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How long is/was the Meuller probe expected to take?


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
When I first heard of this probe and investigation into Trump and Russia, I was expecting maybe it would take a few months, maybe as many as six. But it is still going.

What is the realistic expectation here? Will this be done in the next few months? Before Trump runs for re-election in 2020? Before Trump finishes his 2nd term? Before Trump dies of old age? Never at all? Has there ever been an expected timeline put out by Meuller?
It's not uncommon for white collar investigations to take years. Especially complex ones like this which continuously come across new crimes as the investigation proceeds. I believe he asked for and got a six month extension recently and it would be tough for him to get another one, so it'll probably be done this summer.
Starr had, what, four years to look into Whitewater and he ended up finding....a blowjob.

We've already seen more hides nailed to the barn wall for the two years Mueller's been working, and we still don't know how many blowjobs he may have found.
So it is likely that this will find something prior to the election in 2020, or at least prior to the end of a Trump second term? Because otherwise, its interesting and all, but impeachment is irrelevant it isn't going to save your country.
As a side note, Starr's investigation ran between August 1994 and September 1998. The tax evasion and violations found in that investigation were magnitudes lower than in Mueller's investigation.
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...

That's a not a question. Self preservation is always the priority for that pack of rats.
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...

I didn't expect him to last this long. But he has. Now I think he'll manage to keep his head until he's either voted out in 2020 general election, or finishes his 2nd term in office.
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...
I think Mueller needs to hurry before Trump does something else that requires a newer investigation to start!
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...
I think Mueller needs to hurry before Trump does something else that requires a newer investigation to start!

Maybe that's why it takes so long. They have to keep starting over every time Trump does something.
If the investigation goes on that long, Trump is going to go absolutely spare, and probably try something that'll get him impeached independent of the investigation.

Especially when the GOP has to decide whether to cut him loose or go down in flames with him...
I think Mueller needs to hurry before Trump does something else that requires a newer investigation to start!

Maybe that's why it takes so long. They have to keep starting over every time Trump does something.

The perception of time is relative. This investigation has not gone on a long time in any normal sense of what is involved in such a high level thing. If this gets wrapped up by the summer then my response will be, "Already?" rather than "finally!"
I think we all know where the perception of "long time" came from... it is a Trump strategy of laying the foundation for public perception in his favor... because impeachment is a political action, not a legal one. I believe the phrase the media is using to refer to that strategy is, "foaming the runway".. as in, they know they are going to crash and burn, so they get out ahead of it to try and minimize the impact.
For example, when Giuliani spews nonsense and appears to conflict with existing narratives, the "foam" is getting people fatigued with "intrigue", such that when the ball finally drops, people will be all "more of the same".
I don't think fatigue will be much of a problem.

When Buzzfeed seemingly jumped the gun last week, the reaction to a concrete allegation was immediate and Yuge.

If Mueller's conclusions show that Trump committed various crimes, it's not going to be "meh," it's going to be cataclysmic for Trump. There's also the matter of who else is going to be implicated. Trump's actions obviously haven't occurred in a vacuum. And when he gets fingered, he's going to start dragging everyone he can think of along with him. He's going to blame his lawyers, his staff, and yes, Republican politicians as well. He's the type who would block the only exit from a burning building if he didn't think he could get out alive.

Will the Senate convict? The Democrats will vote unanimously but they need ~20 Republicans to go along with them. It would be tough, but not impossible, especially if the stink of Trump's criminal activity is on a number of GOP senators (and it will be).

Anyway, the report's conclusions will be issued well before Trump has a chance to run again. That much seems pretty certain.
For example, when Giuliani spews nonsense and appears to conflict with existing narratives, the "foam" is getting people fatigued with "intrigue", such that when the ball finally drops, people will be all "more of the same".

I like how Kevin Drum put it:

But it’s obvious what Giuliani has been doing ever since he started representing Trump last year: tossing out chaff so vigorously that nobody can tell from day to day what the current story is supposed to be. The point of this—and this is the important part—is not just to confuse everyone. It’s to make Giuliani the bearer of bad news so that eventually, when Trump is forced to admit something damaging, it’s “old news” that he’s been “saying all along.”
Until he's out of power. The supply of things to investigate is basically infinite as His Flatulence keeps doing wrong. Thus it will continue until there's no reason for it anymore.
I think Mueller keeps telling himself after every indictment, "They will finally impeach the fucker over this, and then I can wrap this shit up." But the Republicans in Congress are so complicit that they will never impeach, so it will just keep on going until we vote him out of office, or he declares himself King , I mean Emperor... no, it will be Galactic Overlord, at which point he will have Mueller up on charges for not groveling before His Flatulence.
Until he's out of power.
No, no, this is a specific investigation into Trump's campaign for shenanigans...
Of course, just about all he's done in office is to continue to campaign for 2020... and he has tied his own businesses and properies to that campaign... and abused his power in the office to promote and protect that campaign... and his business practices of the last 50 years flow seamlessly into his last and current campaigns, just now bringing his underhandedness into Federal scrutiny... i don't think his being stripped of power will come anywhere close to curtailing the investigations.
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