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Holy Fuck! This can't be true. (or did Trump just impeach himself?)

The sooner the better for the Republicans. The people may forget enough by '18.

That is the question they have to be asking themselves. They can't control him. He's a not just a dumpster fire, he's a fucking landfill set ablaze. There's nothing that can rehabilitate him to a degree that he won't put Congress in the hands of Democrats come 2018.

On the other hand, the GOP is fucking persistent. Their collective legs never stop churning. No matter how bad the policy, no matter how horrible the scandal, they ignore it and press forward with one evil idiotic voice.

I have to think they're wargaming the Impeach Trump v. Don't Impeach Trump scenarios. But things keep getting worse on a daily basis. Two weeks ago, they may have decided they could keep him as long as X. And whatever that plan or line of thinking was, it's been tossed out the window.

So yeah, it comes to whether the GOP will do what they've always done, or if they'll feel forced to punt his ass out and hope to recover within the coming 16 months.
It is perfectly reasonable to be outraged by things that don't surprise you. I fully expected this level incompetence and criminality when he was elected and I'm outraged every time it happens.

I have to say that I expected better. I thought my expectations were low, but Trump appears more clueless and arrogant on a daily basis.

His behavior as POTUS has been exactly the same as his behavior was during the debates. I guess people thought it was an act or something, for reasons I will never comprehend.

ETA: The most amusing thing is that he called Comey a "nut job."
I have to say that I expected better. I thought my expectations were low, but Trump appears more clueless and arrogant on a daily basis.

His behavior as POTUS has been exactly the same as his behavior was during the debates. I guess people thought it was an act or something, for reasons I will never comprehend.

ETA: The most amusing thing is that he called Comey a "nut job."

Yebbut, but to put in a public letter that he asked Comey three times if he was under investigation, along with his many other idiocies - you can't make this stuff up.
No you can't make it up. It's surreal.

"...But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."
No you can't make it up. It's surreal.

"...But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."

So uncanny! Don't forget the equally precise and rare "wars and rumors of wars." Nobody could have predicted it.
The sooner the better for the Republicans. The people may forget enough by '18.

That is the question they have to be asking themselves. They can't control him. He's a not just a dumpster fire, he's a fucking landfill set ablaze. There's nothing that can rehabilitate him to a degree that he won't put Congress in the hands of Democrats come 2018.

On the other hand, the GOP is fucking persistent. Their collective legs never stop churning. No matter how bad the policy, no matter how horrible the scandal, they ignore it and press forward with one evil idiotic voice.

I have to think they're wargaming the Impeach Trump v. Don't Impeach Trump scenarios. But things keep getting worse on a daily basis. Two weeks ago, they may have decided they could keep him as long as X. And whatever that plan or line of thinking was, it's been tossed out the window.

So yeah, it comes to whether the GOP will do what they've always done, or if they'll feel forced to punt his ass out and hope to recover within the coming 16 months.

Yeah, t's really the GOP that continues to astound me here, proving on a daily basis themselves that they aren't any any more fit to lead the country than Trump. I mean, Trump is going to be who he is. I'm a Democrat (although I was in independent until I registered to vote for Bernie) and so I get it. People accuse the GOP of all kinds of things, call them names, say they're evil, and stupid, and so on and so forth. I've known I had a pretty intensely different outlook than they do on politics, but I also took the "evil" thing with a grain of salt. I tried to give some amount of charity. Yet, they are really doing their best to look like the caricatures others have of them.

Although the Democrats and their party certainly seem to be in a state of disarray, I really do think that the GOP is in even a worse state. Their ideology has gone so far right, and their base has gone so extreme and frankly, stupid, that the Republican party now finds itself in a position from which it cannot govern. The party that has made a show of wearing their patriotism on their sleeve has shown that they are anything but patriotic. The have stood by, pointedly watching as Trump has done his level best to destroy our democracy. The Republicans have been pursuing a single party rule for some time now, as evidenced buy their extensive gerrymandering and voter suppression. In many ways they are frighteningly close to that goal. They have 32 legislative state governments and hold 33 Governor seats. Now the leader of that party is an imbecile that holds no democratic values in high esteem. They have stood by and watched as an adversarial foreign power manipulated our electoral process, and continues to do so with our allies and our president. They have stood on their hands as Trump has tried to remove our checks and balances of power, and removed or ignored important ethical concerns involving corruption - a rot that can destroy any government from within.

I remember when they had a conniption shit fit because Obama bowed once on a foreign trip. They investigated Benghazi for years at huge expense, and virtually ignored Yemen, after saying every American life is precious. They voted against Obama attacking sites in Syria after chemical weapons were used, accused him of doing nothing, and then when Trump did so they overwhelmingly supported the action. Their hypocrisy is on constant and blatant display for all to see.

Even when they hold all the all the levers of power they cannot pass any legislation. They have been the party of "NO" for so long that the have allowed their policy analysis divisions to atrophy. Almost all of their bills are entirely written by their corporate sponsors and merely require their votes and signatures. This is another reason they do not read the bills set before them. Thus when they must come up with any legislation that is original, it's simply awful, and then subject to a purity test where it must pass muster with the most extreme, ideological and inane of their number. The few unwavering principles they do share are out of date, unrealistic, or have been shown to be wrong for decades. Lower taxes stimulate the economy, higher minimum wage slows down business growth, all regulation of economic activity is bad, the Christian religion should be legislated and dominate politics, hard work yields wealth.

They have sat there and watched Trump damage this country extensively, hoping and praying that they'll be able to somehow pass some kind of legislation themselves before the inevitable crash and burn.

Whether Trump is removed by this investigation, quits himself, or it comes time to vote for 2018, this party does not deserve to rule a banana republic, much less the United States of America.
So uncanny! Don't forget the equally precise and rare "wars and rumors of wars." Nobody could have predicted it.

Then why all the amazement that Trump ticks so many of those boxes?
Here's a (another) whole thread about the incredible state of affairs.
Sounds like you think it's just business as usual.
...or maybe you think it has to get even worse.
The sooner the better for the Republicans. The people may forget enough by '18.

That is the question they have to be asking themselves. They can't control him. He's a not just a dumpster fire, he's a fucking landfill set ablaze. There's nothing that can rehabilitate him to a degree that he won't put Congress in the hands of Democrats come 2018.

On the other hand, the GOP is fucking persistent. Their collective legs never stop churning. No matter how bad the policy, no matter how horrible the scandal, they ignore it and press forward with one evil idiotic voice.

I have to think they're wargaming the Impeach Trump v. Don't Impeach Trump scenarios. But things keep getting worse on a daily basis. Two weeks ago, they may have decided they could keep him as long as X. And whatever that plan or line of thinking was, it's been tossed out the window.

So yeah, it comes to whether the GOP will do what they've always done, or if they'll feel forced to punt his ass out and hope to recover within the coming 16 months.

Let's not kid ourselves here. While it doesn't take this latest story into account, the latest polling I've come across still shows a 75% approval rating of Trump among Republicans. I don't think we've seen the depths that Trump or the Republican party are willing to go yet.
So uncanny! Don't forget the equally precise and rare "wars and rumors of wars." Nobody could have predicted it.
Then why all the amazement that Trump ticks so many of those boxes?
Here's a (another) whole thread about the incredible state of affairs.
Sounds like you think it's just business as usual.
...or maybe you think it has to get even worse.

You think Trump is normal?
Trump is not normal. That's really what I hate so much about those that defend this president. They act as if this is just mere partisanship. Far from it, when your next best option is Mike Pence, and everyone knows it, partisanship makes no sense as a motivating factor to dislike Trump. It's his supporters that are waving the "this is normal, nothing to see here" flag every chance they get.

Look, the truth is, the Republicans only need the will to impeach this president. He was impeachable the moment he broke the emoluments clause. If the situation were reversed, a democrat president would NEVER have even got as far as the first hundred days, doing 1/10th of what Trump has done. The fact is, we need the Republicans to man the fuck up and take care of business right now. Especially those close to the president. What is it about this man? Where are all the resignations? Everyone that gets close to him gets caught up in this mess and themselves becomes a liar and cheat. Drain the swamp? More like mire everyone else in it's depths! Trump has stabbed everyone in that White House in the back multiple times, they sit in, by every report, a toxic environment, and the most some can seem to manage to do is LEAK like a damn sieve. For all their bravado to be both patriotic, tough and have integrity, these Republicans show a STUNNING level of moral cowardice.

If the American people were paying closer attention instead of thinking this is just another fucking reality show, they would demand impeachment, continue all these investigations, prosecute all involved to the fullest extent of the law, and trounce the Republicans so thoroughly in the next election that they would be forced to get a bigger tent, and rework their membership so that anyone on the right that has any principles, integrity and intellectual capability left would return and reform this hive of scum and villainy.
Then why all the amazement that Trump ticks so many of those boxes?
Here's a (another) whole thread about the incredible state of affairs.
Sounds like you think it's just business as usual.
...or maybe you think it has to get even worse.

You think Trump is normal?

Make up your mind.
You're the one who said this state of affairs was as predictable as wars and rumours of wars.
Make up your mind.
You're the one who said this state of affairs was as predictable as wars and rumours of wars.

Ah, you're playing the equivocation game, your favorite.

Trump is not normal, but the overall state is normal. When has there been a time when there wasn't all those descriptions present?
Watch and learn.

That this came out just when Trump went overseas feels like they are currently changing the locks on the doors of the White House.

Waiting for acting president Pence to announce an executive order banning anyone from entering the USA within four years of having been in Saudi Arabia.

i mean, if your standard is some idealizing version of of a head of political office, yeah - it makes sense.
but that seems an incredibly misplaced perspective, to act like this situation is in any way relevant to some stately ideal of what a president is or should be.

i mean sure, if a person that had any kind of airs of being "presidential" snapped and did something untoward... like if obama had ever dropped his pants in the rose garden and screamed "this is for all the JJJJEEEEEEWWWWWSSS" and took a giant steaming dump, i would be shocked and outraged by that.

but this is donald fucking trump. i just don't get how anyone can read anything he says or does and feel anything except a bemused sense of "well yeah, OF COURSE that happened"
Yeah, but he pretty admitted to committing an impeachable offense in front of a crowd. I didn't expect him to do that.

Well, I did expect him to do that. Trump is stupid,
Really, Trump himself has told us most of what we know about his feelings towards Russia, and that was long before he was running for president. Then lo and behold he decides to run, and it's not long into his campaign when asked about a foreign policy adviser, the name Carter Page is dropped onto the scene - by Trump personally. Carter the fuck Who?

Then Paul Manafort shows up, out of nowhere, fresh from palling around with Viktor Yanukovych in Ukriane. Then we have National Security guy Flynn. The Secretary of State is a literal friend of Russia, and has a medal to prove it. Then there's Roger Stone, Jeff Sessions, JD Gordon, Jared Kushner, Michael Cohen, Erik Prince, Alfa Bank, Wilbur Ross, Betsy DeVos, Felix Sater, Vitaly Churkin, Aras & Emin Agalarov...phew, that's a lot of names! Especially for what was really a tiny little campaign. That's Russian dense, baby. Just the sheer amount of names is enough to give one pause.

And as an added bonus...
article said:
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, did not dispute the account.

I hold no high standard for Trump, or even a decently low one. But this would just be... I... there are no words if it is true.

This lends credence to my earlier theory that Trump didn't really want to be president and only ran in the first place as a publicity stunt. Either his ego or his friend Vladmir Putin (or both) wouldn't let him back out of it, though, and now he's found himself in this position where he has to be in charge of the entire country; he has no idea what the fuck he's doing and he knows it's only a matter of time before his supporters see him for the fraud he is, so he's basically doing everything he can to try and get impeached.

Because him getting impeached is the only way he can save face; he can't resign, because that would be admitting he was unfit in the first place (same reason he couldn't drop out of the race). But if he gets impeached, he can blame it on the Liberals and the "deep state" (whatever the hell that is) and look like he got sacked for heroically standing up for the common man.

Because this is America: we don't fire people for incompetence. We fire people for insubordination, for disobeying their superiors, for breaking the law, for disrupting the power structure that gave them their jobs, but we don't fire people for being idiots. Trump's biggest fear is being in office long enough to be seen as incompetent and powerless, because Powerless Trump would be the ultimate destruction of his self-image. He'd rather be remembered for getting impeached than as an unsuccessful president.
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