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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not in Nato.
They want to be in NATO, but NATO does not agree. NATO wants Ukraine to fight Russia as its stooge. That is how much they care about Ukraine.
They (ukrainian people?) "want" to be in NATO maybe now, we are not sure. But we know that they ("ukrainian people") did not support NATO membership before 2022, according to polls. So Regime in Washington employed their usual backdoor strategy - bribing the puppets they installed in Kiev. Same thing happened in a number of EU countries, most famously in Montenegro. And recently in Finland.
From the military aspect, I still find it shocking just how inept the Russian military is, but that probably goes back to learning about Seven Days to the Rhine and works of fiction depicting a Soviet invasion of western Europe.

I'd expected an overwhelming combined arms assault that would overwhelm Ukraine in days. Instead we got a bunch of discombobulated and poorly coordinated maneuvers that were beaten back and then locked into a stalemate. If Putin had anything to lose (which he doesn't) he'd call a propaganda conference, say that everything they'd set out to achieve had been accomplished, and then order his troops home.

Were it not for nukes, nobody would take Russia seriously.
You and your ignorant garbage again?
You fucking lost in Afghanistan, and nobody helped Afghanistan.
You are losing in Yemen.
You have not fought a real army since Vietnam (you lost that one by the way)
Russian "invasion" force of 2022 was around 40K soldiers and Ukraine had a shitty but real and well equipped army of a half a million. And Russian force of 40K did accomplish what they were told to do. Ukrainian regime agreed to pretty much surrender but then US/UK ordered Elensky to fight promising him everything including retirement in Florida in case everything was not enough. Russian plan was to show that we meant business with relatively small force and they did.
Incompetent are the NATO idiots who train ukro-idiots. Ukro-idiots say that themselves. Yes they say that.
The training they receive is useless. It's not applicable to the kind of war they have.
My apologies. I just couldn't resist pointing out how feeble Russia's army is. It really is stunning just how poorly trained and equipped they are. I'd honestly expected more, but it turns out they're a third world shitbox excuse for a fighting force. I mean jeez, 1980s versions of the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle are fighting Russia's most modern tanks to a stalemate. How embarrassing that must be for the Russians.

Barbos, making up stuff just to cover your wounded pride is understandable. I'd be defensive too if my country's army was getting its ass handed to it like a $4 whore at a biker bar on free meth night.

Just know that I'm here for you, buddy.
What a country!
Ukrainian mobilization "services" (gestapo for short) called Emergency to their own office, when they arrived, expecting medical emergency, they were "mobilized" (kidnapped into Ukro Army). Eventually number of emergency vehicles arrived for the help and gestapo lost that battle.
Government vehicles are being burned regularly, and some started to post "We are not mobilization services" stickers to them but it does not help much. Gestapo has been very inventive so people don't trust that crap anymore.

Barbos, making up stuff just to cover your wounded pride is understandable. I'd be defensive too if my country's army was getting its ass handed to it like a $4 whore at a biker bar on free meth night.
Ease up on MSM liars. I am mostly proud of my Army which is fighting NATO terrorists.
Great Bouncing Cthulhu! Russia is getting desperate.

Russia's military is starting to tap into another source of manpower — female convicts.
A group of female convicts were released from a prison near St. Petersburg last month to fight in Ukraine, The New York Times reported on Monday, citing two former inmates it had spoken to.
According to The Times, roughly 10% of the prison's 400 inmates signed on with the military last year.

LOL, got into ukro-russia fights on english language youtube channel of all places.
The guy was explaining names of all European countries. So I've watched it and noticed that Russia, Belarus and Ukraine were missing. Looked into comments and it turned out that original video had these countries. But ukrainian nazi trolls did not like the explanation and started comments war so the author edited the video removing it. Comments war continued on and I noticed that comments are being actively deleted.

Anyway, the name "Ukraine" is a source of constant butthurt for ukro-nazi. Russians are constantly referring to etymological source of that name which is "borderland" or "outskirts", which is most likely correct. Ukro-patriots are coming out with all sorts of convoluted theories which "refute" that. In reality it was the poles who named Ukraine "Ukraine" meaning "borderland" in slavic languages. Poles conquered part of Russia or Kievan Rus and unsurprisingly named this new land "borderland" and it was very descriptive becasue for them it was indeed a borderland.

Similar designation is pretty common in slavic countries and over the centuries it came to mean simply "land" or "state" or "district". There are a number of "Kraines" in Russia but they really mean "district", however they do tend to be on borders.
Anyway, this is a constant cause of butthurt for ukro-nazi. Problem is, their previous name is ...... "Rus" :D So it does not help them at all.
If they were not nazis they would simply admitted that they are basically russians with a language which is half-polish but want to separate from Russia. I would understand that, but they are nazis and need great nazi history completely devoid of russian anything. What ukro-nazi "linguists" are doing is an insult to any normal person with basic understanding of russian and other slavic languages.
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Great Bouncing Cthulhu! Russia is getting desperate.

Russia's military is starting to tap into another source of manpower — female convicts.
A group of female convicts were released from a prison near St. Petersburg last month to fight in Ukraine, The New York Times reported on Monday, citing two former inmates it had spoken to.
According to The Times, roughly 10% of the prison's 400 inmates signed on with the military last year.

First of all, that's probably a lie. Second of all Kiev Regime has done that (worse than that) already.

Assuming this report is half-correct, this is most likely the case of some female convicts demanding the same option as male ones. It is well known that Russian Army does not have a recruitment problem. Numbers which are reported are about 1000 males are being signed per day. These are normal civilians, not convicts. Convict soldiers have turned out to be problematic and the practice has been scaled down significantly.

OK, I skimmed through, that's a lie. It has a single unnamed convict as a source. Number of women signed 400. That's a half a day of recruitment of men. Women can not be used in the front line, they are simply not fit for that.

for $2000/month you can get a milllion men line if it does not involve actual combat and chances of real death.

The article is an utter lie.
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What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit.

Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would he stop now?
What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit.

Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would he stop now?
Why did not you do that earlier?
Azov are nazis, and you know that. Otherwise you would have defended them the first time I mentioned it.
instead you all had been carefully avoiding this issue and woke up only when US decided to stop calling nazis a nazi.
They ARE nazis.
Yes, and any time you ignore my news repost you essentially admit that you have nothing against facts I just posted.
These are the facts. When I post a video of ukro-gestapo calling emergency and then kidnaping these people you have nothing to respond. Meanwhile in Odessa they said they are not going to respond to emergencies from Gestapo, imagine that. One part of the government is openly says "Go and fuck yourself, we are not coming to help you if you are dying"
Soon they will simply refuse to go to any military related part of the government.

That, and people simply quitting their jobs (critically important ones) unless they are protected from gestapo kidnapping.
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What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit.

Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would he stop now?
Why did not you do that earlier?
Azov are nazis, and you know that. Otherwise you would have defended them the first time I mentioned it.
instead you all had been carefully avoiding this issue and woke up only when US decided to stop calling nazis a nazi.
They ARE nazis.
Azov started as a volunteer militia with some right wing extremist leaders. The government took over and kicked out the extremist leaders. This investigation shows they never committed the atrocities Putin's trolls accused them of and that they have no connections to right wing extremists.

So no. They aren't nazis. If you are looking for authoritarian extremists, go look in the mirror.

Yes, and any time you ignore my news repost you essentially admit that you have nothing against facts I just posted.
What news? You post shitty out of context clips from telegram or recount some bullshit you read in the comments sections.
These are the facts. When I post a video of ukro-gestapo calling emergency and then kidnaping these people you have nothing to respond. Meanwhile in Odessa they said they are not going to respond to emergencies from Gestapo, imagine that. One part of the government is openly says "Go and fuck yourself, we are not coming to help you if you are dying"
Soon they will simply refuse to go to any military related part of the government.

That, and people simply quitting their jobs (critically important ones) unless they are protected from gestapo kidnapping.
You are just exhibiting your ignorance here.
Did you know that forced military conscription dates back to fucking antiquity? Really? You didn't know? That this thing you think is new and amusing is something so fucking common that it has been used since the dawn of human history? Even in places like.... (gasp) Russia???!!!!

Nobody cares about a story of... how many?... maybe 3 draft dodgers? Who cares? And you are surprised that a government sent someone to track them down? What is wrong with you? The reason nobody writes back to stories like this is because nobody fucking cares because it isn't actually surprising or interesting. Ukraine is at war for her survival against disgusting and belligerent aggressor who will rape her women and kidnap her children if she looses. This is exactly the sort of situation where we would expect a country to use forced conscription and also take the time to track down the draft dodgers. They will fight or they will work in prison. It's not good or fair but it is necessary. A necessity forced on them by the ugly Russian scum who choose voluntarily to rape and murder their way through an undeserving foreign civilian population.

And you are too ignorant of the real world to even know that conscription is a thing? And you demand that we stop our day and explain to you about these simple facts of human history because you are too ignorant to even understand the depth of your ignorance. Well, I have felt pity on you today and you get to learn something new. Conscription is a thing that countries do when they need manpower to fight a war.

Now go read a real book and take a break from drinking poisoned milk from the udders of Putin's propaganda machine.
You are just exhibiting your ignorance here.
Did you know that forced military conscription dates back to fucking antiquity? Really?
Reading comprehension problems? This is not about forced conscription itself. it's about how it's done in your Ukraine.
And how it's reported and rather not reported in your Media.
Your lying criminal media cunts were happy to report attacks on conscription offices in Russia, failing to mention that attackers were almost universally victims of phone scams, that is elderly women with dementia.
So don't be surprised when it all collapses and people start murdering gestapo gang members one by one.
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Nobody cares about a story of... how many?... maybe 3 draft dodgers? Who cares?
Ukraine reports daily number of illegal border crossing of 1000 people. Many people die on mines and drowns in rivers.
Ukraine has ran out of willing or even reluctant conscripts. Virtually all new recruits are failed dodgers.
Even in places like.... (gasp) Russia???!!!!
There was no forced conscription in Russia this time. Not like in Ukraine.
First, people who never served are not sent to Ukraine.
Second, people who served and were mobilized were free to leave the country if they did not want to to be mobilized. Borders are open. And mobilization is over. Russia has enough willing men, Ukraine ran out of them long time ago.
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