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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Just tell them that you are ready to talk (- the NATO advisors) and they will stop.
No, that's no longer an option.
You must just laugh your ass off at all the people who think that Russia wants a peace in Ukraine! I'm sure you agree that it's not coming. So the west needs to tighten more sanctions; dramatically increase arms; further secure the Nato borders; and get ready for more war.
and de-arm completely that Russia will respect their future borders and never invade again
Russia had respected Ukro-borders for 25 years until they decided to go full nazi and ban russians.
You agree then that Russia won’t honor a future peace agreement with an unarmed Ukraine correct?
Russia had been honoring peace agreement with unarmed Ukraine just fine until you came along and told them to start killing russians. So Russia always honors agreements, unlike Dying Hegemon.
Virtually all former USSR republics unarmed, some don't have border with NATO. And they are all fine, Russia does not invade and subjugate any of them, why?
Because for the most part you have settled for slow subversion. Putin is ok with having a puppet in charge--Ukraine blew up when the people got tired of the puppet and ran him out of town.
and de-arm completely that Russia will respect their future borders and never invade again
Russia had respected Ukro-borders for 25 years until they decided to go full nazi and ban russians.
You agree then that Russia won’t honor a future peace agreement with an unarmed Ukraine correct?
Russia had been honoring peace agreement with unarmed Ukraine just fine until you came along and told them to start killing russians. So Russia always honors agreements, unlike Dying Hegemon.
Virtually all former USSR republics unarmed, some don't have border with NATO. And they are all fine, Russia does not invade and subjugate any of them, why?
Because for the most part you have settled for slow subversion. Putin is ok with having a puppet in charge--Ukraine blew up when the people got tired of the puppet and ran him out of town.
You can explain everything, wow!
A big problem with hating USA is that, as far as super powers go, USA is extremely benign. There is no other example in human history of a super power not exploiting it to the max (at everyone else's expense). The world's most successful super power, Great Britain, was an absolute catastrophe for everyone, including Great Brittain itself. As I am sure you.... an Indian... are aware of.

The world is always going to have one country that is the most powerful. If I had to pick one, I'd go with USA, every day of the week. Yes, they've done a lot of questionable things. But not as much as the rest.
Exactly. We are somewhat evil, but nowhere near as evil as any other major power. The Felon would like to change that, though.
But why? NATO is a defensive pact.
Tell that to Yugoslavians, Libyans and Iraqi.
NATO is a terrorist organization bent on world domination.
Yugoslavia: Try not committing genocide next door.

Libya: You're forgetting Pan-Am 103. A Libyan attack on a NATO power.

Iraq: NATO didn't go in. Some NATO countries participated.
Just tell them that you are ready to talk (- the NATO advisors) and they will stop.
No, that's no longer an option.
You must just laugh your ass off at all the people who think that Russia wants a peace in Ukraine! I'm sure you agree that it's not coming. So the west needs to tighten more sanctions; dramatically increase arms; further secure the Nato borders; and get ready for more war.
I want total complete subjugation of Ukraine. As for the west they can go and fuck themselves, no gas for them!
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
You realize you're downwind?
Do you have any idea how to pull it off? Please do tell.
How can I advise 'gurus'? They have done it many a times. No one better to do that except Mosad.
Russia has already said that they would use a cease fire to gobble up the rest of Ukraine.
Who said it and when? Barbos?
You realize you're downwind?
In what way? Yeah, simultaneous attack from East and West will be a problem with two nuclear powers, one stronger than us - but they cannot count us out.
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Of course there are problems with electricity. The assholes you back have been bombing power stations.
Well, it is a war and not a date.
Bombing purely civilian things is a war crime.

Taking out the power that runs something military is permitted. Taking out power that doesn't is not.
Russia invaded Ukraine because their economy is shit and having 40% of the world’s grain supply would help fix that.

Russia also invaded Ukraine because they thought it would be quick and easy.

I suspect they no longer think that; But it's too late now, they've painted themselves into a corner.
Yup, Russia is the bully that doesn't dare let his target win because then everyone would turn on him.

Anything other than a major ass-whipping for Ukraine means Russia loses a bunch more republics.
Russia invaded Ukraine because their economy is shit and having 40% of the world’s grain supply would help fix that.

Russia also invaded Ukraine because they thought it would be quick and easy.

I suspect they no longer think that; But it's too late now, they've painted themselves into a corner.
Yes, that was the plan. But It is you who is in the corner now. You can't win in Ukraine without starting WW3.
Bombing purely civilian things is a war crime.
Taking out the power that runs something military is permitted. Taking out power that doesn't is not.
Geneva Convention? Discuss that after the war is over.
You can't win in Ukraine without starting WW3.
NATO will not want Ukraine to win. That will end the war. They want it to continue (indefinitely).
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