a thing that we all knew.


(i'm not dismissing your misplaced sense of outrage over it, i'm just wondering how it exists in the first place)

The POTUS outright bragging to the representatives of an overall unfriendly nation about committing the felony of obstruction of justice is rather outrageous, don't you think?
Well, from what I've read narcissists do tend to project their own issues upon those they are abusing...so crazy...a real nut job....yeah it fits.
"Negotiating tactic" my ass. Our economic and military superiority are your cards to play in negotiating with Russia. Words have meaning, especially for you, Trump.
You can't just keep walking it back (Sean) to cover for his ineptness. He'll probably just burn you two days from now anyways.

And as an added bonus...
article said:
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, did not dispute the account.

I hold no high standard for Trump, or even a decently low one. But this would just be... I... there are no words if it is true.

Wow, that just might be the nail in the coffin. In his words, he fired Comey in order to relieve pressure on him from the Russian investigation. That is obstruction. Period. End of story.
so the thing we all knew ended up being a thing that we all knew.


(i'm not dismissing your misplaced sense of outrage over it, i'm just wondering how it exists in the first place)

The POTUS outright bragging to the representatives of an overall unfriendly nation about committing the felony of obstruction of justice is rather outrageous, don't you think?
... no, no i don't think that at all.

the POTUS is donald fucking trump. why in the hell would i possibly be surprised or outraged by donald fucking trump doing that?
why would you be? have you ever seen donald trump before? ever seen or read anything he's ever said out loud?
this seems exactly like putting several bowls of pudding in front of a toddler and then walking away for 5 minutes and coming back and going "HOLY SHIT THE PUDDING IS EVERYWHERE WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY!?" and then going "but... but we made the toddler president, so this is outrageous behavior for a president."

that the general population of the united states is comprised of people who are so severely mentally retarded that donald fucking trump got elected president just means now we have an idiot in the office of the president.
why anyone would be even mildly surprised that an idiot will do idiotic things is beyond me.
That this came out just when Trump went overseas feels like they are currently changing the locks on the doors of the White House.
so the thing we all knew ended up being a thing that we all knew.


(i'm not dismissing your misplaced sense of outrage over it, i'm just wondering how it exists in the first place)
I don't judge Trump with a high bar. But jebus, we'll need to remove the floor and building slab to put the bar lower!
The POTUS outright bragging to the representatives of an overall unfriendly nation about committing the felony of obstruction of justice is rather outrageous, don't you think?
... no, no i don't think that at all.

the POTUS is donald fucking trump. why in the hell would i possibly be surprised or outraged by donald fucking trump doing that?
Okay, I understand where you are coming from. But I am surprised he said it with so many people around him to record it, this is a Public Document that gets archived! He just impeached himself!

He at least asked Comey in private to drop the Flynn investigation. He did this in the relative open!
The POTUS outright bragging to the representatives of an overall unfriendly nation about committing the felony of obstruction of justice is rather outrageous, don't you think?
... no, no i don't think that at all.

the POTUS is donald fucking trump. why in the hell would i possibly be surprised or outraged by donald fucking trump doing that?

It is perfectly reasonable to be outraged by things that don't surprise you. I fully expected this level incompetence and criminality when he was elected and I'm outraged every time it happens.
That this came out just when Trump went overseas feels like they are currently changing the locks on the doors of the White House.
so the thing we all knew ended up being a thing that we all knew.


(i'm not dismissing your misplaced sense of outrage over it, i'm just wondering how it exists in the first place)
I don't judge Trump with a high bar. But jebus, we'll need to remove the floor and building slab to put the bar lower!
i mean, if your standard is some idealizing version of of a head of political office, yeah - it makes sense.
but that seems an incredibly misplaced perspective, to act like this situation is in any way relevant to some stately ideal of what a president is or should be.

i mean sure, if a person that had any kind of airs of being "presidential" snapped and did something untoward... like if obama had ever dropped his pants in the rose garden and screamed "this is for all the JJJJEEEEEEWWWWWSSS" and took a giant steaming dump, i would be shocked and outraged by that.

but this is donald fucking trump. i just don't get how anyone can read anything he says or does and feel anything except a bemused sense of "well yeah, OF COURSE that happened"

being surprised by anything trump does is like going to medical school and being an intern and going to business school so you can start your own practice and opening a clinic because your whole life you wanted to be the best men's health doctor you possibly could be so you put your heart and soul into making the most state of the art advanced care proctology clinic in the country, and then after finally opening your business coming home on the first day and looking at your wife going "what the fuck? i'm looking at assholes all day!?"
That this came out just when Trump went overseas feels like they are currently changing the locks on the doors of the White House.
I don't judge Trump with a high bar. But jebus, we'll need to remove the floor and building slab to put the bar lower!
i mean, if your standard is some idealizing version of of a head of political office, yeah - it makes sense.
but that seems an incredibly misplaced perspective, to act like this situation is in any way relevant to some stately ideal of what a president is or should be.

i mean sure, if a person that had any kind of airs of being "presidential" snapped and did something untoward... like if obama had ever dropped his pants in the rose garden and screamed "this is for all the JJJJEEEEEEWWWWWSSS" and took a giant steaming dump, i would be shocked and outraged by that.

but this is donald fucking trump. i just don't get how anyone can read anything he says or does and feel anything except a bemused sense of "well yeah, OF COURSE that happened"
Yeah, but he pretty admitted to committing an impeachable offense in front of a crowd. I didn't expect him to do that.
But I am surprised he said it with so many people around him to record it, this is a Public Document that gets archived!
why are you surprised? he told a guy he grabs pussies whenever he wants to. that is also a public document that gets archived.

He just impeached himself!
how do you figure?
the current numbers mean that the democrats physically can't impeach him, period.
and the republicans won't ever impeach him, period.
so... he's totally safe, as far as being president is concerned.
I am surprised he said it with so many people around him to record it...

As Big Al once said "there are only two things that are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe."
And afaik he never even met Teh Donald!
why are you surprised? he told a guy he grabs pussies whenever he wants to. that is also a public document that gets archived.
That was in private and he didn't know he was being recorded.

He just impeached himself!
how do you figure?
the current numbers mean that the democrats physically can't impeach him, period.
and the republicans won't ever impeach him, period.
so... he's totally safe, as far as being president is concerned.
The Special Counsel pretty much just wrapped things up when that report came out. Okay, maybe not quite. But he admitted to firing the FBI Director over an investigation. It is going to be hard as hell for the Republicans to save Trump. That this got out while he heads to Europe (with a Press Corp anchored at his ankle), the Republicans are pushing him away already. The sooner the better for the Republicans. The people may forget enough by '18.
... no, no i don't think that at all.

the POTUS is donald fucking trump. why in the hell would i possibly be surprised or outraged by donald fucking trump doing that?

It is perfectly reasonable to be outraged by things that don't surprise you. I fully expected this level incompetence and criminality when he was elected and I'm outraged every time it happens.

I have to say that I expected better. I thought my expectations were low, but Trump appears more clueless and arrogant on a daily basis.
He has absolutely no idea of what he is doing. How much you want to bet he doesn't return from his trip overseas? Perhaps he will share a condo with Snowden.
It is perfectly reasonable to be outraged by things that don't surprise you. I fully expected this level incompetence and criminality when he was elected and I'm outraged every time it happens.

I have to say that I expected better. I thought my expectations were low, but Trump appears more clueless and arrogant on a daily basis.
But I thought back in April he had a night where he finally became President. Gave a speech or something. ;)
That was in private and he didn't know he was being recorded.
... it was in his tour bus with a guy that was interviewing him. the recorder was sitting right there.

The Special Counsel pretty much just wrapped things up when that report came out. Okay, maybe not quite. But he admitted to firing the FBI Director over an investigation. It is going to be hard as hell for the Republicans to save Trump. That this got out while he heads to Europe (with a Press Corp anchored at his ankle), the Republicans are pushing him away already. The sooner the better for the Republicans. The people may forget enough by '18.
i wish i could agree with this but i don't see it being that way.

the republicans will totally ignore the report at best or circle around trump and publicly support him at worst, and there will be zero consequence for them doing so in either case.
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