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How can people still trust Twitler McCrazyPants?

.... it's a dangerous way of treating a segment of the population that actively wants to destroy the very concept of social government.

Maybe they should be introduced to the alternative - an authoritarian structure, like say, JAIL?
.... it's a dangerous way of treating a segment of the population that actively wants to destroy the very concept of social government.

Maybe they should be introduced to the alternative - an authoritarian structure, like say, JAIL?
the hell does that even mean? jailing political dissidents is also inherently contrary to the concept of social government, so that would be baldly stupid on its face.
The trumpsters don't care about his character. As long as he does the policies they like and putting conservatives judges in, they don't care what kind of person he is.

I think you give the typical Trumpster more credit than he deserves. They know nothing of SCOTUS except what FoXnews pounds into their tiny brains. Their admiration for Trump is purely physical. His stupidity is a virtue: it makes him more like them, unlike nerdy scientist-types they used to heckle in high school.

Obviously, a large % of his base can't do the parsing, because they are willing converts to his "Mine is the only reality" cult. They will never get it. They have willfully removed themselves from reality.
i don't want to beat a dead horse with my own pet political theory, but this is more of the same "it's not their fault, they've been duped, it's all a veil, this is an elaborate ruse" mentality in the OP that is staggeringly wrong.
IMO it's folks who espouse views like the one quoted above who truly "don't get it" - you need to justify their behavior by saying they've removed themselves from reality, when the fact is that if you just look at 'trumpism' on its face, that is what they value and what they aspire to and idolize.

To blame many millions of Americans for evil or stupidity misses the point. Humanity is no more evil or stupid now than it ever was. Ignorant or greedy people have been pulling in wrong directions for thousands of years.

Normally these individual pulls based on self-interest or ignorance balance out; and democracy muddles on. This fails when the people unite behind a demagogue, if the demagogue has support from powerful vested business interests as Hitler did in the early 1930s. With Internet and Cable TV amplifying lies in a way Hitler would envy, the GOP could usurp democracy with only the "charisma" of this short-fingered vulgarian.

I blame the GOP establishment which encouraged this calamity and the "good Republicans" like Romney, who should be on TV telling people to vote for Biden.
To blame many millions of Americans for evil or stupidity misses the point. Humanity is no more evil or stupid now than it ever was. Ignorant or greedy people have been pulling in wrong directions for thousands of years.
i'm not saying anyone is evil or stupid, simply that what trump is and what he represents philosophically is the end-game of the conservative ideology, this what conservatism has as its end goal for society.
if you happen to think that's evil or stupid that is an opinion you're entitled to, but my point is that trying to shame them into changing their mind by holding up their idealized version of a human being is a pointless endeavor.

Normally these individual pulls based on self-interest or ignorance balance out; and democracy muddles on. This fails when the people unite behind a demagogue, if the demagogue has support from powerful vested business interests as Hitler did in the early 1930s. With Internet and Cable TV amplifying lies in a way Hitler would envy, the GOP could usurp democracy with only the "charisma" of this short-fingered vulgarian.

I blame the GOP establishment which encouraged this calamity and the "good Republicans" like Romney, who should be on TV telling people to vote for Biden.
i view this as again trying to pass the buck, blaming "demagogues" or "the GOP" or the internet.
a demagogue is just someone that personifies the values of the people that follow him, the political establishments and media conglomerates do nothing more than feed the people what they're demanding to be fed.
there is a not-insignificant portion of the population that wants this to be happening because this is what they value, it's not a lie being told or a trick being played on them where they think something else is happening, this right here is what they want.

i'm not here to make an argument about those values (though i certainly have my own views on that subject) - i'm just saying that pretending like these are rubes who got conned is a dangerously naive way of looking at the political landscape.
GOP Sen. Sasse unleashes scathing attack on Trump, 'TV-obsessed' narcissist

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., launched a blistering attack on President Donald Trump and his leadership this week while speaking to constituents, warning that there would be a "Republican bloodbath" in the Senate if Trump loses the White House.

During a telephone town hall, a constituent asked Sasse about his relationship with the president and why he has to criticize him so much, according to an audio clip that was first obtained by The Washington Examiner and has been posted on YouTube.

"I'm not at all apologetic for having fought for my values against his in places where I think his are deficient, not just for a Republican but for an American," said Sasse, who then began ticking off a number of things he dislikes about the president. "The way he kisses dictators' butts. I mean, the way he ignores that the Uighurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang right now. He hasn't lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong Kongers."

"The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership, the way he treats women, spends like a drunken sailor," Sasse continued, adding that Trump "mocks evangelicals behind closed doors...has treated the presidency like a business opportunity" and has "flirted with white supremacists."

A little late there, Benny.
Whoops, hold on...someone else wants to join the party, fashionably late:

(CNN)Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known.

"The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," the retired Marine general has told friends, CNN has learned.
Whoops, hold on...someone else wants to join the party, fashionably late:

(CNN)Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known.

"The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," the retired Marine general has told friends, CNN has learned.

What makes that interesting is the other terrible people Kelly didn't give up on and remained loyal to....because Trump is way worse. Here's an example, Colonel Tomko the child abuser, possibly sex abuser:

So, here is a graph of flawed individuals Kelly knows.

Rob Porter (sexually harassed military women, beat his wives)
Colonel Tomko (indecent liberties with children)
Somewhere down here is Trump.
So Bonespurs took Fauci's comment way way way out of context and used it in a campaign ad.

So the Biden campaign trolls trump with the same tactic.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump is running TV ads taking Dr. Fauci out of context and without his permission.<br><br>So, here’s a message from the President in his own words. <a href="https://t.co/WCYbIfrQLR">pic.twitter.com/WCYbIfrQLR</a></p>— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1315768958742491136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Ooh I liked that ad. Hopefully, in short order, a matter of weeks, we won't have to hear about Don Junior again. He'll be like Chip Carter, at a sub-Jeopardy level of relevance.
(Reality: knowing Trump, if he loses, there will still be mass events, his heroin, and Li'l Don will be onstage with him. But you won't have to hear the insanity unless you tune into Fox.)
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